Site News

December 3 2022

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Anarchie

We've got a few bits of news around today!

First, some quick Multispecies news - the Semi/MYO Sale will be ending soon, on December 5th! If you have anything you still want to get, check that out!

Rixixi News

Due to a worrying ?glitch? on dA that temporarily disabled multiple links in comments (they're back now), more things have been moved to Nsk Net/Chasmhome.

  • All Story Modes are now on Nsk Net!
  • The Adoption Center has been fully ported to Chasmhome! A Getting Started page will be made eventually because this page needs more visibility on it, and so do some other things like the free gifts. I'm just not sure how to word a Getting Started page so I'll be consulting my fellow admins on how to do it.
  • The Use Items page will be ported soon, but I need to figure out what I'm doing with Free Parking/test raffles for it, figure out if B-NOMALIES need to be on the Use Items page or if Seraph's covers everything, and so on.
  • Design Approval is staying on dA on this time unless something breaks because I really don't want to port all genos into MYOs. that's uh that's genuinely the reason

I've honestly been meaning to do this for a while and this just kind of sped me up a bit v:


B-NOMALY sales are now conducted exclusively through the B-NOM sales thread and not on dA! Adoptable posts will go up on dA and Weasyl (if posted by Anar and not a guest artist, guest artists can post wherever) The S-OLSTICE B-NOMs for this year are starting to go up today, so keep an eye out for bunes!

That's it for now! Happy December, more coming soon!

- Anarchisme

October 30 2022

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Anarchie

It's the night before Halloween, and we have a little treat for you!

Rixixi News

A Euphoria wish was made for a Halloween treat for everyone! As a result, a Marshmallow, Hard Candy, Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, and White Chocolate have been distributed to all users! Enjoy the candy, and if you want more, the Treat for Trick barter is still open and accepting rocks!

Additionally, a Lucida wish caused an item to be released off the to-do list without item art! The Picnic Basket item (originally suggested by Lucifers-Law-Inc on dA) is a lootbox that drops food items that grant permanent stats! It'll drop 5 of them at a time. The Picnic Basket can be created through crafting! Usually crafting items have item art when they launch, but there was kind of nothing else to grant this wish better than the Picnic Basket, so uh, it launched early, haha.

Enjoy, and happy Halloween!

- Anarchisme

October 24 2022

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Anarchie




It's been available all month but since there was no notice until now, it'll now be available through all of November as well! Check out that prompt if you want a Bunshifter: Fridge Parasite item for an art entry!

That's all for now! See you with more soon!

- Anarchisme

October 12 2022

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Anarchie

There's some more food items in Rixixi, and a barter update!

Rixixi News

Several new food items have come out, some with item art! Some of these were launched because it's the season for trick or treating, some of these were submitted via the kitchen's Create feature! Regardless of whether they have item art or not, you can find them at the Kitchen! (Hard Candy is under Cook, the rest are under Combine!)

Also, the Treat for Trick item barter (currently active for this month!) has been updated to include Hard Candy and Marshmallows as payouts! Happy Trick-Or-Treating!

- Anarchisme

October 5 2022

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Anarchie

We have multispecies news and Rixixi news!

Multispecies news

The Semi Sale/MYO Sale is open!

The Rixixi semi-custom sale has been upgraded into a general Chasmhome sale, now with B-NOMALY MYOS, Customs, and items! Everything has also been somewhat lowered in price and some limits have been removed or altered, so it's a great time to check out what's changed if you weren't quite sure before! Sale proceeds go towards keeping the site up as usual!

The New Recruit is active due to a Rixixi semi sale being active!

In other news, Accented has been updated to cross over with Ketucari! Rixixi and B-NOMALY can now shift into (uploaded) Ketucari, and vice versa! Ketixi can freely use accented, and Rixixi, B-NOMALY, and Ketucari can shift into them! Ketixi can currently not shift into other Ketixi forms, we're discussing this so this may or may not change.

Rixixi News

We have several new food items due to pawstepsinthesnow spending some time in the Kitchen's create function! Check them out in the Kitchen sometime!

  • Ham Bone and Bean Soup (large recipe)
  • Honey-Glazed Tunneldrake Roast
  • Chili Con Carne (large recipe)
  • Sxriix'n Firebreather Chili (large recipe)
  • The Paintstripper (large recipe)


That's all for now! Coming soon: More Halloween B-NOMALIES! I was going to announce the first one, but it sold instantly. A few of those are happening this month too though.

