All Prompts

Riddle Me This

Chasm Investigations Tier 1 Prompt


Mesmerize says:

We've heard word of an interesting location newly opened up in the Chasm, but it's heavily guarded by mysterious beings that require riddles before they'll let someone enter. Could you try and solve one and report back?

I just want to hear more riddles...

Waist-up, Full color, OR 300+words. Following prompt, whether loosely or closely (answering riddles - feel free to dm Anarchisme to receive a riddle, but ei'll probably just google around for a fun one)

4 Rixixi maximum per entry!

Please only make 2 entries per day maximum - this refers to art pieces rather than Rixixi. In the case of activity sheets, individual panels/parts count as individual art pieces!

5 Colorpitch, 5 Flesh Slab, 5 Slab of Raw Meat

5 Contained Rads currency for Galactic Faction Rixixi!


Reward Amount
Colorpitch 5
Flesh Slab 5
Slab of Raw Meat 5

Chasm Investigations Tier 1 Prompt


Jim and Jinn say:

Ah, hallo.

Jinn takes you by the hand and pulls you over to a small crowd of Mymbers. Whether or not you actually speak the language, these Mymbers want to tell you about something.

Waist-up, Full color, OR 300+words. Following prompt, whether loosely or closely (talk to mymbers, whether or not you speak the language)

4 Rixixi maximum per entry!

Please only make 2 entries per day maximum - this refers to art pieces rather than Rixixi. In the case of activity sheets, individual panels/parts count as individual art pieces!

5 Colorpitch, 5 Flesh Slab, 5 Slab of Raw Meat

5 Contained Rads currency for Galactic Faction Rixixi!


Reward Amount
Colorpitch 5
Flesh Slab 5
Slab of Raw Meat 5
Experimental Glamour I

Chasm Investigations Tier 1 Prompt


Mesmerize says:

Thank you for agreeing to the test. I just want to see how  people react to, well, this.

One of your Rixixi's genes randomly changes (coat color, mutation, marking). This is temporary. How do they react?

Waist-up, Full color, OR 300+words. Following prompt, whether loosely or closely (sudden visual gene change)

4 Rixixi maximum per entry!

Please only make 2 entries per day maximum - this refers to art pieces rather than Rixixi. In the case of activity sheets, individual panels/parts count as individual art pieces!

5 Colorpitch, 5 Flesh Slab, 5 Slab of Raw Meat

5 Contained Rads currency for Galactic Faction Rixixi!


Reward Amount
Colorpitch 5
Flesh Slab 5
Slab of Raw Meat 5
Experimental Glamour II

Chasm Investigations Tier 1 Prompt


Mesmerize says:

Thank you for agreeing to the test. This one might be a bit startling, so just give yourself a minute to process it. Here you go!

Your Rixixi becomes a random Chasm species (Mymber, Illusionate, etc even a Horseman) for 1 hour. What do they look like?

Waist-up, Full color, OR 300+words. Following prompt, whether loosely or closely (sudden species change)

4 Rixixi maximum per entry!

Please only make 2 entries per day maximum - this refers to art pieces rather than Rixixi. In the case of activity sheets, individual panels/parts count as individual art pieces!

5 Colorpitch, 5 Flesh Slab, 5 Slab of Raw Meat

5 Contained Rads currency for Galactic Faction Rixixi!


Reward Amount
Colorpitch 5
Flesh Slab 5
Slab of Raw Meat 5
Need to Bee Somewhere

Chasm Investigations Tier 1 Prompt


Laouto says:

Aren't Fogbees interesting? Their dances are more than interprative, and we don't even know if they themselves know where they're going. Why don't you follow one and see where it goes?

Waist-up, Full color, OR 300+words. Following prompt, whether loosely or closely (following fogbees)

4 Rixixi maximum per entry!

Please only make 2 entries per day maximum - this refers to art pieces rather than Rixixi. In the case of activity sheets, individual panels/parts count as individual art pieces!

5 Colorpitch, 5 Flesh Slab, 5 Slab of Raw Meat

5 Contained Rads currency for Galactic Faction Rixixi!


Reward Amount
Colorpitch 5
Flesh Slab 5
Slab of Raw Meat 5

(Tunnels Rixixi Only)


Hello! This is a bit of a different prompt. If your Rixixi is a member of the assigned Faction, you can sign up for a Tier 2 Barter with a link to that Rixixi.

