Site News

February 13, 2021

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Anarchie

We have some multispecies news today!

Rixixi News

As a reminder, our Semi Sale is ongoing! You can get semicustoms, slots, Mechanix, and DIY kits here! A New Recruit is also running at this time!

Winter Funerary items are up! Apologies for the delay, it's been a weird time for me personally.


We have a DTA up! A B-NOMALY was traded in, and was not originally for sale for USD, so instead of putting them up for sale, they're available as a DTA! See this deviation for details! Draw a bun and possibly get a new friend!

Coming Soon:

  • I'm still working on the Funerary mutations, don't worry! I'm hoping to have the basic mutations done soon, hopefully?

- Anarchisme

February 1, 2021

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Anarchie

We've got some quick Rixixi news for you!

Rixixi News

A Semi Sale will be coming up in a few days! (sorry for the short notice!) It'll last from February 5 to April 5! If you're interested in getting a new custom Rixixi or Mechanix, or slots, or chrono shards, that'll be when you want to do it!

The Valentines' barter is active! You can get a slot and an extra full breeding through it! Have fun!

Two more activities have been moved to Nsk Net! Hunting and Mining are now on Nsk Net/Chasmhome! The plan is to move as many things off of dA as possible at this time - Chasmjumping and Rock Collector need to be moved for sure.

That's all for now! See you soon with the semi sale!

- Anarchisme

Event - I'm Here For You

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie


Story: Prologue: The Lost | Interlude: An Interrupted Solstice | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Intermission | Chapter 3
Prompts: The Lost Event Prompt | Leyline-Connected: Chipper and the Harbinger (Multispecies Prompt) | Chapter 1 Prompt | Chapter 2 Prompt | Chapter 3 Prompt

IHFY has concluded! Check out Chapter 3 to find out why you're in the leyline and what you have to do next! There are 12 different prewritten endings depending on how your negative/positive choices stacked up along the way, and each one grants an achievement - I kind of doubt all of them will show up! I'll be making an endings guide soon.

The Karma Season will stay open until Spring! The actual prompts will not close after that, they'll just lose their Karma rewards! If you're looking to get things from the Karma Shop, do Karma-earning activities before then!


NEW in the Karma Shop:

  • Funerary starter slots can now be purchased (along with the usual Primal starter slots)
  • Funerary Illusionate-Glass cores!
  • Domestic Illusionate-Glass cores, while not new to the game, are new to the Karma Shop!
  • The Deathtrap Legendary Companion! Its description contains some bonus lore for the beast!
  • Mymber houses!

NEW in general:

  • Mymber Houses! These are effectively in beta and will in the future be obtainable outside of events. When obtained, these are added to your profile as a character, and you can turn it in to roll specific things determined by its add-ons - for instance, if you have a Garden attached, you can plant things in it, and they'll multiply in a week! If you have a Kitchen, once a week, you can rummage through the cupboards and find something relevant to your biome! If you have a Stable, you can add pets to your Mymber House and have their abilities work via the house instead of via your Rixixi (Kellas Cats and Geode Mimics can work this way for example!)
  • Raids! This isn't quite out yet, but you may see it mentioned in the Deathtrap's ability! This will be a new seasonal activity coming in Spring 2022! Something big is coming, and seasoned hunters and battlers are needed to send it back! Any combat or hunting pieces made while a Raid is active can be turned in to contribute to the raid - rewards at the end are determined by how successful the group-wide effort was, AKA how many points were turned in between all members! Any prerelease Raid info is subject to be tweaked!


Future Plans:

I really need a break before the next major event, haha. I had a lot of bad luck during this one and a lot was taken out of me, so it was hard to juggle things like IHFY as well as things like needed art. I'm going to be taking a break from major events for a while - not Rixixi as a whole, of course! Just making sure I have more time to get art done and so on before going on another major adventure.

The next major event is Nskanetis's, involving Phoenix, but the Asteroid Event may happen before then, as it wouldn't be a major event - it all depends on what I can get done, as both need subspecies-related art aspects prepped! So I'm gonna try to work on finishing Funerary and then work on future subspecies while nothing is going on.

The next major event is probably going to be a lot more text-heavy and less art-heavy than IHFY, as that was a major thing that slowed me down, but I did really like doing the CYOA style, so that might stick around! I can't say for certain just yet.

On something that'll happen sooner, I'm planning on releasing some Behind the Scenes for IHFY, so I'll get on that soon too.

See you soon - and in spring, it will be seeing you.

- Anarchisme

December 21, 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

It's time for Rixixi's Winter Festival!

