Site News

June 27 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Got some Rixixi news!

Rixixi News

Some new items have been added!

  • Rhodochrosite: An uncommon drop in the Chasm and Mining, with plans to be used for an upcoming gemcrafting gene!
  • Illusion Glass: A rare drop in the Chasm, Hunting (chasm creatures), and Mining, used in craftable Illusionate-Glass Cores, which now exist:
  • Illusionate-Glass Core - Moddable: Craftable core! Removes the limit on Illusionate Cores for a Rixixi and optionally adds a same-subspecies alt form.
  • Illusionate-Glass Core - Mechanix: Craftable core! Allows a Rixixi to shift into a Mechanix or a Mechanix to shift into a Rixixi. As Mechanix have no genos, there is no requirement to stick to the gene guides for this one. The forms can also look completely different if desired.

Most subspecies Illusionate Cores will still be obtained in events, and Domestic cores will likely be added to the Karma Shop along with Funeraries at the end of IHFY!

Barters have swapped! There's a new art barter with Aya - have fun with pyrotechnics and lightshows and general chaos! Myrk's seasonal has taken the place of Lunar's seasonal.

The Pride Month event ends on July 5th, but if anyone needs an extension, please feel free to let me ( Anarchisme ) know or comment on this news!

That's it for now! I'm still chipping away at things so hopefully I'll have more fairly soon! <:

- Anarchisme

June 20 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Summer fest is up!


Aurri sighed in relief as they plopped into the Cach, summer finishing its circuit behind them. Another year of changing the seasons went well, and now it was time to relax. As they swam lazy circles in the water, an odd glimmer caught their eye. A hint of blue fizzling in and out in a cave mouth - not like a normal blue from light shining down, but something iridescent and bold. As Aurri prowled closer, the shine faded, a silhouette taking its place.

That was even more interesting.

Excited now, Aurri darted up to the stranger, finding a creature about their height. The being looked mostly like a Rixixi, their masked face tilting side to side at Aurri's sudden appearance, mantle - they had a mantle too! - giving a curious flick. Suddenly, their hands raised, shaping dozens of words with their entire arms swiftly.

"Oh, uh, friend, sorry, I don't know Nskanetian Sign," Aurri crossed their arms in an X - 'no' was the only word they actually remembered.

The friend covered the mouth of their mask with both hands as if covering a blush, then nodded enthusiastically. They put a hand to their chest and bowed. "Aya."

"Oh, nice to meet you! I'm Aurri," The skyburn Ixi grinned.

Aurri made to wave, but Aya took their paw suddenly and began swimming. Aurri laughed, rushing along with their new aquatic friend, Aya pointing out anything colorful or enticing and Aurri just along for the ride...


Summer Changelog

  • Today's new starter is Anayahar, a Funerary! Zie is an energetic friend seeking more friends.
  • There's a hub on dA as usual!
  • Funeraries have been released with Phoenix Update 18 (here's the lore)! This is the Leyline-based subspecies, and is currently in beta (doesn't have mutations, etc) - I'll put up a beta checklist ?probably tomorrow? to track progress on that.
  • A Funerary Rixixi naturally has Ray (+Ray), Leyline (+Ley) (Nonpassable), Partial Translucence (+ParTluc), and Frill (+Frill), and will not show these in their genotype, but can pass them to other subspecies (except Leyline). Funeraries can naturally pass Ghost (+Ghost) even if they do not have the mutation (both to other Funeraries and different subspecies). A Funerary can appear in a breeding via combo mutation breeding if both Leyline (+Ley) and Ghost (+Ghost) appear in the same breeding.
    Funeraries have blue blood (any shade of blue) by default, and their mask can be customized or designed from scratch if desired. The mask can be considered an optional free 1x Accessory locked to the "face".
  • As previously mentioned, there aren't new seasonal items this year to make time for more updates. As a result, all past spring items are available in the Event prompts - there's a selection of three in Beach Buns and Summer Haunting Having A Blast, and Summer Radiation is available as a bonus prompt in Wave Rider.

