June 27 2021

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Got some Rixixi news!

Rixixi News

Some new items have been added!

  • Rhodochrosite: An uncommon drop in the Chasm and Mining, with plans to be used for an upcoming gemcrafting gene!
  • Illusion Glass: A rare drop in the Chasm, Hunting (chasm creatures), and Mining, used in craftable Illusionate-Glass Cores, which now exist:
  • Illusionate-Glass Core - Moddable: Craftable core! Removes the limit on Illusionate Cores for a Rixixi and optionally adds a same-subspecies alt form.
  • Illusionate-Glass Core - Mechanix: Craftable core! Allows a Rixixi to shift into a Mechanix or a Mechanix to shift into a Rixixi. As Mechanix have no genos, there is no requirement to stick to the gene guides for this one. The forms can also look completely different if desired.

Most subspecies Illusionate Cores will still be obtained in events, and Domestic cores will likely be added to the Karma Shop along with Funeraries at the end of IHFY!

Barters have swapped! There's a new art barter with Aya - have fun with pyrotechnics and lightshows and general chaos! Myrk's seasonal has taken the place of Lunar's seasonal.

The Pride Month event ends on July 5th, but if anyone needs an extension, please feel free to let me ( Anarchisme ) know or comment on this news!

That's it for now! I'm still chipping away at things so hopefully I'll have more fairly soon! <:

- Anarchisme



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