
Cowspot (nCow/CowCow) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Large spots and patches clustered around the body. Can be lighter or darker than base coat.
  • Cowspot can be lighter or darker than the base coat. It can have a gradient, and the gradient can be made up of two fairly different colors, as long as those colors are still either lighter or darker than the base coat.
  • Cowspots can be single spots, large patches, many spots clustered together, or a combination of these. There can be spots smaller than the minimum size as long as they're clustering with a larger spot to make a proper-sized path. Likewise, patches can exceed the maximum size if they're clearly separate spots that meet at some points.
  • Cowspots can be solid, textured, or slightly soft-edged. They should not be blended out.
  • It has no maximum and can cover the full body if desired. At minimum, it should have one visible large patch.

Rixixi Cowspot by magmatixiRixixi Primal Cowspots by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Cowspots by magmatixi
The above images display the minimum and maximum size for Cowspots.


Dust Stormer 0344 by magmatixi


Bloom (nBlm/BlmBlm) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Presents as a band of color around any marking. The band can be any color, and may be two-toned. If no other marking exists on the Rixixi, Bloom CAN create an outline (and only the outline) of any marking.

  • Bloom presents as a band of color around any marking. The band may be any color, may be two-toned, and should match the modified marking's edge hardness and shape.
  • If Bloom is the only marking on the Rixixi (or if the only other markings modify the base coat without creating another marking, such as Gradient), then Bloom can create the outline of any marking except for markings with a fully blended edge - make sure that the shape of the marking is clear! You can use any edge hardness for this (including mixed edge hardness) except for 100% blended - partially blended and partially something else is fine.
  • Recessive Bloom can modify the edge of one marking, while Dominant Bloom can modify the edge of multiple - as many as the designer desires.


Serritana 0082 by magmatixi


Unders (nUn/UnUn) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A hard-edged marking, lighter or darker than the base coat, on the underbelly.


Rixixi Unders by magmatixiRixixi Primal Unders by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Unders by magmatixi

  • Unders may be a lighter or darker shade of the base coat, including black and white. It may have a gradient, but it must be within a similar hue, not heavily two-toned.
  • Edge must be hard or textured.
  • Unders should at least appear visibly somewhere on the torso.
  • There can be some breaks in the marking, but they should appear as natural separate pieces. Cutouts are allowed so long as they are natural shapes.
  • While markings typically should not resemble each other too heavily, if Unders is on a base such as Latte, Woods, or Sunbeam, it may resemble Tan (though should still simply be lighter/darker than the base coat).


Loyal 0004 by magmatixiFang 0006 by magmatixi Precious 0009 by magmatixiAlya 0048 by magmatixiCezil 0018 by magmatixiAeon 0037 by magmatixi


Ticking (nTk/TkTk) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

  Tick marks, darker than base, flecked around the Ixi's coat.

  • Ticking should be darker than the base coat, and can have some variance in color.
  • It should always present as small tick marks clustered together, whether in portions of the coat or covering the full body. It has no maximum and can cover the full body if desired. It has no minimum, but should be noticeable on the design.
  • It is typically hard or lightly soft-edged.
  • It can also cause barring at the limbs, tail, neck, and face - as seen on some cats, particularly the Singapura.


Old Dog 0124 by magmatixi


Tan (nTn/TnTn) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A variant of unders that turns the underbelly a shade of tan or brown regardless of the base coat.


Rixixi Unders by magmatixiRixixi Primal Unders by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Unders by magmatixi

  • Other than the color, Tan follows the same rules as Unders:
  • Edge must be hard or textured.
  • Unders should at least appear visibly somewhere on the torso.
  • There can be some breaks in the marking, but they should appear as natural separate pieces. Cutouts are allowed as long as they are natural shapes.
  • It may have a gradient, but it must be within a similar hue, not heavily two-toned.
  • While markings typically should not resemble each other too heavily, Tan can, in some cases, look identical to Unders on a Sunbeam, Woods, or Latte base.


Kashe 0001 by magmatixiZhaya 0005 by magmatixiYah Racha 0010 by magmatixiStellar 0027 by magmatixiIceleaf 0078 by magmatixiJura 0061 by magmatixi


Sun (nSun/SunSun) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A hard-edged marking on the chest, in an abstract or semi-abstract shape. Lighter than base or a tan or gold color. Can modify a few markings.


