
<a href="" class="display-item">Graverobber</a>


The Graverobber is a megafauna from the Couloir. It is unknown how the creature got out of the Desolated World, but doing so cost it a great deal of energy. It lives in graveyards, now digging through the ground for old flesh with its massive head.



  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.
  • LEGENDARY Companion: A Rixixi may only have one Legendary Companion at a time.

Companion Ability:

Graverobber: 50% chance of dropping a Death-Charged Fogshard in any loot-dropping activity.

Legendary Companion Second Ability:

Graverobber: Soft Earth: Can be used during combat and will not take up the Rixixi's combat turn (Soft Earth can be used as an extra skill during combat).
Spends one turn digging underground, shielding their Rixixi for 20% of damage due to dirt being kicked up. The next turn, they attack for [2d20+(attack*2)]!
<a href="" class="display-item">Snowman</a>


The Snowman is a reclusive megafauna from the Couloir. Breaching in the mountains in winter harmed it, damaging its foliage. It is sick, and it is angry, and it wants to do something about it. Its breach location granted it the nickname "snowman", and it's clear that it understands mockery.



  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.
  • LEGENDARY Companion: A Rixixi may only have one Legendary Companion at a time.

Companion Ability:

Snowman: Blocks Temporary Conditions that can be considered 'exposure to the elements'. (Currently Cursed, Radiation Poisoning, and Vent Smog)

Legendary Companion Second Ability:
Snowman: Frostbite: Any Damage Over Time dealt by the companion Rixixi is doubled.

<a href="" class="display-item">Crow</a>


The Crow is a well-known gigafauna from the Couloir. Considered an ill omen, the creature's vine-like tendrils make a crisp, thin sound in the air as it glides, blotting out the light. DO NOT LISTEN TO ITS CRY.



  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.
  • LEGENDARY Companion: A Rixixi may only have one Legendary Companion at a time.

Companion Ability:

Crow: 15% chance of dodging any attack in combat through sheer intimidation. Passive, does not count as equipment.

Legendary Companion Second Ability:

Crow: Scarecrow: In any loot-dropping activity, the crow returns a full Hunting roll vs. Plant Creature prey at base stats.
<a href="" class="display-item">Warreneater</a>


This gigafauna from the Couloir is an ambush predator, and an effective one. The Warreneater was named on Sxriix for its ability to completely take over and destroy a system of burrows, nestling in and waiting for movement above. Despite its massive size, this beast can wait days without moving as long as its facial or tail leaves are exposed to sunlight or certain chemicals - it has both the ability of photosynthesis and chemosynthesis.



  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.
  • LEGENDARY Companion: A Rixixi may only have one Legendary Companion at a time.

Companion Ability:

Warreneater: Doubles hunting rolls.

Legendary Companion Second Ability:

Warreneater: Run Rabbit Run: If the Rixixi Companion fails a legendary hunt, the hunt will reroll as a Misc. Land Animal hunting at base stats.
<a href="" class="display-item">Mismi</a>


A small burrowing animal in the Couloir, Mismi are found all over the world, but most are adapted to the desert. Their metallic shell protects them from the harsh sunlight if they happen to travel out during the day.

Exploring: Rare in Couloir

Rolls low.


  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.

Companion Ability:

Mismi: This companion guarantees its companion Rixixi will never roll fewer than 2 items in Mining and Exploring!

<a href="" class="display-item">Warren</a>


The Warren is a prey animal and has a mind filled with terror. Its leaves small animals reaching and searching for danger at all times, the tree-like amalgamation can see in all directions at once. Despite being a towering tree - standing out in a forest due not only to its strange leaves but to its size - it can move incredibly fast, and is capable of trampling smaller beings, whether intentionally or not.



  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.
  • LEGENDARY Companion: A Rixixi may only have one Legendary Companion at a time.

Companion Ability:

Warren: Tramples opponents in combat, ignoring armor.

Legendary Companion Second Ability:
Warren: There's A Fog Along The Horizon: 65% chance to dodge the enemy's next 3 moves, increased critical chance by 2 during duration of the move due to stealth. Cannot be used when already active. 40% chance to fail if used in succession. Must be activated to use, taking up a combat turn.

