Site News

September 29 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Rixixi News

Just a quick update on the Funerary Seasonal Items!

The summer items are up!

Some Migraine Issues delayed the fall ones, they'll be out within the next week! See you soon with those!

- Anarchisme

September 23 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Here's Rixixi's Fall Festival!

Pixie's neck frill stood tall. There was something... off about the woods tonight. Something suspicious. Turning, however, their look of dread turned quickly to a smirk.

"You headed to the party too, Lat?"

The black-and-red Funerary crept in the branches above them, head twisting unnaturally in what Pixie assumed was supposed to be a show of curiosity. Skittering between the trees, Latrodectus descended like a spider until they were almost eye-to-eye with the diminuitive 'Rixixi'. Holding eirself upside down between the boughs, Lat seemed to be pondering.

"I might be. I don't have much of a costume, however," Latrodectus mused. "Speaking of, do you think I should politely decline the Witches' request to come along? They always come as, ah... witches."

Pixie snorted. "You're literally a spider, and the Witches come with snacks. Don't sweat it. Now c'mon, we've got a rift to catch."


Fall Changelog

  • Today's new starter is Latrodectus, a Funerary! Ey're a black widow spider.
  • There's a hub on dA as usual!
  • As previously mentioned, there aren't new seasonal items this year to make time for more updates. As a result, all past fall items are available in the Event prompts - there's a selection of three in Picking Pumpkins and Costume Party, and Fall Radiation is available as a bonus prompt in Endless Night.
  • I realized that I forgot to put the Funerary summer items out at any point during summer, so I'm going to be working on doing Summer and Fall's seasonal items for Funeraries over a week of time! I can probably do this, as I already got one summer and one fall item prepped fairly quickly. If I can't get them done in 7 days' time, I'll post what I have done all at once and then just continue on for however long it takes.

I'll be rolling over the shop and everything else using seasonals either a bit later tonight or when I wake up! <:

Coming/Ending Soon

  • As a reminder, the Semi Sale is still going until October 5th! We've got slots, Mechanix, and DIY kits as well!
  • Something very cool is coming with an ETA Around Halloween! Expect more lore and another alt form item!

- Anarchisme

September 8 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Suddenly, more news?

Rixixi News

Factions are now up in beta!

This is actually fairly major news! This is a feature I've been meaning to launch since the ARPG started!

To join a faction, your Rixixi has to have completed Main Quest Chapter 3! You can then head to the Join Faction prompt and pick your favorite! While you may want to read up on your choices a bit , as your Rixixi can only be in one faction at a time, you can change your faction - it costs 10 of your current faction's currency (this takes two tier 1 prompts or one tier 2 prompt to obtain). Additionally, factions are one per Rixixi, not one per user!

Factions currently grant:

  • Boons for your Rixixi! This may be an extra loot drop, companion slot, radiation resistance, etc! The main boon differs between your chosen faction!
  • The ability to obtain currency in Tier 1 faction barters, and the ability to partake in Tier 2 faction barters!
  • A shop for your faction, with slots, a new mechanix chip, and some useful items!

As mentioned above, there are new Mechanix chips available! They're specific to each Faction, and have similar boons to each faction!

Regarding the shops - While faction currency is nontransferrable, the only items in them that are nontransferrable are the loot drops. This is because the loot drops can contain faction currency. Everything else is tradeable, and slots will be marked as such - please feel free to buy slots and items for your friends if you want!

Loot drops contain a variety of thematic items intended to be useful, and they do have the chance to roll contraband. They are eligible for Lootbox Hero. As well as appearing in the shops, they show up in tier 2 faction barters.

Coming in the future:

  • Exclusive apparel for each faction! This may take the longest, as it has to be fitted to each subspecies!
  • More Boons! I almost had 2 boons for each planned, but some of them couldn't actually exist until post-IHFY...
  • More Shop Stock! The shops are a bit of a WIP right now! I just wanna add useful things to them. A couple more exclusive things may show up as well?

A thing I didn't want to bump off, and a thing I forgot:

September's Semi Sale is here! Just didn't want to lose that link or bump it off too soon!

Additionally, the item barters for September are Myrk's seasonal sale and Lunar's Cat and Mjilikae barter! Since these are favorites, I wanted to make note of it!

See y'all soon!

- Anarchisme

September 6 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Rixixi news is here!