Rixixi Sun by magmatixiRixixi Primal Sun by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Sun by magmatixi

  • Must be lighter than base coat, tan, or gold.
  • Edges should be hard or textured-edged.
  • It should be a mostly abstract or fully abstract shape - if it's a recognizeable shape (heart, actual sun, star, etc), it should appear as if it's a marking rather than a tattoo.

Modifying other markings:

Sun is not a full modifier, but can combine with certain markings.
Sun + Panda, Pangare, Tan, or Unders
Sun can combine with any of these markings by either cutting Sun's shape out of the chest marking or (if the marking is present elsewhere on the body as well) replacing the chest marking with the shape.
Sun + Daggerstabbed:
Sun can combine with Daggerstabbed to make Daggerstabbed a hard-edged marking.
Sun + Spectacled:
Sun can combine with Spectacled to do one or both of the following effects:
  • Make Spectacled gold
  • Combine the two markings (Spectacled with a larger chest marking)


Mumble 0399 by magmatixiIA CACH AZ-OKH/IA AEHT/HARK IX'X IMRIRI 0400 by magmatixi


Squared (nSq/SqSq) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Causes square and rectangular markings anywhere on the body. Can be hollow, should be lighter or darker than the base coat.
  • Squared must be lighter or darker than the base coat, and can be black or white.
  • It should include squares and/or rectangles, which can be solid or hollow. It can curve naturally with the body, but the geometric shape should still be easy to make out.
  • It can be hard-edged or lightly textured. It should not be soft-edged or heavily textured.
  • It has no minimum, but should be noticeable on the design.



Snowflake (nSn/SnSn) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Tiny light speckles scattered around the ixi.

  • Snowflake should be lighter than base coat.
  • It should always present as tiny specks of light color scattered across the Ixi.
  • It is typically hard or lightly soft-edged.
  • It has no maximum and can cover the full body if desired. It has no minimum, but should be noticeable on the design.

Snowflake should remain around this size range:


Sezzeqh 0002 by magmatixiTorte 0003 by magmatixiGator 0013 by magmatixiNightshade 0046 by magmatixiPelagia 0065 by magmatixi


Skunk (nSku/SkuSku) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A stripe along the side or back, lighter than the base coat.


Rixixi Skunk by magmatixiRixixi Primal Skunk by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Skunk by magmatixi

  • Skunk must be a lighter shade of the base coat, including white. It may have a gradient, but it must be within a similar hue, not heavily two-toned.
  • Edge may be hard, textured, or somewhat soft. It should not be fully blended out.
  • It should form stripes on the side (in which case it should "cut out" in the middle of the back) or on the back (in which case it should not be a thick enough stripe to cover the entire side). It can display on the back and side (with a gap in between them) as well.


Xerrin 0138 by magmatixi 


Scaled (nScl/SclScl) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Creates scale-shaped markings of any color anywhere on the body. Can be two-toned.

  • Scaled can be any color, including bright ones, and may be two-toned.
  • It should be shaped like a pattern of scales, and can vary in size and shape - a single scale can be large or wide, but if so, should be visibly representing something like scutes or ventral scales. Scales can also be very small, so long as they are still visible.
  • It should be hard or textured-edged.
  • It has no maximum or minimum, but if covering the entire body, it should be below other markings, translucent, have enough space between the scales to show the other markings clearly, or otherwise not fully obscure other markings on the Ixi.
  • Scaled is allowed to have a shine to it.


Bird 0080 by magmatixi


Sable (nSb/SbSb) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Soft-edged darkening along the top of the rixixi's head, along the back, and along the top of the tail.


Rixixi Sable by magmatixiRixixi Primal Sable by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Sable by magmatixi

  • Must be darker than the base coat.
  • Edges should be fully blended out.
  • At minimum, Sable should be visible on the back.


Sezzeqh 0002 by magmatixiLoyal 0004 by magmatixiPrimrose 0024 by magmatixiJayne Pidge the Peeper 0066 by magmatixiHimp 0034 by magmatixi


Pangare (nPng/PngPng) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Lightening of the base coat on the underbelly, blends gradually into the body color.