<a href="" class="display-item">Trophy</a>


The Trophy is slow-moving and unlikely to be spurred into fighting in most scenarios. Unlike most Couloir gigafauna, it is typically content with photosynthesis and chemosynthesis. However, the Trophy is fiercely protective of its territory, and when branching out into new territory, it is quick to defend land that it sees as newly claimed.



  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.
  • LEGENDARY Companion: A Rixixi may only have one Legendary Companion at a time.

Companion Ability:

Trophy: Adds 5 Seasonal Currency on top of the regular currency drop. This applies to every currency drop in the roll - main roll is affected, as are bonuses such as tail bags and pack cats.

Legendary Companion Second Ability:
Trophy: Covered By Roses: Can be used during combat to restore 25% of total HP. Has a 3-turn cooldown.

<a href="" class="display-item">Parasite</a>


The Parasite, unlike most Couloir gigafauna, is not a plant. It is a massive insect that has parasitized a flytrap-like plant - the original plant being a specimen that hides itself underground, underneath a bed of dead leaves, with "teeth" and several sensitive and sticky hairs aboveground and snaps shut when something disturbs the teeth or hairs. The Parasite lodged itself in the flytrap's hinge, preventing it from shutting, and eats animals that become stuck on the hairs.



  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.

  • LEGENDARY Companion: A Rixixi may only have one Legendary Companion at a time.

Companion Ability:
Parasite: When used in combat, the Parasite's Flytrap stops an opponent from moving for 2 turns. Any skills that require moving fail. Dodging is not possible.

Legendary Companion Second Ability:
Parasite: Biting You Biting You Biting You: Inflicts 2d10 Insect Damage on the opponent for 2-5 turns. Insect Damage will not add more turns while already active.

<a href="" class="display-item">Biome</a>


The living part of the Biome is a massive mangrove-like tree. The being uses its environment to amass an illusion made of water vapor, a semi-solid bubble shaped typically like a fish. The creature carries the Biome through the air, high in the atmosphere, where it eats nutrients like a whale eating krill. Sometimes it catches a much larger creature, and uncaring, it keeps it inside the bubble until digested and added to the roots.



  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.

  • LEGENDARY Companion: A Rixixi may only have one Legendary Companion at a time.

Companion Ability:
Biome: Allows the Rixixi companion to optionally choose the location of an exploration regardless of what is depicted in a piece, at the cost of one of the items returned. This will not drop the returned items to 0.

Legendary Companion Second Ability:
Biome: Weather Balloon: Overrides weather and environment requirements for other companions (Sunny, Snow, Water, etc) - these always work regardless of what is depicted in a piece.

<a href="" class="display-item">Couler</a>


The primary sapient species of the Couloir, extremophiles having adapted to an extreme environment. Coulers are typically considered fauna, but are actually made up of plant matter, and perform photosynthesis and chemosynthesis (albeit when they need to move long distances, they tend to consume meat). Coulers are highly intelligent, and while they tend to be wary of strangers due to their harsh world, they help each other - how else are you going to survive and thrive?


Exploring: Rare in the Couloir
Rolls low.


  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.


Companion Ability:
Couler: If the sun is depicted or described as being out in the art for the roll, This companion can add on an entire additional roll (including seasonal item returns) to its companion Rixixi whenever the Rixixi it is attached to is depicted in any loot-dropping activity! The additional roll will be rolled with base stats rather than the Rixixi's stats, as the Couler is picking up the items rather than the Rixixi.
<a href=" Squeaker" class="display-item">Roothorne Squeaker</a>

Roothorne Squeaker

A hybrid between Sxriix's Rooter and Velukaelo's Hogshorne, the Roothorne takes the best of both species. That is to say, it's a bulky creature that loves to root around for tasty treasures and can likely find you something interesting in the dirt as well.
Event - The Veluchasm Festival

  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.

Companion Ability:
As they are closely related to the Rooter, Roothornes have the original Rooter skill and an additional skill.