Rixixi News

September's Semi Sale went up yesterday! It'll be going until October 5! Sales here will be going towards keeping the site up, if we exceed a needed amount, it'll still be going to the ARPG <:

Mechanix are available for purchase as well! This is a new addition as of this semi sale. The only chip unavailable is Beta Tester.

The New Recruit is open for new entries during this time! If you have an existing entry, please finish that entry before making a new one or request to cancel the old one. Thank you!

Funerary Updates:

Coming Soon:

  • More Funerary (of course)!
  • Factions in beta?? This may not happen at the next update, but it only needs some double-checking of things and uhhhh for the shops to actually be properly stocked v:

See you soon!

- Anarchisme

August 22 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Mostly Rixixi News here!

Rixixi News

Funerary Updates

The following things have been released for Funerary:

Coming up next is most likely more basic muts, X-NOM muts, and Problems! Apparel tied to a skill takes priority over apparel not tied to a skill.


Nemo has arrived as an NPC! Including Nemo in an activity allows you to request any item that could roll in that activity. This item will roll, but replaces your main roll. (Pack Cats, Tail Bags, etc still roll.)

Nemo was fired from the AexLabs due to poor lab safety. He'll show up in a future event!

More (Multispecies):

Rules Ported

The Rixixi rules have been ported to the Lorekeeper and reworded to work as Chasmhome rules as a whole. They may be edited in the future to work better with the other species, but they have been edited a bit already. They now contain clarifications on timing-related rules as well (chasmjumping timing, kellas cat timing, monthlies, etc) because I just... didn't have a good place to put those all in one location otherwise V:

Coming Soon:
  • More B-NOM adoptables! There's a set in the works based on carnivorous plants.
  • Rixixi Semi Sale on September 5th!

- Anarchisme

August 8 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Hey there! Got some mostly Aexent news right now:

Multispecies NEws

All Aex Types Released

The Aexent info has been completed! All subspecies are now open to the public, and some additional lore on Aexent-adjacent shapeshifters are there as well. To make it easier to submit an Aex OC, a new prompt has been created (as utilizing the design approval function on Lorekeeper requires a MYO slot or an existing character).  Aex and Chasm Horsemen can both be submitted through this prompt, as they're both semi-open species without traits and fairly open-ended designs. You can still ask anything when designing them/before designing them! I love seeing character WIPs and talking about design ideas.

The old Aexent Deviantart Masterlist will no longer be updated due to being more difficult to maintain (extra dA logins and all). It'll be left up because I don't have any reason to shut it down, and its about now links to the Aex Info, Chasmhome Aex List, and the new prompt.

Please do not be intimidated by my like, 16 Aex if you're planning on sending in a design, I've had these for years lol.

Upcoming Things:

I have a few Rixixi things half-finished that I'm working on getting to a more finished state before sending out, but are finished enough to preview a bit.

Funerary Mutations Preview:

Funerary mutation packs will likely be uploaded in a WIP state rather than a full pack of mutations at once and will be updated when more mutations are added to them. I want to add a few more before this one is released.

Upcoming NPC: Nemo

Nemo was fired from AexLabs due to poor lab safety and general chaos. He developed the Notion species of Aexent while on his way out of AexLabs and currently works on them independently. He'll likely show up in an upcoming event.

See you soon with those updates and likely some more!

- Anarchisme

July 22 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Hello! Just a quick update on some Rixixi things.

Rixixi News

Upcoming Semi Sale

It's almost the end of July, so while I might alter the date a bit if there's a very large change in the form results, I'm going to confirm that the upcoming Semi sale is going to be Around Early September - most likely starting September 1st and lasting a month! If this doesn't work out for you guys, please let me know.

Reroll Skills

This was actually meant to be in the previous news, but I wasn't totally sure how to reword the skills yet...

Okay, so, first off, I'm genuinely sorry in advance if the skill update is confusing! Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments here, in the discord, or however else you'd like!

All items/skills that reroll items have had their skills modified. This affects Floral Tea, Lootbox Hero, Spring's Messengerbird, and Witch's Brew Tea. While the effect of the skill is the same (for the most part - Witch's Brew now affects Mining properly), the skills are now turned in at Claims rather than turned in via reply.

Lootbox Hero's update, for example:

The owner of this Rixixi can choose to reroll any item that can be opened to obtain randomized items once To use, head to claims. Add all items from the original roll into Add-Ons, link to the original roll (if applicable), and state that you're using Lootbox Hero. The reroll will be previewed in a comment, you may then choose whichever roll you would like to keep.