Rixixi Pangare by magmatixiRixixi Primal Pangare by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Pangare by magmatixi

  • Edges should be fully blended out.
  • Must be a lighter shade of the base color.
  • Pangare has no minimum range, but should be visible unless covered by a color mutation.


Kashe 0001 by magmatixiZhaya 0005 by magmatixiFang 0006 by magmatixiPeridot McLane 0045 by magmatixiBelitovah Lockjaw 0022 by magmatixiStyx 0012 by magmatixi


Ultraviolet (+UV) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi
Gives the Ixi an entire second color scheme. Does not have to follow any color rules, but does have to follow the original marking shape.

  • You must supply both the original color scheme, and the altered color scheme. One must be the actual import, and one can be a file. This can be linked near the Personality section of the import if you like.
  • While the regular import must follow color rules, the Ultraviolet version of the import does not have to follow any color rules - even the base coat can be unique.
  • The marking shape must remain the same between the two import versions, except for bioluminescent markings, which can change in shape as long as they would still be legal in range and shape.
  • If the Rixixi also has E. Porphyria (+EryPor), blood-colored areas will glow in the Ultraviolet version.
  • Ultraviolet stacks with Chameleon nCham/ChamCham - the main import and the Ultraviolet import can have their own Chameleon versions.


Luminol 0462 by magmatixi  Luminol - UV by magmatixi
Luminol shows examples of glowing markings changing shape, and glowing bones in E. Porphyria (though xir bone glow is subtle due to its dark color). Xhe also has chameleon versions for both regular and UV versions linked on xir import.

Neon (+Neo) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi
The Rixixi's pelt is extremely, unnaturally saturated. In some cases, this can even affect markings.

Neon does not have specific swatches, instead, it should take the original base coat and increase the saturation and value until it becomes a hypersaturated neon color.

This can cause some fairly unexpected colors:
Rixixi Neon Forest by magmatixi
Forest, top swatch
Rixixi Neon Midnight by magmatixi
Midnight, top swatch

Markings can appear as normal (with markings lighter or darker than base appearing lighter or darker than the altered swatch):
Rixixi Neon Marks1 by magmatixi
Skyburn with Labyrinth and Pangare

Or as bright, neon shades themselves - if this method is chosen, neon markings should be colors analagous to the altered base on the color wheel.
Rixixi Neon Marks2 by magmatixi
Skyburn with Labyrinth and Pangare - Orange Neon Markings

  • Neon does not have to affect skin tone.
  • Neon has no effect on eye color.

Presentation with Contradicting Mutations:

Neon and Fog:

Neon and Fog presenting together cancel out Fog's skin/marking color requirements.

When Neon and Fog are both present in a geno, any of the following approaches can be taken:

-One mutation presents visibly, and one is a genetic carrier only. (At least one mutation has to present visibly in this case.)

-Neon presents less saturated than average:
Rixixi Fog Neon 2 by magmatixi
Lilac base.

-Fog presents brighter than average:
Rixixi Fog Neon 1 by magmatixi
Lilac base.

-Both Neon and Fog appear, in cloudy patches:
Rixixi Fog Neon 3 by magmatixi
Lilac base.

The edges of this must be soft and blended so as to not be confused for Tortoiseshell, Chimera, or other similar markings/mutations.


Almel 0098 by magmatixi
Almel is an example of Albinism and Melanism, but this is still a good example of the cloudy blending method in shape.

Neon and Erythrism:

Neon and Erythrism presenting together cancel out Neon's requirements to be fullbody and allow it to affect markings along with Erythrism.

When Neon and Erythrism are both present in a geno, any of the following approaches can be taken:

-One mutation presents visibly, and one is a genetic carrier only. (At least one mutation has to present visibly in this case.)

-Neon magenta becomes legal for Erythrism:
Rixixi Neon Erythrism by magmatixi
Arctic with Pangare, Neon Erythrism affecting Pangare

Melanism (+Mel) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi

A very high production of pigment, the Rixixi's coat and markings are heavily darkened.