Roothorne: 50% chance of digging up a rare item in Explorations and Mining. Returns 1 Root Vegetables on failed roll. Also adds a bonus +50 to Speed to its companion Rixixi in these activities. (OVERRIDES Radiation Sickness if present!)
The Rixixi this Roothorne is equipped to gets double EXP when pictured with another ARPG species!
Roothornes count as Rooters for the Grand Old Rooter's ability.
<a href="" class="display-item">Deathtrap</a>


The Deathtrap is a gigafauna from the Couloir. The beast escaped through a massive crack in the Leyline and Chasm, destroying its body in the process. To rebuild, it stole souls from the Leyline, taking root deep below the Necropolis to regrow and become whole again. Being half-dead, it eats not only meat but also spirits.
Much like the creatures of the Leyline, the Deathtrap lacks a face, instead having a strange, dull mockery of a sun for a head.

Events (Introduced in I'm Here For You), Raids


  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.
  • LEGENDARY Companion: A Rixixi may only have one Legendary Companion at a time.

Companion Ability:

Deathtrap: Doubles the Rixixi companion's contributions to raids.

Legendary Companion Second Ability:

Deathtrap: Suneater: Automatically and passively counters 10% of any elemental radiation damage used in combat.
Can be used once per combat to counter 150% of any elemental radiation damage used that turn. Suneater is used as the Rixixi's active skill in this case. If no elemental radiation skills are used this turn, Suneater is still counted as used for that combat encounter.
<a href=" Kaurphyt" class="display-item">Leyline Kaurphyt</a>

Leyline Kaurphyt

Taller and longer than the average Kaurphyt Raven, Leyline Kaurphyts are shaped more like wading birds than ravens. They have a passive demeanor, standing by and watching the events of the leyline. They do retain the magic of their Nskanetian counterparts, and while they can defend themselves in emergencies, they most often use their magic for healing and glamours.
Exploring: Rare in The Leyline
Rolls low.

  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.

Companion Ability:

Leyline Kaurphyt: When equipped to a Rixixi, the Leyline Kaurphyt can cure one Temporary Condition once a week! Use this ability in the Player Inventories journal under "Use An Item" to activate, and link the Ixi with this companion! Leyline Kaurphyts are not limited to curing their companion Ixi, and can heal other users' Ixi with that player's permission!
This counts as curing a temporary condition with items for Medic specialty.
Additionally, when equipped to a living Rixixi, treats that Rixixi as a Ghost in all ways except for genetics.
<a href=" Rooter" class="display-item">Leyline Rooter</a>

Leyline Rooter

While typically found in the Leyline, occasionally a wild Ley Rooter will be seen deep in a river of the surface worlds, digging in the muddy banks for something. They never seem fulfilled with what they find.
Exploring: Rare in The Leyline
Rolls low.

  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.

Companion Ability:

Leyline Rooter: In Explorations and Mining, will dig up any of the following items: Slab of Raw Meat, Flesh Slab, Teeth and Claws, Leather, Death-Charged Fogshard*, Mymber Heart*, B-NOMALY Greymatter Sample*
*Contraband items require Streetwise to roll.
Additionally, when equipped to a living Rixixi, treats that Rixixi as a Ghost in all ways except for genetics.
<a href=" Barghest" class="display-item">Leyline Barghest</a>

Leyline Barghest

Art by Anarchisme

A common threat in the Leyline, these canines hunt the living on sight. Hounds can often be heard distantly in the leyline when a new mortal enters, and their barks can be heard following a mortal who escapes - even when the Barghest itself no longer follows. They hunt in packs, and while they have no teeth of their own to bite with, their claws have been rumored to leave wounds that never truly heal.
Most living that can pass through the Leyline unscathed and even some dead find themselves quietly stalked by packs of Leyline Barghest, the hounds' eyes untrusting and ever watching. While the hounds' gaze is unnerving, these beings do often find themselves aided by the hounds if they wind up in danger. The hounds have adopted them into the pack.
Exploring: Rare in The Leyline
Rolls low.

  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.

Companion Ability:
As they are closely related to the Barghest Companion, Leyline Barghests have the original Barghest skill and an additional Leyline-related skill.