- Anarchisme

September 27 2022

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Anarchie

Two quick things for today!


A Euphoria wish was granted that both altered the current Chrono shards and granted a Charged and Supercharged chrono to everyone! Here, I'll quote the relevant parts of the wish, but if you want to read the whole thing, it's right here!

3) Wish for anything at all: Everyone shall feel the Phoenix' influence and admire His greatness.


A new Chrono Shard listing has been added for Phoenix's Glory from September 27, 2022 - November 30, 2022. It can grant Groundbreaking (nGbk), Albinism (+Al), Bird Limbs (X-Bird), Dragon Body Type (+X-DrBdy), Phoenix Trails (+X-PhoeT), Sleipnir (+X-Slei), Wing Arms (+X-WingA), Sulfur (nSfr), OR Feathered Wings (+FtWing).

ALL MEMBERS ON-SITE have been granted one Charged and one Supercharged chrono shard for today (September 27, 2022)

If you're wondering where your new chrono shards came from and why, this is why! You can use or not use them, it's fine! Enjoy!

Multispecies news

As an additional piece of news - we have a semi sale coming up on October 5! This will have updates based on the survey that went out earlier this year! I might set up the sale post early to make sure everything is in there and all good, but it's October 5th specifically, and it'll last two months! The sale will go towards funding the site, as usual! c:

This is multispecies news and not just Rixixi news due to updates from the survey - y'all wanted B-NOMALY stuff!

See you soon with more, including Halloween B-NOMALIES!

- Anarchisme

September 22 2022 - Fall Festival

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Anarchie

Summer Festival time!

The Fall is a season of remembrance. Those reincarnated from the leyline and moved on to a new life are remembered. Those passed on - as ghosts can die in the Leyline, it is not a place without dangers - are remembered. Loved ones who never made it to the Leyline in the first place, instead passing to a different afterlife or ghostly existence altogether, are remembered. The Leyline can be a lonely place sometimes.The Mortal world is traversed in fall to gather some trinkets of the season. Fallen leaves, mushrooms, plentiful harvests - with consent on that one, no use depriving anyone of their food. The fall goods are taken to resting places and memorial sites of the deceased, where they are left as offerings with kind words. In loving memory.

FAll Changelog

  • This Fall's new starter is Migration, a Funerary and Chasm Fae! They have two new genes for us!
  • New gene: Sylvan - a rare gene that can look like a butterfly's wings or a leaf! (A butterfly gene was suggested by Ace574 )
  • New gene: Erosion - The edge of a marking becomes mottled in texture!! (Suggested by Ace574 )
  • There's a hub on dA as usual!
  • The seasonal Raid has rolled over, and another strange creature from the Couloir has appeared - the Crow. DO NOT LISTEN TO IT.
    Raid points have also been very slightly changed - Leg Hunting against the creature now does stack with depicting the creature!
  • Dwarf Primal fall items are not yet available because I'm having some medical trouble and needed to cut back on something. They'll be out soon! Sorry for the delay!

I'll be rolling over the shop and everything else using seasonals very soon!

