December 21, 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

It's time for Rixixi's Winter Festival!

With the introduction of the Leyline to the average Rixixi, the customs of the spirit world have become a curiosity. Most of the customs therein are derived from the lives of the ghosts that exist there, and so it's a heavily Nskanetian realm. However, over time, some specifically Leyline customs have sprung up. Most of these involve a focus on liminal spaces, traversal between worlds, or Death Herself, but some are simply leyline versions of other customs.
Shrineseeking is a practice in the Leyline of creating colorfully decorated shrines or altars throughout nature. While seasonal differences are uncommon in the Leyline, this most commonly happens when winter celebrations of light would occur in Vyldes, as it was derived from their color and light celebrations. Due to the Leyline's overall monochrome blue appearance, this celebration seeks to light up the realm with whatever source of cheer can be found, and fills the caverns of the Leyline with mysterious tables of shimmering baubles for weeks.
This is commonly practiced by Funeraries and Lost spirits that have wandered out of the Leyline into another world, and can confuse travelers as they come across tables of strange trinkets in the wilderness...

Winter Changelog

  • Today's new starter is Aurora, a Funerary! They're introducing a new modifier gene!
  • The Blur gene is now available! This turns hard-edged markings into soft-edged markings! (suggested by pokeapache !)
  • The Funerary Rixixi Mutation Pack has Wings and Feathered Wings now!
  • There's a hub on dA as usual!
  • This year will also lack new seasonal accessories - with the chaos of this last year, I'm having a very hard time keeping up on things right now, so I just want to take things one step at a time! There is another seasonal event planned, but it'll have to be launched after IHFY is finished!
  • Funerary Winter Items coming very soon! (I had a very strange December, sorry that they're not out right now)

I'll be rolling over the shop and everything else using seasonals either a bit later tonight or when I wake up! <:

Coming Soon

  • IHFY Chapter 3 is almost ready! It'll very likely be out in January - sorry for the delays on that!
  • More Funerary Muts/Apparel!
  • There was a call for marking suggestions in the Discord, expect more new markings soon!

- Anarchisme



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