September 23 2024 - Fall Festival

Posted 4 weeks ago :: Last edited 4 weeks ago by Anarchie

A trail of golden leaves scattered across the fall-tinted underbrush. Uuner ran one of the chrysopoeia-plated plants through their fingers, the glamoured púca plodding along through the forest, watching their feet as they followed an increasing number of shimmering leaves and flowers. The occasional golden nut or acorn joined in as well, a round object glinting as it rolled along.

At the end of the trail was a dark-furred dwarf primal, ros wings beating as ro fidgeted with another little object. Uuner came up behind ros and one of the fidgeting wings immediately reached out, slapping them across the chest. The fae chuckled and jumped back as the primal got to ros feet.

"Don't look!" Aurea scoffed, hiding something behind ros back, but then ros expression softened. "Oh- oh, your eminence. I'm sorry, I'm making you a gift, I didn't want anyone to see."

Uuner chuckled deep in their throat. "It's sweet of you. I don't need anything, but I like the gesture." They reached down, picking up a gilded leaf. "Is this all safe for the forest?"

The dwarf primal bobbed their head sheepishly. "It's just rocks. It'll wipe off or crumble off in time."

Uuner hummed, turning the other way. "I think your rocks are very nice."

Fall Changelog

  • This Summer's new starter is Aurea, who is glitterbombing the forest please help. Ro has two new genes:
  • New gene: Gilded (nGild/GildGild). It's basically Forgeblood but on the outside?
  • New gene: Kintsugi (nKt/KtKt), it's groundbreaking++
  • There is no longer a dA hub as we are moving as much as possible off of dA. More on this in the Veluchasm news at the bottom.
  • The seasonal Raid has rolled over, time to go fishing...?
  • 'how's the geno transfer and pride month image going' i got isekai'd by the hospital haha umm
    okay so not literally, i was only in the hospital for a day, but everything happens so much, there's been like a new thing wrong every week. uh. those things are still happening they're just happening slowly, i swear i'm still here. everyone has been super patient and nice i just wanted to say something on that.

Everything should be rolled over, if you see something mentioning a season that's not fall let me know!

- Anarchie



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