All Prompts

Encompasses all Nskanetian Shrine uses


You can only make a sacrifice to one Nskanetian Guardian per month (Resets first of the month).
(Some Guardians override this limit - see list below)
Almost all Nskanetian Guardians require one Sacrifice item as payment for their service - please include this in the add-ons.

Nskanetian Pantheon Hub

Thoriane - Assassin Guardian - Shrine contains shop, stat upgrades, skills.

Phoenix - Guardian of History, Knowledge, Fate, and Prophecy - Shrine contains sacrifice, stats, lore. Phoenix does not take a Sacrifice item, instead taking stats or life (link the geno/rixixi being sacrificed in the comments).

Lucida - Guardian of Wishes, Desires, and Dreams - Shrine contains distorted wishes.

Anareizh - Guardian of Medicine and Poison - Shrine contains temp. condition healing, shop. Anareizh's healing does not count against monthly limit, has its own timer. 1 heal/month is free.

Arakantis Messenger - Local Deity - Shrine contains small unlocks. Does not count against monthly limit.

If the shrine you're interacting with has a form, fill that out - otherwise, just specify what you're obtaining and from which shrine!


No rewards.

For manual/retroactive Karma redeems and milestones!


This prompt can be used for any of the following when a Karma Season is active. Check your Rixixi's Karma here.

Manual Purchase from the Karma Shop:

List what item(s) you want in the comments and add your karma in add-ons!

Retroactively redeem Karma:

Link your Rixixi and any applicable proofs in the comments!

Grants the following to the Rixixi's Karma total and in User Karma:


  • Leveling Up: +1 Positive Karma - A Rixixi can only level up 5 times. You can claim all 5 retroactively if you need to.
  • Three-Faced: +5 Positive Karma (Lawful Only)/+5 Negative Karma (Chaotic Only) - Unlike Accented, this can only be taken once, hence its higher point value.

Karma Milestones:

These can be taken once per Rixixi per Karma Season. Both Positive and Negative Karma milestones can be redeemed by the same Rixixi. Link your Rixixi and state what karma milestone(s) you're redeeming in the comments!

25 Positive Karma: Sparkling Gem Pile + BG: VIP Lounge (Single Use)

50 Positive Karma: Sparkling Gem Basket + Holo Helper

75 Positive Karma: Sparkling Gem Treasure Chest + ONE slot to ANY Subspecies Rixixi starter!

100 Positive Karma: Achievement: 100 Positive Karma + One Semi-Custom (Subspecies Allowed, 4 Common Markings, 2 Uncommon Markings, 2 Mutations)


25 Negative Karma: Suspicious Gem Pile + BG: Black Market (Single Use)

50 Negative Karma: Suspicious Gem Basket + Holo Hacker

75 Negative Karma: Suspicious Gem Hidden Locker + ONE slot to ANY Subspecies Rixixi starter!

100 Negative Karma: Achievement: 100 Negative Karma + One Semi-Custom (Subspecies Allowed, 4 Common Markings, 2 Uncommon Markings, 2 Mutations)



No rewards.

For Aex, Chasm Horsemen, Etc, as they don't have dedicated MYO slots


If you're dropping off one of the following Chasmhome species to be uploaded to the masterlist, use this prompt!

As these are fairly open-ended species with some overarching traits and themes, make sure to check the species guides, and feel free to ask any questions, but otherwise, have fun designing! If there are any obvious issues, we'll let you know!

Please link to a fullsize image (transparent preferred)!

In the comments, please list the following:

For Aexent:
Subtype: (Viles, Viles², Lylac, Notion, Dawn, Invertia, Anarchie)
Notion Aexent with multiple forms only: specify which image you'd prefer to be your main image

If your Aexend is part B-NOMALY due to being a B-NOMALY turned Invertia, splicing, or other reasons, please feel free to list B-NOMALY traits.

For Chasm Horseman
Subtype: (Terraformer, Dirge, World-Eater)

You can set your character's name, profile info, etc. once uploaded! 


No rewards.

Have your Rixixi join or change a faction here!


Your Rixixi can join a faction for bonuses! Read more on them here!

To join a Faction, your Rixixi must have completed Main Quest Chapter 3. Your Rixixi can only be in one Faction, but you can change your faction - changing faction removes your Rixixi's prior boons (with the exception of currency and items - those won't be removed). Changing your faction requires 10 of your current faction's associated currency!

To join a faction, use this prompt and fill out this form in the comments:
Rixixi: [Link to Import]
Faction Joining:

You can also use the above form to change factions - just remember to add the 10 currency from your current faction!


No rewards.

Forms linked in the Read More! - RIXIXI BREEDINGS CLOSED


See the Nsk Net breeding page for the forms to submit to breed Chasmhome species!


No rewards.


For activating Mymber House addons - read more here!

Link to Mymber House: [ link here]
Add-On Using: [Kitchen, Stable, Garden, etc]
Extra Info: [eg. Pet using if Stable; Item planting if Garden, etc.]


No rewards.

Used for Freebies for Newbies and Center for Rehoming


Full Adoption Center page!

Center for Rehoming

Check here to see what Rixixi are in the Adoption Center waiting for new homes!
(Rixixi marked "Beta Test Donation" are perfectly fine for adoption and are only marked as such for recordkeeping, don't worry! It marks them as donated by an admin before the Adoption Center's update!)

If you'd like to adopt a Rixixi from the Center, great! Submit to this prompt with the AC ID of your desired geno!

Keep in mind that you may only adopt one geno from the center per month! The Rehoming portion of the Adoption Center doesn't have a permanent cutoff like the Newbie Starter Geno, but it does have a time-based restriction as a balance! If the genos in the Adoption Center become overpopulated, this may be rebalanced!



Currently available: Nothing at the moment! The link is here for next time!
You can only adopt one special geno per month, but they do not count against your regular adoptions per month! They do count as genos you own if you're a newbie, so make sure to drop off a newbie geno comment first if you want one!
Submit to the regular Center for Rehoming prompt with the AC ID of your desired geno to get one of these!


Freebies for Newbies

Starter genos for new players will always have three common genes and one uncommon gene, and a completely randomized base coat, as well as a small lineage consisting of two Rixixi! They will always be Standard Rixixi! As they are free, we ask that you do not sell them for IRL currency, though you may trade and gift them at your leisure if you wish. Be careful with this decision, however, as you can only adopt a free randomized geno once, even if you gift your freebie away!

To adopt your free starter geno, please submit to this prompt with the url and/or comment being "Freebies for Newbies"! Please be aware that you must not own any other Rixixi genos or imports to do so!


No rewards.
107 results found.