I'll be rolling over the shop and everything else using seasonals in a bit! I just kind of need to take a bit to chill and also to roll a couple Lunar Barters first.

- Anarchisme

June 14 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

News, Updated:

Multispecies News

The Pride Event has been updated to allow all Chasm-Connected species, including open species without a masterlist (as long as you have a reference)! Other events may use this format in the future if it would make sense for them to be multispecies, so if you don't have a non-Rixixi character now but were considering getting one, this may still be relevant information! (:

Also, I forgot to mention this when it came out, but: Mymbers have an updated species guide! The old one was essentially a concept from when they were first released...

Rixixi News

Barters swapped last night! Lunar is bothering Myrk, very excited to have the chance to bother people three times this season! Please rescue Myrk. Fang is also back on their rounds!

A couple of new recipes are now available in the Kitchen, suggested by Fey :

  • Gingerbread Cookie
  • Bratwurst with Sauerkraut and Mashed Potatoes

I had an unfortunate incident with my computer that set back the development on the Funerary subspecies - essentially, I had to remake the file. Here's how it's going so far:


I have to finish the bones (Funerary comes with Partial Translucence) and make sure the layers work, but it's going well.

Sorry for recent delays, I was very sick and am 90% better! I'm just kind of also on a backup laptop. Honestly, send help and curseblockers.


Original News, preserved for posterity:

Barters have swapped!! Lunar is here bothering Myrk, and Fang is making their usual rounds!

This news will be updated later today with the full version - usually I'd prefer not to do that but a special barter was due to swap in and that takes a short enough time that I didn't want to delay that further! I also apologize for my absence lately, due to being sick recently among other things I am operating at less than 100%. I'm bored of not doing things, but I'll still be slow for some time.

I'll be back later to roll things and to update this with a bit more! See you then.

- Anarchisme

Event - I'm Here For You

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie


Story: Prologue: The Lost | Interlude: An Interrupted Solstice | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 TBA
Prompts: The Lost Event Prompt | Leyline-Connected: Chipper and the Harbinger (Multispecies Prompt) | Chapter 1 Prompt | Chapter 2 Prompt

IHFY Chapter 2 is finally up! I'm so sorry for the delay - life got ridiculously chaotic, but I've been chipping away at this and here it is!

An important heads up - IHFY Chapter 2 contains intense body horror in some of the possible paths. To avoid it, choose the "Escape" path. The body horror is located in the "Consider Options" and "Confront" paths. The body horror in it is a bit more intense than the usual Rixixi body horror and so I've put this warning on the Hub and on the prompt itself as well.

If it's not quite clear, the very first choice in the storyline is whether or not you're going with the Mymberless path or not - this isn't a massive change, but there are some narration differences - a bit more than just whether there's a Mymber!

Have fun! I'm going to be aiming to release last month's Phoenix release next, which wound up being delayed due to Chaos, IHFY prep, and because it's the beta of the Funerary subspecies - so that should be fun to get out there!

- Anarchisme

June 1 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Pride Month is back in Rixixi!

Rixixi News

The main Pride Hub is on Nsk Net, and the prompts are over here this year!

As usual, there's an art entry prompt where you can show your Rixixi with their loved ones! It doesn't have to be romantic love - taking your close friends, family, emotional support of any species, etc are all valid! Showing your Rixixi expressing who they are is also valid! Come on down and hang out however you like, just be awesome to each other.

You can opt in to being part of a group image at the end of the event - examples are featured in the hub, but also, here was last year's!

There's also an item barter where you can get one Pride Blend a day by trading in a water! Roy needs at least some of the materials covered, but is happy to supply! If you need more Pride Blends, they drop rarely in any loot-dropping activity in June!

Have fun and be awesome! There's something else coming up soon - hopefully tomorrow or so, depending on how long it takes to set up!

- Anarchisme

May 30 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Just a barter swap + a small additional Rixixi announcement!

