Prismpitch (+Prism) (Non-Passable)
- These rules can be overridden by some modifiers, see below.
- The base coat should use only the bottom slider, while markings should use the top three (C/Y/M) sliders.
- All slider colors should be present if possible (for example, if fewer than three markings are present, or if a modifier overrides this color rule, ignore this).
- Small drips can be added to the lineart to imply a mildly inky body texture. These can have a shine, but should not completely overtake the entire body or result in shading over a large portion of the body.
- Prismpitch does not have to affect skin tone.
- Prismpitch has no effect on eye color.
- Prismpitch should combine with or override color mutations (see below), but physical mutations with their own color (eg Incense, Gills, Fogshard, all blood color mutations, etc) can override Prismpitch.
- Prismpitch can affect Skypunch, or Skypunch can display over it.
- Dominant Gradient and Horizon both allow a gradient of the grey slider to be used on a marking, and Splash allows the grey slider to gradient into a marking.
- Glitter can change any marking to any one solid color off the greyscale swatch.
- Mirror allows one marking (multiple if dominant) to use the opposite side of the base coat slider instead of a CYM slider. If your base coat is medium grey, this does nothing.
- All other color modifiers work identically to their original use, but require use of the CYMK swatches (any of the swatches).
Partial Translucence (+ParTluc) (Combination)
Bicolor appears as usual, except that the white fur is over translucent skin. Translucent mutation appears only over bicolor mutation.
Funerary Rixixi have Partial Translucence by default. This should always be visible unless replaced by Translucence or Ghost. It can be edited - moved, increased, reduced, etc - as long as it still covers 30-80% of the body.
Much like Bicolor, Partial Translucence appears in patches that cover parts of the Rixixi, but instead of white patches, the skin and fur are translucent. Markings can show on top of the translucent patches, as long as the patches are still clearly translucent.
Unlike Bicolor, Partial Translucence can cover a bit less of the body if desired - anywhere between 30%-80% of the Ixi's body should be covered by Partial Translucence.
Partial Translucence patches have about the same rules as Translucent itself, but localized to the patches:
- The Ixi should have translucent skin, with their internal structure visible in some way - musculature, bones, blood color tinting the translucent patches, etc.
- While internal organs can show in Partial Translucence please don't make them extremely graphic and gory - something one might find in an anatomical model is fine! Something extremely veiny or necrotic is best saved for your own art. We'd rather not use the mature filter on the masterlist if we can help it.
- Unless altered by a mutation, flesh/organ colors should be within reasonable flesh/organ colors, and bones should be believable as a bone color (discoloration is absolutely allowed, paint would have to be applied via cosmetics, etc. - I'm not going to ask how you got paint inside your body, I'm assuming surgery.)
Corona 0077's translucence and chimera layers, to show an example of how Partial Translucence works:
Corona's translucence is a 50% opacity white layer that's vaguely cloudy and blended in parts. This is overtop the bone layer (bone layer is 82% opacity), which in turn is over a 100% opacity layer of their red blood color that blends out to translucent at the edge. All of this is over a base coat layer.
Optional design packs for adding a skeleton:
Translucent Design Pack #1 (Standard)
Translucent Design Pack #2 (Primal)
Translucent Design Pack #3 (Domestic)
Translucent Design Pack #5 (Dwarf Primal)
Translucent Design Pack #4 (Dragon Body Standard)
Translucent Design Pack #4.2 (Dragon Body Primal)
Translucent Design Pack #4.3 (Dragon Body Domestic)
Partial Translucence is a combination mutation:
Partial Translucence has a 20% chance of passing when both Bicolor and Fogshard (or Partial Translucence itself) are present in the breeding. Combination Mutations do not automatically pass if both mutations that make it up make it onto a Rixixi.
It can also be passed naturally at a common or uncommon rate by Domestics.
It can also be passed naturally at its usual rate by Funeraries.
If a Mutation Station is used, Bicolor or Fogshard can present visibly on the design without being present in the geno - one Mutation Station is required per mutation.
Wings (+Wing) (Combination)
Large, bat-like wings. Can allow flight if the Ixi is strong enough.
- Wings are considered an extra appendage and markings in-range can spread to them. Markings that cover points can treat wings as if they were another limb.
Wings with webbing have specific rules:
- The webbing itself is considered a skin zone, and can be any color lighter or darker than the base coat, can be any marking color on the Rixixi, can be any natural skin tone color, or can be any color on the base coat swatch.
- The opacity of the webbing can be freely altered as long as it is still clearly visible.
