
Pouch (+X-Pou) (Common)

Species: Rixixi

A marsupial-like pouch. Fairly durable.

  • Pouch is a lineart edit - markings work normally underneath it.
  • As it is incredibly easy for Pouch to be covered up by other mutations, especially on the Primal base, it is completely within reason to move the lines around to keep them visible.


Category: B-NOMALY
Species: B-NOMALY


ANARCHIE: Body Traits

It's a pouch, just like the name suggests!

Due to how B-NOMALIES naturally have very thick skin, the pouch's skin is thick as well, with a very small padded layer of grey matter. As such, it can carry a decent amount of weight - not much more than a B-NOMALY could carry in their hands, of course.

Examples: Six Geese A-Laying, Steele

Throatpouch (ANARCHIE)

Category: B-NOMALY
Species: B-NOMALY


ANARCHIE: Misc. Traits

A pouch in the neck that can expand and contract, useful for storing food, water, air, inanimate objects, other B-NOMALIES, you name it. Often shaped like a pelican's pouch, frog's vocal sac, a frigatebird's throat sac, or other similar throat-based expandable pouches.

B-NOMALIES with a throatpouch often can expand their jaws further, for the sake of fitting larger things into the pouch. Friends of Throatpouch B-NOMALIES are advised to not allow them to swallow old CRT televisions, no documented case has gone well.

Examples: Champion Apple-Bobber, The Three Celestials

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