
Topiary (nTopi/TopiTopi) (Rare)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Thin spirals and swirls wrapping around parts of the Rixixi, appearing as simple as a tree branch or as complex as a filigree design. Can be three-toned.
Dominant Topiary can take on an iridescent and/or metallic sheen, and does not have a limit on how many colors can be used in the marking.
  • Topiary presents as thin spirals wrapping around part of the Rixixi, and should be inspired in part from filigree designs and/or tree branches, vines, and similar foliage.
  • Topiary's shape can vary heavily, but should always contain some form of swirl or spiral, and the general shape of the marking should flow.
  • Topiary should not cover more than 50% of a Rixixi.
  • Recessive Topiary (nTopi) can be any color, and may be three-toned.
  • Dominant Topiary (TopiTopi) may have a metallic or iridescent sheen, and has no limit on how many colors are used in it.

An example of minimal Topiary:


Some marking shape examples:


Rixixi examples:

Aezaia 0361 by magmatixi


Tortoiseshell (nTrt/TrtTrt) (Rare)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Creates patches of color in a pattern similar to a tortie cat, patches can be any base color. Dominant Tortoiseshell patches can take on two different alternate base coat tones!

  • Tortie patterns do not have an edge hardness restriction, but are typically textured.
  • Dominant Tortoiseshell can have two different base colors included in Tortie patches instead of just one if the designer so chooses - both must still be picked from base coat swatches! Different colors should appear in different patches - multiple base colors should not appear in the same Tortie patch.
  • The patches can appear anywhere on the body and should not cover more than roughly 50% of the Ixi. It shouldn't mimic other markings!
  • Other markings can display above or below tortoiseshell.
  • If the markings appear above tortoiseshell, they can be color-shifted where they touch the patches - it must still follow the marking's color rules, however! With modifier markings like Glitter and Lunar, this can result in an entirely different modifier color being present on the patches than the color present on the main body.


Junia MonsterTruck 0008 by magmatixiPrecious 0009 by magmatixiAngel 0040 by magmatixi

Droplets (nDro/DroDro) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Modifies the edge of any one marking of the Rixixi to "drip" downwards, and can drip out of the marking's range if the marking has one. If no other marking exists on the Rixixi, Droplets can create a pseudo-Sable or Cloak marking on the back of the Rixixi with a Droplets edge. Dominant Droplets can modify multiple markings.
  • Droplets alters the edge "texture" of a marking. The droplets should match the modified marking's edge hardness and shape - that is, a hard-edged marking would have hard-edged droplets, and a soft-edged marking would have soft-edged droplets.
  • Two+ toned markings can have droplets on the edge of each marking color - see Dreamurr in the examples for a visual.
  • Droplets should match the original color of the modified marking, unless Droplets itself is modified by a color modifier.
  • If Droplets is the only marking on the Rixixi, then Droplets can create either a Sable or Cloak-style back marking, with Droplets affecting the edge - effectively "droplets going down the back".
  • Recessive Droplets can modify the edge of one marking, while Dominant Droplets can modify the edge of multiple - as many as the designer desires.


Aezaezekaz 0266 by magmatixi
Affecting Squared.

Affecting Hexagon.

Affecting Eyespots - Two-toned.

Eyespot (nEye/EyeEye) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Creates spots with rings of color inside. Can be hollow.

  • Eyespot can be any color, and can be multicolored - they can have gradients, multicolored rings (multiple if desired), even both.
  • The marking can have a cutout if desired, displaying as hollow rings instead of solid spots.
  • It should be hard-edged.
  • Eyespot has no minimum, and must only appear visibly on the design. It has no maximum, and can appear anywhere on the Rixixi.


Xerrin 0138 by magmatixi


Accents (nAc/AcAc) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Creates accents on the face, undersides, and/or tail of the Rixixi, in any color, including bright ones. Can be two-toned.


Rixixi Primal Accents by magmatixi

  • Accents can be any color, and may display up to two colors within the marking, which may be blended together.
  • It has no restriction on edge hardness.
  • Accents has no minimum, but should be clearly visible on the Rixixi.
  • Accents should not heavily resemble most markings (though being distinctly its own marking with its own rules is typically enough to get it to pass - e.g. a striped, procyonid-like tail can pass if paired with other Accents), however, Accents can resemble Unders, Tan, or Pangare with no issue.