- Anarchisme


Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Anarchie
The Veluchasm Festival!
The Veluchasm Festival!
Runs August 1, 2022 - 11:59 PM August 31 2022 (Pacific Time)
Additional news at the bottom!
We have drinks, streamers, sparklers, and aliens, no matter which world you’re celebrating on! While the denizens of Velukaelo and those of the Chasm-Connected worlds have been aware of each other for years, we’re just now holding a celebration of our alliance! The reason for this is about to be revealed to the general public…
While Ketucari and Rixixi have had relationships every now and again, something new has started to spring up - a hybrid species referred to as the Ketixi! With the help of B-NOMALY mechanic Steele and expert engineer Kenkasei, the B-NOMALY’s breeding safety machine was altered with tarn water to safely join the genes of Rixixi and Ketucari while filtering out all sorts of possible issues. While it is possible to create a Ketixi naturally, it is rare, so we recommend use of the machine!
You will need an account on both and to participate in this event!
Ketixi: Smooth Import
A hybrid of Ketucari and Rixixi, Ketixi are bulky, muscular quadrupeds. Appearing similar to a combination of a Primal subspecies of Rixixi and a Ketucari no matter their actual Rixixi heritage, they primarily stand on four legs, but can walk in a bipedal stance for a short time, similar to ursines. Much like Rixixi, the Ketixi breathes through a vent system, visible on their sides. Much like Ketucari, they have a combination of fur and feathers covering their body, and their frill - both spiked and leathery as well as covered in feathers - is extremely expressive.
They are approximately the size of a Standard build Ketucari, standing 16-20 hands tall at the shoulder. Rixixi commonly measure their quadrupeds by length, and Ketixi are comparable to a large Primal, measuring 12-16 feet long from snout to tailtip on average.
Ketixi are all some form of intersex due to their Rixixi heritage. Due in part to their unusual heritage, they are all sterile.
Each player can enter ONE KETUCARI and ONE RIXIXI into a breeding to get one Ketixi geno per breeding! Ketucari and Rixixi must both be breedable (or a starter) for this event, but the breedings will not reduce their total slots!
To enter a starter, you must do at least a colored headshot or 100 words of that starter!
You have 1 Breeding by default! By entering the 2 main events and advertising bonus here, you may obtain up to 3 additional breedings!
Breedings will not be subject to Matriarch Kills or infertility penalties. Breedings will be subject to radiation sickness and inbreeding penalties if relevant. Breeding boosters may not be used. Rixixi are considered to have a disk automatically and can breed with any ketucari gender-wise. These are all considered full litters to you, but you can do what you please with the cubs afterwards.
Starters with lineage skills, Wanderers, and Mechanix may not be rented for this event.
Splits are disabled for this event, as breedings here will only result in one cub every time.
To enter, go HERE and comment with the following form:
Additional Information: [If you’re leasing a starter, the art goes here. Any other relevant information goes here.]
Intimidated by mutations? Lost? Busy? You can request a design from an admin HERE! - just link to your Ketixi geno!
You can specifically request Anarchisme, iiixkitsunexiii, or pawstepsinthesnow as designer if desired!
Have a breedable Ketucari or Rixixi that you want to give slots out for this event, but are unsure how to do that for this since slots aren’t used? Use THIS THREAD to give a slot to a specific player, with this form! The Ketucari and Rixixi discords are good places to advertise your Ketu/Ixi’s breedable services, so why not sign up?
Link to import: [Ket/Ixi]
Slot recipient: @ username
There are all sorts of folks to meet at the Festival, and it’s held on all of the Chasm-Connected worlds as well as Velukaelo! While you’re here, why not introduce yourself to someone new? It could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!
Depict your own Ketucari or Rixixi meeting a different world’s sapient species at the festival! Entries should meet Ketucari’s minimum art requirements - the character you’re meeting does not count as an extra character for wordcount purposes. For the other character, you can use your own characters, starters, or others’ Ixi/Ketucari, but make sure to have permission if drawing others’. It is allowed to draw non-Ixi/Ketucari sapients, such as Heldyr or Arakanth.
You can commission art pieces for this if you want to!
Post your pieces on THIS THREAD, and list your and usernames!
  • +1 Ketixi Breeding
  • 50x Gold and 50x Summer Pops
  • Primal Crown Primary Horn Token OR Cheek Frill Tertiary Horn Token (tell us which you want!)
Exploring other worlds is exciting! One of the most interesting parts is all the new creatures you might meet. While traveling along, see if you have an encounter with something. Make sure to approach from a safe distance, and maybe you’ll have a pleasant experience!