We're very sorry for the extra steps needed to use reroll skills! They're intended to improve item tracking, and make it so you can reroll as many rolls as you want. We've had issues in the past where we couldn't easily keep track of where rerolled items went, and so putting them in claims to reroll them makes it easy to keep track of them. It doesn't have to be the exact item you rolled, as long as the quantity is right. We've also had trouble in the past with replies being overwhelming with regards to the old method of reroll skills, but we couldn't really explain to players what was overwhelming about it. Please, feel free to put in as many as you want into Claims - we might need to take breaks, but it's less likely that things will get buried here.

Have fun rerolling, and we're sorry that it's been a bit of a mess!

Anyways, I'm still on partial hiatus, but it's a pretty good day today, so I'll be stopping by on and off to roll a few things - see you guys a bit!

- Anarchisme

July 17 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

I've got some Rixixi news and a general Chasmhome announcement - general Chasmhome announcement first!

I'm going to be incredibly sporadic in activity due to medical stuff from now until the first week of August. I'd like to still drop by and do what I can for at least the next week, especially because I get really bored when I'm not working on things! For the last week of July and first week of August, though, I likely won't be around much at all. The other admins may or may not be able to step in in my absence (we're all fairly busy but I don't want to speak for them!), but I just really wanted to give a heads up because it's a bit more serious than usual! Thanks for your understanding! Seriously though if you see me doing admin stuff from like July 30-August 3??, please ask me what I think I'm trying to do.


Rixixi News

The Phoenix Shrine has reached 100%.

Phoenix Updates 19 & 20:

  • The Shrine has changed. Something is wrong with the statue.
  • All changes to the shrine logged here.
  • All Lore unlocked - Side Content will still appear over time
  • 95 Cultists: All Deaths at the Phoenix Shrine grant 50% of the Sacrifice's Stats to the Rixixi Performing the Sacrifice. Bloodletting Dagger and Thoriane's Guardian Combo grant double stats. - This is to keep a reward active even though there are no further unlocks.
    • This will be coming after IHFY, and will feature Phoenix, along with other guardians! It's a followup to the Phoenix Lore in the current setting, and will unlock several things (shrines, subspecies, etc) over time! This is a Large Event instead of a Karma Event - Karma will not be active/will not be active through the entire event due to its length, parts of the story will be released at certain intervals of time along with new content, etc. I'm honestly still planning how it'll work but I have a lot of ideas for it!
Chrono Shards:

Link to Chrono calendar

I accidentally had no regular Chrono Shards active for July, so I did a couple of things:

  • Dragon Body extended through July
  • Random Past Date rolled for July 1, 2021 - October 5, 2021: July 1, 2018
    • Whoops, Time Travel
      July 1, 2021 - October 5, 2021 Charged Chrono Fogshard Pieces can add Cloak (nClk), Clownfish (nClw), Dapple (nDpl), Drakespines (+Drake), Dun (nDn), Eyespot (nEye), Frill (+Frll), Fringehead (+Fri), Hexagon (nHex), Iridescence (nIri), Kaurphyt Lines (nKph), Labyrinth (nLby), Leucism (+Leuc), Mandible Fangs (+X-Man), Poison Dart (nDart), Problems (+X-Prob), Ripple (nRip), Shell (+Shll), Skunk (nSku), Tendrils (X-Ten), Thunderstruck (nTnd), Ticking (nTk), or Whorl (+Whr)!


    • Whoops, Time Travel
      July 1, 2021 - October 5, 2021 Supercharged Chrono Fogshard Pieces can add Chameleon (nCham), Feathered Wings (+FtWing), Stained Glass (nSgl), or Ray (+Ray)!

Pride Month Wrapup

The Pride event recently closed! I'll very likely be able to do art while being mostly absent, so hopefully the group picture won't be too delayed by me having things going on! If it is, I'll give those of you in the group image a heads up. <:

I highly recommend using the group image for EXP/token redeems when it's done, it grants extra points! I might send out the B-NOM tokens personally, it's a bit unconventional but that way it's harder to forget them.

Bug Reports

We're trying to figure out a good place to put bug reports that doesn't require dA or discord - if you put your bug reports in Claims, they should be noticed fairly quickly, and we'll be able to sort them out for you! If you notice an error on the lorekeeper or nsk net, please feel free to drop it off in Claims!

I'll try to find some way to phrase this in the Nsk Net Nav, so if you don't see claims linked for bug reports at first, I'm just trying to figure out how to word things, haha.

And here's a small reminder about the polls in the last news!