Rahkarrik 0036Iornoxide 0073 by magmatixiJayne Pidge the Peeper 0066 by magmatixi


Clownfish (nClw/ClwClw) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Thick bands, lighter than base coat, that wrap around the body. Can have a dark border around them.

  • Clownfish presents as thick, pale bands that wraps around various parts of the body. Unlike Hood, the bands can be broken, but take care to not break them up so much that they begin to resemble spots!
  • Clownfish must be a lighter shade of the base coat, including white. Optionally, it can have a dark border around the marking. It may have a gradient, but it must be within a similar hue, not heavily two-toned.
  • Edge may be hard, textured, or somewhat soft. It should not be fully blended out.


Typhoon 0207 by magmatixi BURUCAACH / QOI AH / AI TEURRN 0410 by magmatixi Mymmel 0405 by magmatixi
Alvelys 0363 by magmatixi Aezaezekaz 0266 by magmatixi Glenlivet 0313 by magmatixi


Dapple (nDpl/DplDpl) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

A cluster of pale, soft spots on the body, often shaped like stars.

  • Edges should be soft, and can be textured. They can be simple spots, or can be shaped more like 'stars'.
  • Must be lighter than the base color.
  • Can be fullbody or in clusters covering partial sections of the body.
  • At minimum, the marking should at least cover part of the torso, and can expand out from there.


 Snowfall 0394 by magmatixi Xia 0345 by magmatixi
Ever Dream 0328 by magmatixi Sedna 0365 by magmatixi Miss America 0165 by magmatixi


Dun (nDn/DnDn) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A dark stripe along the back; can be accompanied by striping on the face, shoulders, and legs.


Dark blue - Dorsal stripe range. Light blue - optional other dun striping range.
Rixixi Dun by magmatixiRixixi Primal Dun by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Dun by magmatixi
  • Edges should be hard or soft. They should not be fully blurred out.
  • Must be a darker shade of the base color.
  • Dorsal stripe is mandatory, but additional striping on the shoulders/tail/wrists/ankles/forehead is an optional design choice! Feel free to add that or leave it out as you please!
  • There is no minimum range (other than the dorsal stripe being mandatory), but it should appear visibly on the design.


Glider 0137 by magmatixi Vandal 0204 by magmatixi Pumpkin Spice 0205 by magmatixi
 Cherry Cola 0284 by magmatixi Aropiru 0285 by magmatixi
Juilet 0292 by magmatixi Elizabeth Bathory 0317 by magmatixi Heart Throb 0364 by magmatixi


Fawn (nFw/FwFw) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Causes spots lighter than base coat, should be somewhat uniform in sizes/shapes.

  • Fawn causes spots in a small-medium size, typically clustered together in a few separate areas. All fawn spots should be around the same size range - some minor size discrepancy is fine, and most often occurs on the outside of a cluster. They should be in a somewhat uniform pattern, the uniformity ranging from the spots on a fawn's back to more scale-like patterns.
  • Must be lighter than the base coat.
  • Edges should be hard, and not heavily textured. Light texturing is okay, but take care not to go overboard.
  • Fawn can appear anywhere on the ixi. It is most commonly found on the back, but this is not mandatory!


Kashe 0001 by magmatixi Sezzeqh 0002 by magmatixi Naturet Mari 0021 by magmatixi
Zarsha 0069 by magmatixi Styx 0012 by magmatixi Drago 0421 by magmatixi
D E J A V U  MEME 0240 by magmatixi Panana Pandana 0398 by magmatixi Aurix Charis 0299 by magmatixi
Croixifora 0118 by magmatixi Agir 0127 by magmatixi 

Fissure (nFssr/FssrFssr) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A stripe along the back. Can be any color.


Rixixi Skunk by magmatixiRixixi Primal Skunk by magmatixi
Rixixi Domestic Skunk by magmatixi

  • Fissure shares a range with Skunk nSku/SkuSku, with some changes to how the rules work - Fissure must display in the middle of the back, with stripes on the side being optional. Side stripes can travel down 50% of the body maximum, and can start and end at any point.
  • If Fissure only displays along the back, it should not be a thick enough stripe to cover the entire range. Side and back stripes should have a noticeable gap between them, but can meet at the ends if desired.
  • Fissure may be any color, and may display up to two colors within the marking, which may be blended together.
  • Edge may be hard, textured, or somewhat soft. It should not be fully blended out.