Depict your own Ketucari or Rixixi meeting a different world’s fauna! Entries should meet Ketucari’s minimum art requirements. If you need to find some fauna to choose from, explore Ketucari’s Zone Pages or Chasmhome’s Bestiary (note that sapients are listed in the Chasmhome bestiary as well -this prompt is for nonsapients OR companions, regardless of sapience status)!
You can commission art pieces for this if you want to!
Post your pieces on THIS THREAD, and list your and usernames as well as your Roothorne color choice!
  • +1 Ketixi Breeding
  • 1x Roothorne of Your Choice, sent to both your Chasmhome and Ketucari accounts Note: The Chasmhome version of the Roothorne only comes in one color, but can be reskinned.
We’d like more people to hear about Ketucari and Rixixi! If you could advertise our event here through a status, journal, poll, or other similar sort of thing, we’ll give you your choice of the following!:
  • 100 Gold & 100 Summer Pops
  • The ability to claim a Newbie Pack/Chasmhome’s Welcome Pack for a second time (make sure to link your comment here when claiming it as proof that you can claim again!)
  • +1 Ketixi Breeding
AND your choice of
  • Primal Crown Primary Horn Token
  • Cheek Frill Tertiary Horn Token
Post your pieces on THIS THREAD with the following form:
Advertisement link:
What rewards do you want?:
We have several pre-designed Ketixi looking for homes! To enter for one, please respond to the corresponding comment with an art entry meeting Ketucari’s minimum art requirements involving your Ketucari/Rixixi meeting the raffle Ketixi in some way! These can be used as activities for both Rixixi and Ketucari!
You can commission art pieces for this if you want to!
Enter your raffle pieces on each Ketixi’s thread! One entry per person per Ketixi, please!
Iron KX-01
Hellhound KX-02
Tres KX-03
Javert KX-04
Cait KX-05
Demoiselle KX-06
Pitaya KX-07
Technical Details
Ketixi are infertile and cannot breed. They can only be obtained in this event - they will not be able to be obtained via semicustoms, build changes, fogshards, or other methods.
Ketixi will be uploaded to both Chasmhome and Ketucari’s lorekeeper. These imports will have separate stats and some separate details, such as which companions will be uploaded to them, what items they can equip, and so on. The Chasmhome upload can be used on Chasmhome and uses items/quests/prompts native to that site, and Ketucari’s can be used on and uses Ketucari items/quests/prompts. Rolls of Ketixi can double-dip on both Ketucari and Chasmhome. Visual changes carry over to both uploads - if a Ketucari background is used, it will display on both Ketucari and Chasmhome. If an element is learned via Chasmhome and leveled up to the point that it can display, it can display on both Ketucari and Chasmhome. Similar things can double up - you can have an elemental blessing and display elemental radiation.
As a result of their double import, Ketixi need to be submitted to both design approvals. There is a Ketixi thread in Ketucari and Rixixi’s design approval - use two separate stash files, one with Ketucari’s import details and one with Rixixi’s, and drop these off in the individual threads.
Ketixi have a limited gene pool as well as several genes combined from both species. To exist on the Ketixi list, there must be a similar gene on both species. The full list is below!
You may use geno-editing items on your Ketixi, such as tokens, fogshard pieces, and statues. Tokens do not have a limit for Ketixi. If using a token/fogshard gene that was fused from two genes for Ketixi to make a new unique gene (eg. Sunny Ember), either the relevant fogshard or token will work. (a Sun Chrono fogshard, an Ember token). Supercharged Alchemy fogshards cannot trade the unique fused genes to a Rixixi, as they cannot be on regular Rixixi.
Mutations must be added by the designer, mutation bases will not be made for Ketixi. Mutations that exist in Rixixi and Ketucari can both pass on the same geno - double albinism is possible, for instance. Horns use Rixixi rules - they are fully customizable and can go anywhere on the head. You can use Ketucari bases for Ketixi horns if desired, but you will have to move them to make them fit.
If a Rixixi Fur Mutation passes, you will be asked what feather type you want it to be replaced by. This may change in the future if we run this event again and more Fur Mutations are released by then!
List of Ketixi Markings
Ketixi use Ketucari base coats, so as to allow modifiers and color genes! Rixixi parents are treated as if they have the ketucari Tint gene!
Counterparts are listed here - these are genes that will translate to the linked gene when breeding for Ketixi. This is so you can know every gene that works for Ketixi.
If a marking using Ketucari rules restricts to a limited list of markings, it uses this list for Ketixi: Cloak, Cowspots, Dapple, Dusky Points, Gecko, Hood, Labyrinthine Lacing, Labyrinthine Acid, Mojave Pastel, Mud, Raccoon, Pangare, Ripple, Sable, Spotting, Tabby, Tar Pit, Ticking, Washout, Windstorm, Xanadu