Rixixi News

Barters have swapped! Two Karma barters are up right now (Old Dog's and the Jymbers)! Check 'em out if you have the time at the Prompts!

Additionally, Mymber Festival Games! has been added to the prompts library! It now grants seasonal currency instead of Chasm Eggs, but it'll be sticking around.

See you soon!

- Anarchisme

May 25 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Rixixi stuff!

Rixixi News

Exploring and Kellas Cats have been moved from dA to the Lorekeeper/Nsk Net! All Explorations and Kellas Cats still on dA will be rolled shortly!

Exploring's info page is on Nsk Net now! Prompts are submitted over here. Nothing about the roller has changed, it's just the info and prompt submission location. The info page for exploring might look a bit short - this is because the items are listed on the Canon Worlds page!

Kellas Cats are also rolled on Chasmhome now - the prompt is over here! All instances of its companion info should link to that now.

Hunting and Mining will be moved to the Lorekeeper in the future - they don't have their own info pages yet, and that's the only thing holding it up!


That's all for now - I'm hoping to release IHFY Chapter 2 around the start of June, I'm really sorry for the IRL stuff delaying that!

- Anarchisme

May 17 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Just a very small Rixixi update!

Rixixi News


Barters have swapped! Fang is back to grant fogshards in the art prompts, and you can trade gems for most Fond Memories in the item prompts!

Sorry that this news is so small! Still working on larger updates!

- Anarchisme

May 2 2020

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Some quick Rixixi news here!

Rixixi News

The Mymber Festival has ended! Thank you for joining in! If you did the Egg Hunt and lose any of your proof links, please feel free to ask Anarchisme , ey made a backup.

The Chasm Egg shop will stay open permanently, as usual!

Phoenix Update 17

Another Phoenix Update went up recently! The news for it is going up a bit late due to Chaos, etc.

New stuff:


Barters have swapped! A spring art barter is available, as well as the rock swap!

That's it for now! Thank you!

- Anarchisme

April 18 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Got some Rixixi news going!

Mymber Festival Updates

Mymber Fest Hub!

The Scavenger Hunt is live! You can find Chasm Eggs hidden on certain pages on Nsk Net - all of the pages with eggs can be found directly linked on the Nsk Net Nav (specifically the Rixixi Hub!) You'll get 5 Chasm Eggs and a small secret bonus with each one you find, good luck!

The daily and weekly minigame is still live, and the Mymber Fest Hub also details some bonus tasks you can do for eggs! Check it out above!


Fang is back, but additionally, there's a special variant of the Lunar Barter out right now! IRL Lunar's birthday is on the 19th, and to celebrate, Lunar is accepting eggs (just regular eggs), and she'll give you Chasm Egg Shop items in exchange!

RXX Prompt Library

This is a bit of a WIP feature (I threw it together before an appointment recently), but I'm putting old event prompts up in a prompt library similar to the B-NOMALY prompt library! They'll mostly grant seasonal currency (I might grant some items like the B-NOMALY special prompts, but mostly seasonal currency for these)

I'm prioritizing favorites right now, and so the only one up is Cat Country: Meme Share. Please feel free to suggest your favorite past event prompts - in the discord suggestions or in the comments here maybe?

Bug Fixes etc

  • Nsk Net Nav now links to the correct Karma Shop and has a Current Events section at the top!
  • Chronos and Genetics now up to date
  • Crafting and Kitchen now states the proper limit of 5 total crafted items per prompt (to avoid lorekeeper scrambling items)
  • Leyline (+Ley) properly mirrors the B-NOMALY trait's rules!
  • Combat has been moved to a prompt rather than working through claims
  • Anarchisme now has vitamin D

Apologies on the delay on IHFY, I keep having IRL medical issues (yeah the vitamin D bug patch is actually not just a joke addition there lol) and it's really slowing me down but it's being chipped away at!

Have fun, good luck with the scavenger hunt!

- Anarchisme