Pixie 0431 by magmatixiThe Pumpkin King 0432 by magmatixi


Flourish (nFlr/FlrFlr) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Creates markings that specifically appear on the frills, spines, pawpads, and other similar areas of a Rixixi.


Rixixi Flourish by magmatixiRixixi Primal Flourish by magmatixi
Rixixi Domestic Flourish by magmatixi

  • Flourish can be any color, and may display up to two colors within the marking, which may be blended together.
  • It has no restriction on edge hardness.
  • Flourish has no minimum, but should be clearly visible on the Rixixi. It has no maximum, and can appear on any and all skin and 'extras' layers.
  • Flourish does allow for markings on teeth without cosmetics!
  • Flourish can present on all non-color mutations. Combination mutations that hybridize with color mutations and non-color mutations (such as Translucent) can be affected by Flourish. Fur Length mutations can show Flourish on the skin - for example, the entirety of Sphynx and the bald patches of Lykoi; however, Flourish cannot present on Long Fur.
  • Flourish can resemble any common or uncommon marking, and still follows its own color rules. It can also make unique combinations of existing markings - for instance, Laouto's hooves are a combination of Ripple and Ticked intended to look like grass and vines.


Laouto 0360 by magmatixiAezaia 0361 by magmatixi Nirl'hark'szsh 0413 by magmatixiReenkzi 0374 by magmatixi

Gradient (nGr/GrGr) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Allows the base coat to show as a gradient. Gradient must be between colors that exist on the assigned base coat's sliders. Dominant Gradient can alter markings as well.

  • Recessive Gradient appears only on the base coat, and should appear somewhere on the base coat - amount does not matter so long as it is visible.
  • Gradient can between any colors from either of the swatches from the Rixixi's associated base coat. For instance, if your Rixixi is Skyburn with Gradient, you are allowed to take the hot pink from the bottom swatch and the orange-red from the top swatch and blend them together! You can also go for a subtler gradient and choose colors on the sliders that are closer together.
  • Take care not to make Gradient too closely resemble pangare, sable, or other similar markings!
  • Recessive Gradient must be locked to the base coat, but Dominant Gradient can also alter markings to have a gradient in them, either using the Rixixi's base coat swatches for gradient colors, or basing the gradient colors off the marking color rules (such as 'lighter or darker than base coat' or 'any colors').


Winterlily 0044 by magmatixi Kaleidoscope 0072 by magmatixi Zarsha 0069 by magmatixi
Quina 0074 by magmatixi Deltarune 0420 by magmatixi Candy Corn 0308 by magmatixi
Final Mix 0264 by magmatixi Nack 0158 by magmatixi Velvet 0133 by magmatixi


Groundbreaking (nGbk/GbkGbk) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Creates crackles across the body of the Rixixi, in any color, including bright ones. Can be two-toned.

  • Groundbreaking can be any color, and may display up to two colors within the marking, which may be blended together.
  • It should appear as a streak of color that branches off, as if making a "crack" or "lightning bolt" shape.
  • It should be hard or textured-edged.
  • Groundbreaking has no minimum, and can appear on multiple places on the Rixixi's body. It should not cover more than roughly 50% of the Rixixi.


Kesselva 0081 by magmatixi Neptune 0130 by magmatixi Kaye 0419 by magmatixiChandelier 0226 by magmatixi Raja 0235 by magmatixi Party Galaxy 69 0169 by magmatixi
Oasis 0104 by magmatixi


Hexagon (nHex/HexHex) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Creates hexagonal or similarly shaped markings anywhere on the body. Typically clusters together in patches. Can be multiple colors.

  • Hexagon can be any color, including bright ones, and may be three-toned.
  • It should be shaped like a pattern of hexagons, octagons, pentagons, or similar geometrical shapes. It can be rough and "natural" looking, like a giraffe's spots.
  • It can be hard-edged, lightly soft-edged, or lightly textured. It should not be blurred out or heavily textured.
  • It has no minimum, but should be noticeable on the design.


Bumburra 0206 by magmatixi Pierce 0414 by magmatixi Dreamurr 0397 by magmatixi Xorothine 0273 by magmatixi Malahar Tentsel 0380 by magmatixi Syznem 0269 by magmatixi


Hood (nHd/HdHd) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A band around the neck, darker or lighter than the base coat. Can spread to the head and shoulders.