  • Accents (nAc/AcAc) (50%) (Counterpart: Hued Points & Plumage)
  • Bioluminescent (nLum/LumLum) (15%) (Counterpart: Radiance)
  • Cloak (nClk/ClkClk) (50%) (Counterpart: Mantle)
  • Cowspot (nCow/CowCow) (30%) (Counterpart: Koi)
  • Colorize (35%) (Counterpart: Glitter)
  • Daggerstabbed Burst (nDsb/DsbDsb) (50%) (Blood Burst or Daggerstabbed) uses the rules of Blood Burst, but can optionally change to the Ketixi’s blood color instead of red when relevant.
  • Dapple (Rixixi) (nDpl/DplDpl) (50%) (Counterpart: Ketucari Dapple)
  • Dun (Ketucari) (nDu/DuDu) (60%) (Counterpart: Rixixi Dun)
  • Dusky Points (nDskDsk) (50%) - Can be lighter than base on Ketixi (Counterpart: Points)
  • Eyespot (nEye/EyeEye) (30%) (Counterpart: Eye Rings)
  • Flourishing Display (nFld/FldFld) 65% (Display or Flourish) uses the rules of Display, but allows markings to be made on skin/nails/horns zones - markings must be made up of the Flourishing Display colors
  • Gecko (nGk/GkGk) (40%) (Counterpart: Clownfish)
  • Gradient (nGr/GrGr) (50%) (Counterpart: Bleaching & Intensify)
  • Groundbreaking (nGbk/GbkGbk) (50%) (Counterpart: Geode)
  • Hood (Rixixi) (nHd/HdHd) (50%) (Counterpart: Ketucari Hood)
  • Labyrinthine Lacing/Labyrinthine Acid/Mojave Pastel (nLlc/LlcLlc/Llc+Mm) (50%/Dom/20%) - (Lacing/Acid/Melanistic Pastel or Labyrinth or Mojave. Mojave Pastel only passes from Mel Pastel.) Labyrinthine Lacing increases the angular allowance of Lacing, can appear like the typical snake patterns and curved, dripping patterns typical of lacing but can also appear like geometric shapes and circuitry patterns. Labyrinthine Acid also increases the geometric shapes allowed in the marking, but is about as thick as the Acid marking typically is. Along with the snakes referenced in Acid's guide, you may also reference Arroyo and Mojave snakes for a more natural pattern. Mojave Pastel follows Melanistic Pastel's guide except for the aforementioned increase in geometric shape allowance!
  • Lampworked (nLwk/LwkLwk) (30%) (Counterpart: Topiary)
  • Lunar Vapor (nLv/LvLv) (15%) (Lunar or Vapor) uses Vapor’s rules, except that it allows any colors and any amount of colors.
  • Merle (Rixixi) (nMer/MerMer) (50%) (Counterpart: Ketucari Merle)
  • Mirror (nMir/MirMir) (30%) (Counterpart: Pale)
  • Monarch Glass (nMog/MogMog) (30%) (Monarch or Stained Glass) - This combination can either restrict to a single marking listed or present as segmented dark-rimmed markings allowing for unlimited colors covering up to 30% of the ketixi.
  • Moonspots (nMs/MsMs) (30%) (Counterpart: Fawn)
  • Mottling (nMtl/MtlMtl) (60%) (Counterpart: Snowflake)
  • Mud (nMd/MdMd) (50%) (Counterpart: Tan)
  • Painted Jovian (nPjv/PjvPjv) (25%) (Painted or Jovian) Uses Painted's rules, but must use three minimum shades of the base or marking it modifies, and at minimum one accent color! Can use hard or soft-edged bands, appearing like the painted hills or clouds on gas giants.
  • Pangare (Ketucari) (nPn/PnPn) (60%) (Counterpart: Rixixi Pangare)
  • Quail (nQu/QuQu) (50%) (Counterpart: Ringneck)
  • Raccoon (nRcc/RccRcc) (55%) (Strand or Procyonid) uses Strand’s rules but all rings can be twice as thick, and Procyonid’s eye mask can be used.
  • Ripple (nRip/RipRip) (50%) (Counterpart: Trailing)
  • Sable (nSb/SbSb) (Ketucari) (55%) (Counterpart: Rixixi Sable)
  • Scale Marks (nScm/ScmScm) (25%) (Counterpart: Scaled)
  • Shimmer (nSm/SmSm) (25%) (Counterpart: Iridescent)
  • Stamped (nSmp/SmpSmp) (50%) (Counterpart: Hexagon & Squared)
  • Spotting (nSt/StSt) (45%) (Counterpart: Inkblot)
  • Sulfur (nSfr/SfrSfr) (15%) (Counterpart: Inferno)
  • Sunny Ember (nSum/SumSum) (50%) (Sun or Ember) Uses Sun’s shape rules and range, but Ember’s color rules.
  • Tabby (nTab/TabTab) (30%) (Counterpart: Marbling & Striping & Barring)
  • Tar Pit (nTpt/TptTpt) (50%) (Counterpart: Unders (darker than base))
  • Tortoiseshell (nTrt/TrtTrt) (15%) (Counterpart: Somatic)
  • Ticking (nTk/TkTk) (50%) (Counterpart: Speckling)
  • Washout (nWt/WtWt) (60%) (Counterpart: Unders (lighter than base))
  • Webbing (nWb/WbWb) (35%) (Counterpart: Waterlight)
  • Windstorm (nWind/WindWind) (30%) (Counterpart: Overcast)
  • Xanadu (nXan/XanXan) (30%) (Counterpart: Ray)
Chasmhome-Specific News:
  • Pass rate percentages are now listed on the Genetics page due to being listed publicly here!
Ketucari-Specific News:
  • The Cloning Vat item has been added to Engineering! You can use this to change a semicustom into a “breeding” where you choose what genes come out, and more! Read about it here!
  • The Primal Crown primary horns and Cheek Frill tertiary horns have been added, based on Rixixi traits! These will be dispersed through this event, and in the usual 3 months, will be available through tokens and semicustoms!
  • Intersex has been added as an option for sex! Intersex Ketucari are infertile and cannot breed, however.