- Markings can still spread to the webbing, but need to be present on the body somewhere - they cannot only appear on the skin unless the marking specifically says otherwise (eg. Flourish).

Light blue: Markings must appear somewhere here.
Medium blue: Markings can appear somewhere here, as long as they also appear in the light blue zone.
Combining Wing Types
If you have multiple wing types on a geno, you're allowed to have a pair of both of them display without having Archangel present.Wings has a 20% chance of passing when two instances of Vestigial Wings (or Wings itself) are present in the breeding. Combination Mutations do not automatically pass if both mutations that make it up make it onto a Rixixi.
If a Mutation Station is used, Vestigial Wings can present visibly on the design without being present in the geno.
Feathered Wings (+FtWing) (Combination)
Large, feathered wings on the back. Can allow flight if the Ixi is strong enough.
- Wings are considered an extra appendage and markings in-range can spread to them. Markings that cover points can treat wings as if they were another limb.
Combining Wing Types
If you have multiple wing types on a geno, you're allowed to have a pair of both of them display without having Archangel present.Feathered Wings has a 20% chance of passing when both Wing Arms and Vestigial Wings (or Feathered Wings itself) are present in the breeding. Combination Mutations do not automatically pass if both mutations that make it up make it onto a Rixixi.
If a Mutation Station is used, Wing Arms or Vestigial Wings can present visibly on the design without being present in the geno - one Mutation Station is required per mutation.
Ghost (+Ghost) (Non-Passable)
As of Phoenix Update 10, Ghosts are breedable to non-Ghosts! Ghost (+Ghost) has a common pass rate - it's difficult for ghosts to create the living!
While Ghost is passable at a common rate, its main method of being obtained is considered the Eternal Life Gem, and so it's listed under Non-Passable mutations. It cannot be added with geno-editing items other than the Eternal Life Gem, and cannot be removed from a Rixixi.
- Must cause the Rixixi to be translucent - literally translucent, lower the opacity of the base!
- Markings and mutations appear as usual, with the exception of Dullahan (see below: Examples), Translucent/Partial Translucence (see below: "Ghost can optionally do the following"), and Color Muts (can optionally override any of them)
- If any markings or mutations that use blood color are present, use any color (base, marking, mutation) present on the Ixi. Their blood is ectoplasm.
- A ghost can have a base coat of any color!
- Bones (as seen in Translucent/Partial Translucence) can be used freely!
- Since this makes Translucent/Partial Translucence something that doesn't really have its own appearance on Ghosts, it can be a carrier (just appear in the geno/pheno whether or not the bones are visible), or the Ghost can display Fogshard and/or Albinism (Translucent)/Fogshard and/or Bicolor (Partial Translucence). This would usually require a Mutation Station, but it's free for these two mutations for Ghosts.
Misplaced Maws (+MawPl) (Non-Passable)
Pretty sure teeth don't go there.
Misplaced Maws is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding.
The Misplaced Maws mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with the Fridge Werewolf skill!
- Should match the color of the Rixixi's existing teeth.
- Gums can be any color lighter or darker than the base coat, can be any marking color on the Rixixi, can be any natural skin tone color, or can be any color on the base coat swatch.
- Edits can be freely made to move teeth out of the way of other mutations, but heavy custom work does require a Mutation Station.
Misplaced Maws has its own base:
Misplaced Maws Standard
Misplaced Maws Primal
Misplaced Maws Domestic
Magmatic (+Mag) (Non-Passable)
Fire elemental mutation. Causes bioluminescent markings, usually at extremities such as tail, limbs, snout, spines, ears, and such. Fire and/or magma can be shown on the Rixixi. Markings are almost always a fiery orange-yellow with red-browns where it nears the body, and are warm to the touch.
Magmatic is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding.
The Magmatic mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with Raging Radiation and the Fire element!
- Bioluminescent marking can appear on the Rixixi, often (but not required to be) at the extremities. Should be warm colors: oranges, reds, yellows. Can fade into browns at the edge of the marking, but must be bright at the tip/center of each magmatic marking.
- Fire and magma can optionally be shown on or around the Rixixi. Fire and magma is not limited to oranges/reds/yellows but instead to any color fire/magma can actually be, including things like chemical-based fires.
- Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc. Can optionally alter the color of markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color, such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on.
- Can present with a glow to the magmatic marking(s).
- The markings can have any edge texture/hardness.
- Magmatic markings and fire/magma should not cover more than roughly 50% of the Ixi.
As with any elemental mutation, you are allowed to use the associated background with Magmatic:
Use of the background is fully optional!