Rixixi Hood by magmatixiRixixi Primal Hood by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Hood by magmatixi

  • Hood may be a lighter or darker shade of the base coat, including black and white.
  • Hood does not have a restriction on edge hardness.
  • Hood should, at minimum, create a visible ring around the neck.
  • There can only be breaks in the marking if it's creating multiple rings around the neck. The shoulder and/or head region, if present, must consist of a single unbroken marking.



Loyal 0004 by magmatixiFang 0006 by magmatixiAulik 0011 by magmatixiRemald 0055 by magmatixiHot Cocoa 0063 by magmatixiCezil 0018 by magmatixi


Inkblot (nIn/InIn) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Causes spots darker than base coat, can be asymmetrical and of multiple sizes.

  • Inkblot must be darker than the base coat.
  • The spots should be of multiple sizes throughout, and may be irregular and asymmetrical.
  • It is typically hard or soft-edged.
  • It has no maximum and can cover the full body if desired. It has no minimum, but should be noticeable on the design.

Rixixi Inkblot by magmatixi
The above image displays the minimum and maximum size for Inkblot spots. Please note that Inkblot should not solely be made up of spots at the maximum or minimum, but these sizes may be scattered about as accents.


Torte 0003 by magmatixiZhaya 0005 by magmatixiIllumi 0049 by magmatixiJuniper 0046Gator 0013 by magmatixi


Merle (nMer/MerMer) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Large, desaturated patches on the Rixixi's body, often containing dappled patches of the original base coat within.

  • Can be translucent to show the markings underneath! Markings dislaying on top of Merle can be desaturated or display normally.
  • Edges can be textured, soft, or blended. If blended, the entire marking should not be blended out and should still have a section that registers as a solid patch.
  • Must be more desaturated and/or lighter than the base coat.
  • Can be fullbody or covering partial sections of the body. Should contain holes in the marking or spots of the base coat.
  • Should appear, at minimum, on 30% of the design. Can appear in multiple patches.

Unlike in Earth dogs, there are no known health problems for Rixixi caused by homozygous Merle.
You can go against this if you like for your own personal characters' lore, this note is just here to let folks know that it won't result in negative effects and rad sicknesses when bred for.


Ruun 0316 by magmatixi


Okapi (nOkp/OkpOkp) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Striped points on the legs and face, lighter than base.


Rixixi Okapi by magmatixiRixixi Primal Okapi by magmatixi

  • Okapi should be hard-edged.
  • It must be lighter than base, and can be white.
  • Okapi must at least visibly appear on one pair of limbs. It does not have to appear on the face.
  • All points should be striped, including the face. There can be solid patches, especially near the ankles and wrists. The face marking can be a solid patch with stripes cut into it.


Calavera 0267 by magmatixi

Points (nPt/PtPt) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Darkening or lightening of the face, ears, and extremities, much like a siamese cat.


Rixixi Points by magmatixiRixixi Primal Points by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Points by magmatixi

  • Points must be darker or lighter than the base coat.
  • It has no restriction on edge hardness.
  • Points should cover two specific points at minimum - the points include the head, the tail, the front legs, and the back legs.
  • The points should touch the very end of whatever zone they're in. They should at least reach up to the ankles if covering the legs.


Torte 0003 by magmatixiRaccoon 0031 by magmatixiIsikhala 0039 by magmatixiLula 0041 by magmatixi


Daggerstabbed (nDs/DsDs) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Blood-colored mark on the chest, can gently streak down the underbelly; based on bleeding-heart doves.


Rixixi Daggerstabbed by magmatixiRixixi Primal Daggerstabbed by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Daggerstabbed by magmatixi

  • Must be a shade of red - bright red, blood red, pale red, or red-brown recommended. Can contain a more saturated color in the center and blend out to a desaturated color.
  • Daggerstabbed's color can be overridden by the Rixixi's blood color if applicable.
  • Edges should be fully blended out.
  • The marking should be similar to the chest marking of a bleeding-heart dove.
  • At minimum, Daggerstabbed should appear on the chest. The trail down the belly is optional.


Kashe 0001 by magmatixiCssCzzCxx 0070 by magmatixi Peridot McLane 0045 by magmatixiHugo 0032 by magmatixi


325 results found.