July 17 2022

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Anarchie

Rixixi News

Hey all!

The entirety of the Main Questline of Story Mode has been ported to Nsk Net! Next up is the Radiation story modes and then any remaining stragglers (just Three-Faced, I think)! If you have an open thread on dA, you don't have to move it to the site, you can finish it there - you're allowed to move it to a lorekeeper prompt if you want, but you don't have to!

Also, the Mechanix raffle has ended, and iiixkitsunexiii has won the fireworks mech! Congrats and enjoy!

See you soon with more things, and here's another reminder - there's a breeding-related crossover event in August!

- Anarchisme

July 8 2022

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Anarchie

Update (because I forgot to put it in): An important note: Please use site links instead of dA links from now on! The dA links will no longer be updated and will contain outdated information! Thank you!

Rixixi News

All Rixixi have been uploaded to the site! You should be able to find your Rixixi on your page!

Design approvals is now reopened! You can submit design approvals at the regular journal, redesigns at import updates (or through lorekeeper's functions), and so on!

Some notes on characters, including the notes from the previous news. This was all likely in discord, so if you've read this before, that's why.

  • We now have Nicknames and Gender/Pronouns on character profiles! The Nicknames section is being filled in on upload, the Gender/Pronouns section is not even if there's pronouns listed in bio, because I don't want to reformat your bios or assume how you want to handle things. Go ahead and mess with those!
  • There was a genocorecollapse/genosupernova that resulted in us needing to edit the site. To avoid editing the site further, please keep your Rixixi at around 50 genes or less! Technically the limit is actually 63 or so genes, depending on how long the genes' names are, but 50 is a much rounder number and leaves a lot more space. This is not an official limit right now, but it is a request! If we get more genocorecollapses, it may become an official rule. The site just can't handle geno strings that are that long.
  • Character profiles have been lengthened to the point that you could feasibly put the bee movie script in them, or DOOM encoded as text. We do not actually recommend putting these things in there, but the length limit does allow it. You can put massive character histories in there with no problem!
  • You can enter a Display Name to have a different title than your entered name for your Rixixi! Display names will appear on the profile and lineage, but the actual name will appear on tabs such as data and inventory.
  • Pronounciation is also available to be optionally entered! This will appear on the profile.
  • Companions were updated so that their skills appear on character pages! If your companion does not have a skill attached (except for Rixixi Companions on Mechanix), this is an error - please report it!

As always, if you see an error with your character, please feel free to report it! These should all be finished uploads, so it's fine to report anything at all that seems wrong.

After this, the next project is to move Story Modes to the lorekeeper!

Pride comes to a close tomorrow! Hope you've enjoyed!

All right, that's all for now. Have a good one!

- Anarchisme