Leyline Barghest: Adds a bonus +50 Attack and +50 Defense in Hunting. (OVERRIDES Radiation Sickness if present!)
When entering Legendary Hunting with a party of 3 or Less Rixixi, a Barghest can count as an additional Rixixi for the party - Barghests have a stat pool of 150/150/100/100 for Legendary Hunting. This bonus cannot come into play if there are 4 Ixi in the party already.
Leyline Barghest (Extra Skill): When equipped to a living Rixixi, treats that Rixixi as a Ghost in all ways except for genetics.
<a href=" Pig" class="display-item">Lemon Pig</a>

Lemon Pig

Art by Anarchisme


Humans make these little trinkets for luck and other purposes. This one seems to be alive for some reason, and is following you around.

Crafted via the Witchin' Kitchen.


  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.


Companion Ability:
Lemon Pig: 80% chance of digging up an uncommon item in Explorations and Mining.  Returns 1 Citrus Fruit on failed roll.
Lemon Pigs count as Mini Rooters for the Grand Old Rooter's ability.
<a href="" class="display-item">Barghest</a>


Art by Anarchisme


A mythical canine associated with death and ill omens, the Barghest is a fierce and powerful hunter. With a fearsome bark that does not rival its bite, it would take quite the impressive individual to tame this specter.


Exploring: Rare in Earth
Hunting: Rare (Misc. Animal)
Rolls low.


  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.

Companion Ability:

Barghest: Adds a bonus +50 Attack and +50 Defense in Hunting. (OVERRIDES Radiation Sickness if present!)

When entering Legendary Hunting with a party of 3 or Less Rixixi, a Barghest can count as an additional Rixixi for the party - Barghests have a stat pool of 150/150/100/100 for Legendary Hunting. This bonus cannot come into play if there are 4 Ixi in the party already.

<a href="'s Patron" class="display-item">Anareizh's Patron</a>

Anareizh's Patron

Art by Anarchisme


Doctor Noodle.
A species of viper that originated in Anareizh's shrine. With a relaxed, curious temperament, they tend to make good companions, and naturally tend towards healing magic.

Trading with Anareizh.


  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.

Companion Ability:

Anareizh's Patron: When equipped to a Rixixi, Anareizh's Patron can cure one Temporary Condition once a week! Use this ability in the Player Inventories journal under "Use An Item" to activate, and link the Ixi with this companion! Anareizh's Patrons are not limited to curing their companion Ixi, and can heal other users' Ixi with that player's permission!
This counts as curing a temporary condition with items for Medic specialty.
<a href="" class="display-item">Taranan</a>


Art by Anarchisme
Taranan are a mammalian species of dragons from Nskanetis. Culturally and due to a dangerous mutation of theirs, they typically live life mute, often binding their muzzles or opting to have surgery done. They can communicate telepathically with each other as well as other species, and are generally good people - generally.
Please ask before riding the Taranan. They are rideable, but sapient.

Hunting: Rare (Legendary)

Legendary Companions roll low - roll cannot be boosted by stats or items.


  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.
  • LEGENDARY Companion: A Rixixi may only have one Legendary Companion at a time.

Companion Ability:

Taranan: Rolls 2 6-sided die. Doubles roll on doubles and sevens.

Legendary Companion Second Ability:
Taranan: Famous Last Words
: When Legendary Hunting, rerolls a failed legendary hunt once.

<a href="" class="display-item">Kyaine</a>


Art by Anarchisme
Native to Nskanetis, Kyaine are massive saurian creatures with an inherent anti-magic field around them and an abundance of teeth. They're incredibly aggressive, but some reports show that they are also incredibly intelligent - if you've gotten on one's good side, you've obtained a powerful ally.

Hunting: Rare (Legendary)

Legendary Companions roll low - roll cannot be boosted by stats or items.


  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.
  • LEGENDARY Companion: A Rixixi may only have one Legendary Companion at a time.

Companion Ability:

Kyaine: Nullifies one chosen radiation sickness if present. This stacks with Mymber.

However, any O'urtnx NPCs cannot assist this Rixixi.
Legendary Companion Second Ability:
Kyaine: Null Field
: Radiation skills other than Null Radiation cannot be used by opponents or companion Rixixi.

43 results found.