Melanism does not have specific swatches, instead, it should be a darker version of your Rixixi's given base coat. Melanism should not be subtle, but the original base coat should still be apparent, and it should not be a false version of another base.
Seaglass - Brimstone - Arctic - Lilac

Markings can present as normal or be desaturated and darkened to match the mutation - designer's choice!
Rixixi Melanism Dull Marks by magmatixi Rixixi Melanism Bright Marks by magmatixi
Woods with Points and Accents - Dull/Bright Markings

Melanistic Midnight can be tricky to work with, as using #000000 black isn't allowed - here's an example of about how dark you can go.
Rixixi Melanism Max by magmatixi
I mean, you can go to the full displayed legal black on the tongue and eye if you really want as well, Anar was just feeling dramatic.

This expression of Melanism is only legal on the Midnight base!


  • Melanism bases must not be more saturated than their original bases!

Presentation with Contradicting Mutations:

Albinism and Melanism:

Albinism and Melanism presenting together cancel out Albinism's skin/eye/marking color requirements.

When Albinism and Melanism are both present in a geno, any of the following approaches can be taken:

-One mutation presents visibly, and one is a genetic carrier only. (At least one mutation has to present visibly in this case.)
-Albinism presents darker/subtler than average:
Rixixi Albinism Melanism 1 by magmatixi
Sunbeam base.

-Melanism presents lighter/subtler than average:
Rixixi Albinism Melanism 2 by magmatixi
Sunbeam base.

-Both Albinism and Melanism appear, in cloudy patches:
Rixixi Albinism Melanism 3 by magmatixi
Sunbeam base.

The edges of this must be soft and blended so as to not be confused for Tortoiseshell, Chimera, or other similar markings/mutations.


Almel 0098 by magmatixi

Maltese (+Malt) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi
Presents as a desaturated base coat with grey-blue (and sometimes desaturated ginger) markings.

Maltese desaturates the original base coat - this should mostly be just an alteration to the saturation, like Fog, but the value can be altered to be somewhat lighter or darker than usual as well.
Markings on Maltese can be lighter or darker than base, or use any of the following sliders:
Maltese-specific sliders
Latte and Steel base coats
Markings that can be any color, any base coat, and so on can be saturated gingers and blues.

  • Maltese does not have to have an effect on skin and eye color.
  • Like Fog, the only bases that can appear completely desaturated (with no tint) with Fog are Arctic, Steel, and Midnight.

Presentation with Contradicting Mutations:

Maltese and Erythrism:

When Maltese and Erythrism are both present in a geno, any of the following approaches can be taken:

-One mutation presents visibly, and one is a genetic carrier only. (At least one mutation has to present visibly in this case.)

-The mutations present together as a dilute ginger.

Maltese and Neon:

When Neon and Maltese are both present in a geno, any of the following approaches can be taken:

-One mutation presents visibly, and one is a genetic carrier only. (At least one mutation has to present visibly in this case.)

-Base coat is neon while markings are altered by Maltese
-Base is Maltese while markings are neon
-Base is maltese, markings are neon blues and gingers

Chimera (+Chi) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi

Also known as Harlequin

The rixixi displays two genomes at once, can be in random patches or split down the middle in a harlequin "checkerboard" pattern.

FRIED MEME is a Diver/Plum chimera. She also has Lunar (in neon green) and Horizon (in dark green) - she's very colorful.

Chimera Rixixi have two sets of genes displayed in patches across their body. Chimera can have a defined pattern (see real-world Harlequin animals) or random blotches of color with or without a pattern.


  • Chimera doesn't have a specific required amount of each geno that you have to present. If most of the genes on each geno are visible, you're probably fine! 30% or more of the less visible side is also a fair test. As long as both sides of the genotype are reasonably visible, it should look enough like Chimera.
  • You can cover up a gene on one side by putting a spot of the other side on top of it (eg, hide Daggerstabbed by putting a splotch over the chest).
  • If you have a chimera with two sides of the same base coat (eg Brimstone/Brimstone chimera), you do have to differentiate the two sides' base coats enough that they can be told apart on sight.


If your Ixi has a combination mutation and Chimera, they can display the component parts of that Combination Mutation without needing a Mutation Station.

Corona, having Chimera as well as Partial Translucence, visually displays Fogshard.

