August 11 2024 - Veluchasm Festival!

Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by Anarchie


The Veluchasm Festival!

Runs August 11, 2023 - 11:59 PM - September 11, 2023 (Pacific Time)

Sorry for the delay! We were trying to figure out what to do about a dA problem! Details at the end!



We have drinks, streamers, sparklers, and aliens, no matter which world you’re celebrating on! The denizens of Velukaelo and those of the Chasm-Connected worlds have been aware of each other for years, and our celebration is back and better than ever!

While Ketucari and Rixixi have had relationships every now and again, something new has started to spring up - a hybrid species referred to as the Ketixi! With the help of B-NOMALY mechanic Steele and expert engineer Kenkasei, the B-NOMALY’s breeding safety machine was altered with tarn water to safely join the genes of Rixixi and Ketucari while filtering out all sorts of possible issues. While it is possible to create a Ketixi naturally, it is rare, so we recommend use of the machine!

Something else new has cropped up again - with further experiments to the breeding safety machine, Ketucari and B-NOMALIES have been able to hybridize into what passes as a bipedal companion on Velukaelo and a subtype of B-NOMALY in the Chasm! KETU-NOMALIES stand mostly bipedally, and have a few K-NOM specific traits such as Godkiller Face and Godkiller Hands due to their heritage!

Further, the Manticore Alchemy Ring has taken to certain traits of Ketixi, making new Ketixi Manticores. This is... normal, we're sure. We're not going to question them. It's probably fine.

You will need an account on both and to participate in this event!
The Veluchasm Festival is being hosted at! This is mostly because we use prompts on Chasmhome and Ketucari uses comments on news pages, and the latter is how the previous Veluchasm worked. Head over there to participate!

Veluchasm Changelog 2024

  • Added Ketixi Manticores
  • Added Live Transmutation
  • Ketucari Builds now grant inherent mutations to Ketixi in breedings
  • Added list of unavailable Ketucari starters
  • Added the following genes: Aura, Boar, Chain, Luster, Lycaon, Oil Paint, Penumbra, Rainstreaks, Skink, Ventspots, Well (+Deep Well)
  • Added Bib as counterpart for Quail, Stamped as counterpart for Stamped
  • You may have noticed that we did not upload anything to deviantArt but the import templates. DeviantArt has started auto-adding tags on upload to stash, suggesting tags on upload of image (specifically: if a psd is uploaded with no preview it will not suggest tags, but when the preview is added the tags are suggested), and doing other things that make it clear not only has AI been touching our shit all along, it bypasses the noAI option, and also is being applied before the noAI option can be checked. One of the ketixi imports had the 'arpg' tag auto-applied, making it clear that imports are in dA's AI system. All that said: WE DO NOT FEEL COMFORTABLE POSTING ON DEVIANTART AT ALL IF POSSIBLE NOW. Resources may be posted on deviantArt for accessibility. Imports will not longer be. This was the cause of the delay as we tried to decide how to deal with this and make sure we could handle moving things to the site. Thank you for your patience.


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