With the introduction of the Leyline to the average Rixixi, the customs of the spirit world have become a curiosity. Most of the customs therein are derived from the lives of the ghosts that exist there, and so it's a heavily Nskanetian realm. However, over time, some specifically Leyline customs have sprung up. Most of these involve a focus on liminal spaces, traversal between worlds, or Death Herself, but some are simply leyline versions of other customs.
Shrineseeking is a practice in the Leyline of creating colorfully decorated shrines or altars throughout nature. While seasonal differences are uncommon in the Leyline, this most commonly happens when winter celebrations of light would occur in Vyldes, as it was derived from their color and light celebrations. Due to the Leyline's overall monochrome blue appearance, this celebration seeks to light up the realm with whatever source of cheer can be found, and fills the caverns of the Leyline with mysterious tables of shimmering baubles for weeks.
This is commonly practiced by Funeraries and Lost spirits that have wandered out of the Leyline into another world, and can confuse travelers as they come across tables of strange trinkets in the wilderness...

Winter Changelog

  • Today's new starter is Aurora, a Funerary! They're introducing a new modifier gene!
  • The Blur gene is now available! This turns hard-edged markings into soft-edged markings! (suggested by pokeapache !)
  • The Funerary Rixixi Mutation Pack has Wings and Feathered Wings now!
  • There's a hub on dA as usual!
  • This year will also lack new seasonal accessories - with the chaos of this last year, I'm having a very hard time keeping up on things right now, so I just want to take things one step at a time! There is another seasonal event planned, but it'll have to be launched after IHFY is finished!
  • Funerary Winter Items coming very soon! (I had a very strange December, sorry that they're not out right now)

I'll be rolling over the shop and everything else using seasonals either a bit later tonight or when I wake up! <:

Coming Soon

  • IHFY Chapter 3 is almost ready! It'll very likely be out in January - sorry for the delays on that!
  • More Funerary Muts/Apparel!
  • There was a call for marking suggestions in the Discord, expect more new markings soon!

- Anarchisme

December 9, 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Just a quick prompt-related announcement!


The Snowbunny Solstice prompt is active! Show your B-NOMALY (or a NPC) celebrating the season to obtain a MYO!

Since this announcement went up late, this prompt is extended for a week!


Sorry for being late! A bit of chaos IRL, hopefully more soon!

- Anarchisme

November 20 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Hello! We have some

Multispecies NEws

Major Breeding Update!

Breeding for all breedable species (Rixixi, B-NOMALY, and Mechanix) has been moved off dA! An info page can be found here, and a general prompt can be found here! If any info is unclear, please let me know - most of the information is copied straight from the dA pages and so I may have missed something that needed touching up. Everything should be the same for the most part other than consolidating the info into one page and moving the prompt, though.

Rixixi and B-NOMALY can now crossbreed as of this update! Information on that can be found at this page! To crossbreed, you'll need a breedable Ixi and a B-NOM (or slots), and a breeding ticket for the B-NOM! Not all genes are available, some will not pass if it doesn't exist on the other species, while some genes just pass as something else that's similar - this is detailed on the linked page!

With this update,  B-NOMALY NPCs can officially be used in any breeding freely, but the resulting eggs will not be considered canon for them!

As a note related to breeding, as Rixixi will be transferred to the site soon (and their breeding comments with them), dA breeding comments will still be considered valid and will be mirrored on-site!

A known bug:

The default character order in each user's own character page seems to have been randomized somehow. We're not sure how this happened, but we're looking into it. In the meantime, if this isn't something you're okay with or if you just want to sort your characters, you can manually sort your characters at this page!


Apologies for the mood drop, but we would like to remind Chasmhome players to be kind to each other - this goes for your fellow players as well as interactions between players and admins. Please show respect for others, including things like differences in cultural backgrounds and gender presentation/identity. If there is a concern, you can reach out to us. We would like this to be a welcoming place for all sorts of folks.

That's it for now! As a small heads up, I may be a bit scarce on the admin front for a short time as I focus on art - things have been chaotic and stressful for a bit and I haven't had time to work on things I need to do as much as I'd like. Thanks, see you soon with more!

Update Nov. 22:

Just a quick update, so I'm using trhe same news post!

  • The Leyline-Connected Achievement is now up! Completing the Leyline-Connected prompt or completing any IHFY event prompt with both a B-NOMALY and a Rixixi will grant the achievement to both the Rixixi and the B-NOMALY! Starters/NPCs can be used for this (and may be useful if you don't have both a Rixixi and a B-NOMALY), but will not be granted the achievement.
  • After some more testing, Seraph's Styling Station has been updated. Alt forms like Bunshifter forms no longer have to be put as a link, they do upload as a new image rather than replacing the main image.