When you do, you'll receive a comment from a Faction leader asking for a favor - you may have to retrieve something for them, investigate a location, look into a rumor of a strange creature, etc. You can then do any loot-dropping activity or art barter, following the prompt in some way (you can picture the item/creature/location/etc in the distance, it doesn't have to be directly involved.) Link the Tier 2 Barter's comment in your submission's comments as proof, and you will complete the Faction Leader's quest as well as your loot-dropping activity!


Reward Amount
Ore 10
Tunnels Loot Drop 1

(Canopy Rixixi Only)


Hello! This is a bit of a different prompt. If your Rixixi is a member of the assigned Faction, you can sign up for a Tier 2 Barter with a link to that Rixixi.

When you do, you'll receive a comment from a Faction leader asking for a favor - you may have to retrieve something for them, investigate a location, look into a rumor of a strange creature, etc. You can then do any loot-dropping activity or art barter, following the prompt in some way (you can picture the item/creature/location/etc in the distance, it doesn't have to be directly involved.) Link the Tier 2 Barter's comment in your submission's comments as proof, and you will complete the Faction Leader's quest as well as your loot-dropping activity!


Reward Amount
Seeds 10
Canopy Loot Drop 1

(Atmosphere Rixixi Only)


Hello! This is a bit of a different prompt. If your Rixixi is a member of the assigned Faction, you can sign up for a Tier 2 Barter with a link to that Rixixi.

When you do, you'll receive a comment from a Faction leader asking for a favor - you may have to retrieve something for them, investigate a location, look into a rumor of a strange creature, etc. You can then do any loot-dropping activity or art barter, following the prompt in some way (you can picture the item/creature/location/etc in the distance, it doesn't have to be directly involved.) Link the Tier 2 Barter's comment in your submission's comments as proof, and you will complete the Faction Leader's quest as well as your loot-dropping activity!


Reward Amount
Memories 10
Atmosphere Loot Drop 1

(Galaxy Rixixi Only)


Hello! This is a bit of a different prompt. If your Rixixi is a member of the assigned Faction, you can sign up for a Tier 2 Barter with a link to that Rixixi.

When you do, you'll receive a comment from a Faction leader asking for a favor - you may have to retrieve something for them, investigate a location, look into a rumor of a strange creature, etc. You can then do any loot-dropping activity or art barter, following the prompt in some way (you can picture the item/creature/location/etc in the distance, it doesn't have to be directly involved.) Link the Tier 2 Barter's comment in your submission's comments as proof, and you will complete the Faction Leader's quest as well as your loot-dropping activity!


Reward Amount
Spare Parts 10
Galaxy Loot Drop 1

(Chasm Investigations Rixixi Only)


Hello! This is a bit of a different prompt. If your Rixixi is a member of the assigned Faction, you can sign up for a Tier 2 Barter with a link to that Rixixi.

When you do, you'll receive a comment from a Faction leader asking for a favor - you may have to retrieve something for them, investigate a location, look into a rumor of a strange creature, etc. You can then do any loot-dropping activity or art barter, following the prompt in some way (you can picture the item/creature/location/etc in the distance, it doesn't have to be directly involved.) Link the Tier 2 Barter's comment in your submission's comments as proof, and you will complete the Faction Leader's quest as well as your loot-dropping activity!


Reward Amount
Contained Rads 10
Chasm Investigations Loot Drop 1


There are two prompts that lead to this. You can find them here.

Rewards During Karma Season:

20 Positive Karma /20 Negative Karma depending on your actions with the Mymber.

Track your Rixixi's Karma here.

Rewards At All Times:

200 EXP on completion

Illustrations should be fully colored and fullbody (60% of Rixixi minimum) with at least a somewhat detailed background. Literature should be 800+ words.


Reward Amount
Karma 20

Currently CLOSED to new entries!


"Hey, good to see you," Loyal speaks up. "I assume you heard the uh, not-so-urgent but still urgent distress call?"

What's going on, Loyal?

"We've got some new recruits to introduce you to, that's all!"

Where are they?

"...Missing?" Loyal draws out the word uncomfortably.


A New Recruit is a Story Mode that can be entered during Semi Sales for one free semi-custom! It's only open to new entries during the semi sale itself, but you can finish it at any time as long as you got your first prompt in while it was open.

Go here for more information and to read the prompts!


Users must enter with their own Ixi or with a starter.

When you're ready, comment with the following form to embark on this story mode!

Link to participating Rixixi: [link to import here!]
Entry: [link to your art/lit piece]
Prompt responding to: ["Medic" or "Gladiator"]
Subspecies?: [Will you be doing an extra prompt at the end to make this Semi-Custom a subspecies? You can change your mind and cancel this if you want.]