The Last News

The Polls:

"Summer" 2021 Sale Timing | what do i do with this small bear

The Sale Timing is leaning heavily towards September (or either, which would lean towards September in this case |D), while there's several ideas going into Small Bear! I'm primarily looking for how to implement Primal Dwarfism's item usage with this, but other things that alter subspecies are helpful too - I just already know how it would work breeding-wise. c:


That's it for now! Sorry if things are slow for a bit, but I'll be trying to be around when I can! See you soon!

- Anarchisme

July 11 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Got a bit of Rixixi news for you today!

Rixixi News


Barters will no longer swap every other week! Instead, they will change out at the start of the month, and stay out for a full month. The group is fairly small and the Every Other Week schedule seemed excessive and pressuring, and sometimes hard to keep up with on the admin end, haha. Y'all get more time to do them before they switch!

Changes other than the timing:

  • The current barters will be staying out until the end of the month!
  • Fang's Fogshard Barter will appear once per season instead of every other barter cycle. They'll appear in August this summer, but after that, they'll be appearing on the second month per season (October for fall, January for winter, April for spring, July for other summers)
  • Cat and Mjilikae and Myrk's Seasonal Sale will be appearing together at the end of each season/overlapping with the beginning of the next season (December, March, June, September) - both item barters will be appearing at the same time so that there's more room for other item barters to appear for the rest of the season.

I have a couple of "polls" up in Google Sheets! If you could drop by and give your opinion, it'd be helpful!

"Summer" 2021 Sale Timing:

"I was planning on having a semi sale in the summer, but I prefer to give around a month's notice, which would put it in August. The thing is, I'm having my wisdom teeth out at the end of July, and I might be absent at the start of August.

Would you prefer a semi sale in mid-August or early September? (Either one would last a month)"

what do i do with this small bear:

"I've had this base saved for a year and a half now without launching it because I don't know how to get it to work with our item-based game mechanics"

More detail in form

Okay, I think that's it for now! The next update might be a Phoenix Update - I've been working on the finale there. Might be something else first, though!

- Anarchisme

July 4 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Some multispecies news today!

Multispecies News

The Pride Month event has been extended through July 15, 2021! If you've been wanting to participate but haven't had much time, I hope this helps a bit! This applies to the main event as well as the Pride Blend item barter!

You can now turn in Misc. Art pieces of any Chasm-Connected species at Kellas Cat Gifting Service for rolls! Check out the page for more details! While this does accept any species, this may not be very useful unless you participate in Rixixi and/or B-NOMALY, as the rolls utilize Rixixi items. You can opt for B-NOMALY currency!
Kellas Cat Gifting Service was originally suggested by iiixkitsunexiii!

If you're participating in Art Fight, please feel free to post your Chasm-Connected characters! If you're unsure what to link as a species reference, feel free to link to Chasmhome, a relevant dA group, or a Nsk Net species sheet - anything like that works. (:


There's a new prompt that's been added to the Prompt Library! Open Mic Night is themed around your B-NOM's own creative pursuits - sharing them, collaborating with other B-NOMs, etc!

This prompt originated from a verbal slipup I made when trying to explain Chasmhome to my family - I accidentally said that the characters could collab instead of the folks that owned them... it was a great mental image.

Rixixi News

Some updates to various pages/features:

  • Live Transmutation: Updates to Canon Creature Additional Genes:
    • Mymber: Major change due to the addition of the Mumbling gene: Previously +Tendrils (X-Ten)/Rows (X-Row)/Sleipnir (X-Slei), currently Inkblot (nIn)/Sable(nSb)+Mumbling (Mymb)
    • Tunneldrake: Added Drake Scales (+DrakScl)
    • Rooter: Added to the list. Cowspot (Cow)+Shell (Shll)/Tail Spike (Tspi)/Fanged (Fan)
    • B-NOMALY (B-CLASS): Added to the list. +Lop Ears (X-LopE) OR Perky Ears (X-PerkE)/Beak (Bek)/Bird Limbs (X-Bird)/Feathered Tail (X-FeaT) OR Bushy Tail (X-BushT) OR Whip Tail (X-WhipT)/Phoenix Trails (X-PhoeT)
      • (A note: Other B-NOMALIES unlikely to be added due to high degree of RNG that would be needed.)
  • Art Requirements Info: More info added, mainly on sizing and marking visibility.
  • Subspecies Genetics: Other Methods of Obtaining Subspecies added, lists things like items.

That should be it for now! Be back soon with more!

- Anarchisme