Frostbitten (+Frs) (Non-Passable)
Ice elemental mutation. Causes parts of the body to physically freeze over into scaly armor, typically over the back of the Rixixi but sometimes also covering extremities. Presents visually as a translucent scaly sheet of actual ice over the affected parts, retaining some of the original body color due to the fur and skin of the ixi showing through the ice.
Frostbitten is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding.
The Frostbitten mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with Raging Radiation and the Ice element!
- Coloration can vary, but should always be pale and translucent.
- Does not have to solely cover the back and/or extremities, these are just the most common.
- Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc. Can optionally alter the color of markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color, such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on.
- Frostbitten should not cover more than roughly 50% of the Ixi.
As with any elemental mutation, you are allowed to use the associated background with Frostbite:
Use of the background is fully optional!
Aquatic (+Aqu) (Non-Passable)
Water elemental mutation. Water flows in drapes down the body, starting at any point and cascading down.
Aquatic is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding.
The Aquatic mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with Raging Radiation and the Water element!
- Should look like water cascading down the Ixi.
- Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc. Can optionally alter the color of markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color, such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on.
- Aquatic should not cover more than roughly 50% of the Ixi.
- Hopefully this doesn't need to be said, but please do not make Aquatic look like bodily fluids such as urine or feces, in color and position. No pee elementals allowed on the imports.
As with any elemental mutation, you are allowed to use the associated background with Aquatic:
Use of the background is fully optional!
Airborne (+Air) (Non-Passable)
Air elemental mutation. Creates a pattern of clouds scattered across the Ixi.
Airborne is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding.
The Airborne mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with Raging Radiation and the Air element!
- Should appear as some form of cloud pattern. Airborne is not color-restricted.
- Can optionally create clouds hovering around the Rixixi.
- Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc. Can optionally alter the color of markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color, such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on.
- Airborne markings and hovering clouds combined should not cover more than roughly 50% of the Ixi.
As with any elemental mutation, you are allowed to use the associated background with Airborne:
Use of the background is fully optional!
Vital (+Vit) (Non-Passable)
Life elemental mutation. Causes a slight lightening of the entire body, as if light is constantly shining on the ixi. Plant life can sometimes be seen wrapped around the ixi or growing from the ixi's paws.
Vital is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding.
The Vital mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with Raging Radiation and the Life element!
Can cause a LIGHT effect AND/OR cause PLANT LIFE to appear on the Rixixi!
- Light effect is not color-restricted. Lens flare effect not mandatory but very much allowed.
- Plant life can be any plant, including fictional fantasy plants/generic-looking plants. If choosing a fictional plant, please make certain that it looks feasible as a real plant to some extent: Fancy, glowing flowers are fine! Leaves that inexplicably turn into cow legs are not really workable unless you can find a reference of something like that.
- Fungi are also allowed, but should be accompanied by plant life, not just used in place of it.
- Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc. Can optionally alter the color of markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color, such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on, making them a pale, light-like color.
- Plant life should not cover more than roughly 50% of the Ixi. Light effect can cover 30-80% of the Rixixi on average, give or take!
As with any elemental mutation, you are allowed to use the associated background with Vital:
Use of the background is fully optional!
Toxic (+Tox) (Non-Passable)
Poison elemental mutation. Skin, spines, and frills all turn bright neon colors, and toxic spines or venom sprout from the rixixi's skin, often collecting more around the tail or hands.
Toxic is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding.
The Toxic mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with Raging Radiation and the Poison element!
- Toxic should primarily be saturated and/or neon. The mutation creates venom dripping down the Ixi and/or venomous barbs somewhere on their body.
- Unlike other elemental mutations, Toxic must change the color somewhere on skin, frills, etc. Can optionally alter the color of markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color, such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on. Skin and blood-colored markings/mutations altered by Toxic can be multiple colors, these do not have to correspond to any colors already on the Ixi.
- Spines and venom created by Toxic should not cover more than roughly 50% of the Rixixi.
As with any elemental mutation, you are allowed to use the associated background with Toxic:
Use of the background is fully optional!
Grounded (+Gru) (Non-Passable)
Land elemental mutation. Stones, gems, dust, dirt, mud, and so on decorate the Rixixi's pelt.
Grounded is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding.
The Grounded mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with Raging Radiation and the Land element!
Grounded is causing the appearance of stones, mud, and crystals on the Rock Collector's shoulder, as well as the crystal in their hair.
- Any form of stone, earth, mud, gems, or similar can be used in the presentation of the elemental mutation. If using gems, please do not make them bioluminescent so as to not make them appear too similarly to Fogshard.
- Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc to change them to earthtones. Can optionally alter the color of markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color, such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on. Cannot be used to change blood color to that of any gems used, but can affect flesh/nails/frill color as such.
- Grounded should not cover more than roughly 50% of the Ixi.
As with any elemental mutation, you are allowed to use the associated background with Grounded:
Use of the background is fully optional!
Veiled (+Veil) (Non-Passable)
Void elemental mutation. Can cause dark auras, assorted darkness effects, and space effects to hover around the Rixixi.
Veiled is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding.
The Veiled mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with Raging Radiation and the Void element!
Can cause DARKNESS AND/OR SPACE effects to appear around and on the Rixixi!
- Veiled should be dark in color, but is not otherwise restricted in color. It can have light accents!
- Space effects, if on the Rixixi, should not be easily mistakable for Lunar - an easy way to avoid this is to have them 'drift' off the Rixixi's body as well to make it more clearly an elemental effect.
- Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc. Can optionally alter the color of markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color, such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on, making them a dark color.
- Effects can cover up to 50% of the Rixixi, as long as they are not heavily obscuring markings.
As with any elemental mutation, you are allowed to use the associated background with Veiled:
Use of the background is fully optional!
Electric (+Ele) (Non-Passable)
Lightning elemental mutation. Can cause bioluminescent lightning-shaped markings across the body, and/or actual lightning arcing off the body.
Electric is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding.
The Electric mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with Raging Radiation and the Lightning element!
- Does not have color limits other than being bioluminescent.
- Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc. Can optionally alter the color of markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color, such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on.
- Electric markings should not cover more than roughly 50% of the Ixi.
As with any elemental mutation, you are allowed to use the associated background with Electric:
Use of the background is fully optional!
Warped (+Warp) (Non-Passable)
The Warped mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with Raging Radiation and the Chasm element!
Creates rifts that appear around the Rixixi! Various "distorted" effects can appear on, in, or near these rifts, including (but not limited to, so long as the effect is similar to):
- Color distortions, glows, inversions, hue shifts, visual effects, and so on.
- Vortices/wormholes/black holes/landscapes implying portals (should not heavily obscure Ixi)
- Tendrils, Eyes, Teeth/Beaks/etc, other monstrous and eldritch themes - does not require related mutations so long as they stay within/near rifts.
- Other Chasm themes - space, snares, vibrant colors, illusions. If you turn the import into a surrealist painting inside the rifts, that's legal.
- Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc. Can optionally alter the color of markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color, such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on, making them chasm-like colors, such as warped gradients of fleshtone, neon pink, or Colorpitch color blends.
- Effects can cover up to 50% of the Rixixi, as long as they are not heavily obscuring markings.

Use of the background is fully optional!
Chrysopoeia (+Chryso) (Non-Passable)
- Must be the color of a type of gold or gold alloy. If using a gold alloy, it's recommended to list what metal you referenced if it might not be immediately clear! (For instance, the Rock Collector's Chrysopoeia referenced Electrum.)
- Chrysopoeia must be immediately visible on the design, but must not cover more than approximately 30%.

Gemcrafted genes do not pass to offspring without the Body Glitter skill. They cannot be dominant, and cannot be added with geno-editing items other than their own shards. When passable, Gemcrafted genes pass at an Uncommon rate.
Forgeblood (+Forge) (Non-Passable)

Range for blush zones.
- Can be the color of any metal, such as gold, silver, copper, bronze, etc. Uncommon metal colors are allowed, it's recommended to list what metal you referenced if it might not be immediately clear!
- If markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color are present (such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on), Forgeblood should affect at least one of them. Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc.
- Can present with a metallic sheen.
Anodized Forgeblood (+Andz) (Non-Passable)
- Can be any bright color. It is okay to use multiple colors blended together!
- If markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color are present (such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on), Anodized Forgeblood should affect at least one of them. Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc.
- Can present with a metallic sheen.
Gemcrafted genes do not pass to offspring without the Body Glitter skill. They cannot be dominant, and cannot be added with geno-editing items other than their own shards. When passable, Gemcrafted genes pass at an Uncommon rate.
Xanadu (nXan/XanXan) (Uncommon)
- Xanadu is a marking similar to the stripe on an orca's back. It can continue down the tail, and can optionally have various swirls, curves, and/or sharp edges at the tips.
- Xanadu may be any color, and may display up to two colors within the marking, which may be blended together.
- The edge of Xanadu should be soft.