No rewards.

Major Miner Maladies


Full prompt here!


Of course you'll help - if it's bad enough that the people of the Steps are asking for help en masse, it's already obviously bad, and now you've seen it with your own eyes.

You hop down into the pit and get ready to lift some rocks. The burly Rixixi who spoke to you before follows you down. Looks like you'll have some help if you want it, too - good thing, honestly, some of these are practically boulders.

Time to get to it!


Let's be real, it's a pretty awful thought, but... why not take what you can while you're here? They rarely let outsiders into mines this deep into the Steps, you could make off with some valuable goods.

They've already got a lot of people helping, and even if they didn't, nothing's saying you can't help and make off with the treasure if you wanna be kind about it. They might not even notice with everything going on.

You get ready to start sneaking...

Rewards During Karma Season:

5 Positive Karma /5 Negative Karma depending on prompt.

Track your Rixixi's Karma here.

Rewards At All Times:

200 EXP on completion

Illustrations should be fully colored and fullbody (60% of Rixixi minimum) with at least a somewhat detailed background. Literature should be 800+ words.


Reward Amount
Karma 5
Here There Be Dragons: Chapter 2A

Scout's Honor


Full prompt here!

You're a bit out of it from the adrenaline, so you aren't quite sure what you say, but in your awe, you must have said something along the lines of 'Are you a Rixixi' or 'What are you' or 'Why are you big', and the beast smiles.

"I am a secret until I am told otherwise," The scout bows their horns in a polite (or regretful?) gesture. "My name is Qaeturna Un. Please help us keep our secret and return the young one to camp. If you cannot, do not speak of me. You will find that we are regarded as cryptids anyways, and you will be assumed to have been dreaming."

Well, that's one way to keep a secret. If you wanted, you could help seek out another member of this creature's 'camp', or perhaps it'd be better to turn them down and move on?

Rewards During Karma Season:

15 Positive Karma

Track your Rixixi's Karma here.

Rewards At All Times:

350 EXP on completion

In addition to the above rewards, all members who complete Scout's Honor will obtain a slot to Qaeturna Un. Only one slot can be obtained this way, while the EXP and Karma rewards can be repeated.

Illustrations should be fully colored and fullbody (60% of Rixixi minimum) with at least a somewhat detailed background. Literature should be 800+ words.


Reward Amount
Karma 15
Here There Be Dragons: Chapter 2B

Rebel Without A Cause


Full prompt here!

"Can you help me?" The creature suddenly says. "I brought a gift for the miners, but I can't be the one who gives it to them. Maybe they don't want to see me anyways. Can you deliver it as an apology?"

Maybe. What kind of person are you dealing with, anyways?

The creature snorts amicably. "They call me Rebel, so I call me Rebel. Screwup extraordinaire, and now the captain of terrible escape attempts. I just want to explore. I'm sorry for my bad luck. I'll be going in a minute, whether or not you take the gift, okay?"

That seems genuine enough, and they do have a pretty personable sense of humor. You could take their gift basket to the miners. Then again, if you just turn your back and walk away, this would be someone else's problem. What's your choice...?

Rewards During Karma Season:

15 Negative Karma

Track your Rixixi's Karma here.

Rewards At All Times:

350 EXP on completion

In addition to the above rewards, all members who complete Rebel Without A Cause will obtain a slot to Rebel. Only one slot can be obtained this way, while the EXP and Karma rewards can be repeated.

Illustrations should be fully colored and fullbody (60% of Rixixi minimum) with at least a somewhat detailed background. Literature should be 800+ words.


Reward Amount
Karma 15

Judge, Jury, and the Netherworld


Full prompt here!


OPTION 1: Qaeturna

You won't need to shake anyone down. It's like Qaeturna just said - there's plenty of less-than-reputable things going on in the Steps, and you can investigate any of that. Maybe you could look into how the Primals expect to get any supplies into their camp while stopping scouts at the door.

Maybe someone on the outside has a way to transport goods into the caves... if you know who, you could ask them if they know anything.

OPTION 2: Rebel

Let's give this community service a test run. You could ask the miners if they need any help, drop off supplies or clean up with Rebel, help mediate an apology from Rebel, etc. They want to help, so might as well get started, right?