How Breeding with Chimeras Works:

Chimeras roll in breedings as if their two genos combined into one. If they have two of the same gene, it won't combine into a dominant gene, but if they have two of the same gene (and one happens to be dominant), the dominant gene is used.

For example, here's a theoretical chimera:

Aa/Bb/dd/oo/nPr/nTab/nGlt/nLu/PanPan/nPng/nHz // aa/BB/dd/Oo/nSpc/nTab/LuLu/nClk

Lunar Plum with Procyonid, Tabby, Glitter, Panda, Pangare, and Horizon // Lunar Spectacled Seaglass with Tabby and Cloak

When breeding, it rolls as if this is its genotype:


Lunar Spectacled Diver with Procyonid, Tabby, Glitter, Panda, Pangare, Horizon, and Cloak

Leucism (+Leuc) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi

Can display in one of two ways: The entire Rixixi takes on a light cream color, with the markings still visible, OR a light cream color modifies as many markings as the designer desires.

Leucism, much like Albinism, can modify the entire base coat to a pale color. Unlike Albinism, however, Leucism is locked to a color range that includes pale cream colors. There is no slider, but here are some examples of acceptable colors:

Alternately, the base coat can appear as normal, and Leucism can affect any number of markings that the designer chooses:
Rixixi Leucism Marks by magmatixi
Rose with Sable, Tabby, and Inkblots - Leucism affecting Tabby and Inkblots, Sable appearing as normal.


  • Unlike Albinism, Leucism does not have an effect on the eye color of an Ixi.
  • When affecting the base coat, Leucism often, but does not have to, affect the skin tone as well.

Erythrism (+Ery) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi

Can display in one of two ways: The entire Rixixi takes on a pink, red, or ginger color, with the markings still visible, OR a pink/red/ginger color modifies as many markings as the designer desires.

Erythrism is capable of modifying the entire base coat to ranges of red, pink, and assorted oranges and gingers, with the markings still appearing visibly. Markings that are darker or lighter than the base coat should be darker or lighter than the chosen base shade, and markings that can be any color or bright colors can appear as normal. There is no slider, but here are some examples of acceptable colors:

Alternately, the base coat can appear as normal, and Erythrism can affect any number of markings that the designer chooses:

Arctic with Sable, Tabby, and Hood - Erythrism affecting Tabby and Sable, Hood appearing as normal.


  • Erythrism has no effect on the eye color of the Rixixi.
  • Erythrism does not have to affect the skin tone.

Presentation with Contradicting Mutations:

Neon and Erythrism:

Neon and Erythrism presenting together cancel out Neon's requirements to be fullbody and allow it to affect markings along with Erythrism.

When Neon and Erythrism are both present in a geno, any of the following approaches can be taken:

-One mutation presents visibly, and one is a genetic carrier only. (At least one mutation has to present visibly in this case.)

-Neon magenta becomes legal for Erythrism:
Rixixi Neon Erythrism by magmatixi
Arctic with Pangare, Neon Erythrism affecting Pangare

Bicolor (+Bi) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi
Assorted white markings like Piebald and Tobiano. Appears over all other markings.
Bicolor must be white or a very pale off-white. As a color mutation, Bicolor is far stricter on color modifiers than white markings like Thunderstruck, disallowing any bright colors even when modifiers are present. However, as a color mutation that doesn't cover the entire body, it acts as a marking in some cases (mostly involving its shape) - as such, modifiers like Bloom and Penumbra can modify it.
Bicolor should appear anywhere between roughly 40% - 80% of the Rixixi:
Roughly 40%, Roughly 80% (random spots), and Roughly 80% (Van Pattern)
It can look like any kind of genetic white marking existing in animals that fit the marking size - Bicolor markings of course, but also horse markings such as any size-fitting Pinto, Appaloosa, and Sabino, assorted canine white markings like Irish Spotting and ticking on white, and even things like Zebra markings - the list goes on, this mutation is meant as a catchall.
  • Showing pale skin tone peeking through areas of thin fur is legal!
  • Bicolor does not have an effect on the eye or skin color of an Ixi.
  • Bicolor appears over all markings unless otherwise specified by the marking itself (eg. Skypunch).
325 results found.