- Anarchisme

October 31 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Happy Halloween! Here's some

Multispecies News

I'm Here For You

IHFY's intermission just launched! There was a separate post about it, over here! The intermission doesn't have its own prompt, it's just additional plot, but chapter 3 is fully written and hopefully will be coming out soon! Check it out!

Additionally -  the achievement hasn't launched yet, as I haven't had time to make the art, but completing an IHFY prompt, including Leyline-Connected, with both a B-NOMALY and a Rixixi in the piece, will grant a specific achievement for that Rixixi and B-NOMALY! This achievement, when released, will be granted retroactively!

Chasm Fae

Chasm fae are now available as an alternate form for both Rixixi and B-NOMALY! Chasm fae have lore courtesy of iiixkitsunexiii and pawstepsinthesnow, and this lore and the design guide can be found here! While the guide is currently mirrored on Nsk Net, the main link may be moved somewhere else when Kitsu and Sian have it up somewhere of their choosing!

Chasm Fae have specific design requirements and require a Faery Circle item (this can be crafted with Rixixi items or purchased in the B-NOM Labs shop) - read up on them in the guide to see what you'll need!

Several Rixixi starters are fae, and their true forms will be linked to them shortly!

Comments on imports

Comments are on imports now, and breeding/achievements comments have been added to all B-NOMALIES! The following will be happening as a result of this:

  • Breeding will be getting an overhaul to make it work better with Lorekeeper
  • Breeding comments from dA will still be honored!
  • Rixixi will be uploaded to the site soon!
  • Rixixi/B-NOMALY breeding will be possible soon!

Coming Soon:

  • IHFY Chapter 3, and the Leyline-Connected achievement
  • More Funerary, of course!
  • Rixixi on site
  • Breeding overhauls

Happy Halloween! Have a good Samhain!

- Anarchisme

Event - I'm Here For You

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie


Story: Prologue: The Lost | Interlude: An Interrupted Solstice | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Intermission | Chapter 3 TBA
Prompts: The Lost Event Prompt | Leyline-Connected: Chipper and the Harbinger (Multispecies Prompt) | Chapter 1 Prompt | Chapter 2 Prompt

The intermission for IHFY is out! This one doesn't have a prompt, but does have some very necessary plot! Go ahead and check it out!

- Anarchisme

October 22 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Hey there! Today we have some

Multispecies News


Accented has been moved to Nsk Net and updated! It is also now open to B-NOMALIES as well as Rixixi! Bunshifter forms are now extremely open!

The rules on Aexented forms may be Rixixi-centric, as Accented was originally a Rixixi-only prompt. If you see anything specifying that Rixixi can do it, B-NOMALIES should still be able to do it, except for the rules on B-NOMALIES and Rixixi shifting into each other - those are still a bit specific. B-NOMALIES cannot shift into other B-NOMALIES with Accented, and Rixixi cannot shift into other Rixixi with Accented.

If you have a Rixixi with a B-NOMALY form, they should be properly linked soon!

B-NOM Sales post

Additionally, there's now a Chasmhome post for all B-NOMALIES currently available for sale! This post also acts as an orphanage - you can trade in B-NOMALIES that need a new home, and obtain tokens in return! Undesigned eggs are fine to trade in here!


Coming soon:

  • Still working on IHFY and Funerary stuff! Hoping to have a few things out around Halloween! <:

See you soon!

- Anarchisme

October 10 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Apologies for this news being late, was dealing with an IRL crisis

B-NOMALY and Rixixi news!

Rixixi News

Mostly new items and "new" items here!

Funerary fall items have been up for a few days!

And two new food items have been harvested!


The Fridge Werebun prompt is active throughout October! Draw/write about your B-NOMALY as a Fridge Werewolf to get the Bunshifter: Fridge Parasite item! Due to this news being late, the prompt has been extended so that it goes a week into November!

While it's not time-limited, it's seasonally relevant - there's also a Trick or Treat prompt! Rixixi also has a separate (fall-only) Trick or Treat prompt that allows B-NOMALIES to enter, and it has been ruled legal to enter both of these prompts with the same piece if you're interested!

Lastly, there's some halloween adoptables going up! These will contain Rixixi traits that are being ported to B-NOMALY in anticipation of crossbreeding B-NOMS and Ixi! So far, Bloodstained Bun is up!


Coming Soon:

Things are a little hectic right now, so I don't have an ETA, but I'm hoping to really work more on IHFY this month!
Other than that, it's mostly the obvious Funerary Beta Updates and B-NOMs <: And of course that feature mentioned in a previous news post.

See you soon!

- Anarchisme