OPTION 1: Rebel

This is getting ridiculous, now the chief is possibly missing? Just go, run for it while Qaeturna is trying to talk to someone else. You could provide a distraction or escape route or really anything useful here. Throw a gigantic costume over Rebel and try to make it look like two Ixi inside it. Anything. Whatever you choose, though, Qaeturna will probably be hot on your trail and fairly disappointed.

OPTION 2: Qaeturna

Did they just say shakedown and forgery? Didn't know they had it in them. Well, the Nether Steps has plenty of shady customers looking to make a nice handful of gems without a lot of scrutiny, so there should be plenty of people to harass or pay off, whatever your preferred method is - just keep in mind that being witnessed attacking someone is a good way to get kicked out of the Steps, so be careful who you show your fists to.


Rewards During Karma Season:

30 Karma (Positive or Negative depends on path)

Track your Rixixi's Karma here.

Rewards At All Times:

500 EXP on completion

Illustrations should be fully colored and fullbody (60% of Rixixi minimum) with at least a somewhat detailed background. Literature should be 800+ words.


Reward Amount
Karma 30

Something Wrong


There are two very different prompts for this story mode. You can find them here.

Rewards During Karma Season:

50 Karma (Positive, Negative, or split evenly chosen by user)

Track your Rixixi's Karma here.

Rewards At All Times:

1000 EXP on completion

In addition to the above rewards, all members who complete Something Wrong will obtain a slot to Aahtar Korid. Only one slot can be obtained this way, while the EXP and Karma rewards can be repeated.

Illustrations should be fully colored and fullbody (60% of Rixixi minimum) with at least a somewhat detailed background. Literature should be 800+ words.


Reward Amount
Karma 50


There are two prompts that lead to this. You can find them here.
IHFY Chapter 2 contains intense body horror in some of the possible paths. To avoid it, choose the "Escape" path. The body horror is located in the "Consider Options" and "Confront" paths.

Rewards During Karma Season:

30 Positive Karma /30 Negative Karma depending on your actions.

Track your Rixixi's Karma here.

Rewards At All Times:

350 EXP on completion

Illustrations should be fully colored and fullbody (60% of Rixixi minimum) with at least a somewhat detailed background. Literature should be 800+ words.


Reward Amount
Karma 30

Aexented/Bunshifter: Aexented: Can appear in an alternate form and be counted for EXP/rewards.



Requirements: None.
This prompt can be taken by B-NOMALIES.
Rewards for Rixixi: 200 EXP, Aexented skill
Rewards for B-NOMALY: Bunshifter: Aexented, applied directly to the participating B-NOMALY

Aexented/Bunshifter: Aexented: Can appear in an alternate form and be counted for EXP/rewards.

This Story Mode quest can be taken multiple times for multiple forms.

For rules on alternate forms, see the link HERE! Don't worry, they're not too strict!



Submit your piece at this prompt with the following form:
Reference for Aexented form: Link to participating Rixixi/B-NOMALY: [link to import here!]
Prompt responding to: ["Lawful", "Chaotic"]

If giving a Rixixi a B-NOMALY form or vice versa, you only need one image for the Accented prompt itself (you don't need to take the Story Mode twice). Link both the Ixi and B-NOMALY's masterlist images for the reference.

Multiple Chasmhome characters may partake in Story Mode in the same image, with the following restrictions:


  • 4 Ixi/B-NOMs at maximum per image (other Ixi/B-NOMS can appear for Training Mode EXP or tokens, but cannot be submitted for the story mode chapter in that piece.)
  • All Ixi/B-NOM pictured must be partaking in the same chapter. Different prompts can be used for the different Ixi/B-NOM, however.
  • Please submit separate prompts for each Ixi/B-NOM!


No rewards.


There is one prompt that leads to this. You can find it here.


Rewards During Karma Season:

50 Positive Karma if you return to your life.

50 Negative Karma if you choose to stay in the Leyline as a ghost.


Rewards At All Times:

500 EXP on completion

An Enchanted Veil if you return to your life.

An Eternal Life Gem if you choose to stay in the Leyline as a ghost.

These choices do not affect your Rixixi's status as a Ghost or non-Ghost, but you can use the Eternal Life Gem to make your choice permanent.

Illustrations should be fully colored and fullbody (60% of Rixixi minimum) with at least a somewhat detailed background. Literature should be 800+ words.

Submit at this prompt with the following form:
Link to participating Rixixi: [link to import here!]
Entry: [link to piece]

While staying as a ghost grants negative karma, it is intended as a neutral choice. Everything that pointed you closer to being a ghost up until now was listed as negative karma, but these were also typically choices that left you alone.]


No rewards.
107 results found.