
Created: 22 May 2020, 03:31:11 UTC
Last updated: 2 August 2022, 00:14:22 UTC


This is the item and prompt space for the Chasm-Connected universe, including Rixixi and B-NOMALY!

This site may cover more functions than just that - we'll find out what we can do!

If you're new, please sign up via the Register link in the top right! You'll need a deviantArt account to link your account here to in the validation process, but we allow art submissions from pretty much wherever! After that, you'll want to check out the Welcome to the Chasm! prompt for a welcome gift, as well as the Inventory Transfer prompt if you had a Rixixi and/or B-NOMALY inventory before we moved to lorekeeper - go get your stuff back! Past that, have fun and mind the mess as we port stuff over here! (:


To-Do List:

Funerary Rixixi are in beta, and their specific To-Do list can be found here! | Dwarf Primal Rixixi are in beta, To-Do list coming soon!

Public To-Do List Doc

Lorekeeper Specifics:

Not yet functional:

  • Automatic dates on Chrono shards - any Chrono fogshards in things like barters will have to be manually granted. Several lootboxes have to be manually opened at this time as a result - see Manual Loot Grants.

Currently working on:

  • Uploading all Rixixi to Lorekeeper - Currently in progress!
  • Rixixi Story Mode prompts to be moved to Lorekeeper (currently only Special Editions onsite)

Still on deviantArt, intentionally:

  • Rixixi masterlist as a mirror
  • B-NOMALY masterlist as a mirror
  • Most non-masterlist functions are on here or Nsk Net