March 12 2025

Posted 22 hours ago :: Last edited 22 hours ago by Anarchie


"wait uh anarchie where have you been"

changelog explaining that

  • Veluchasm on pause due to no longer having matching admins with Ketucari. In talks with Ketucari admins on how to make things work as things stand, but events are on hold at current, and what we are working on is making uploads and activities still functional in the meantime. I'm really sorry for the delay.
  • Please do not bother any previous Chasmhome + Ketucari admins about this. This is not intended as public drama for entertainment. The reason this news was so delayed going up from the discord version was I was not sure how to phrase it, and I'm sorry for that.
  • Site has been successfully transferred between staff. There may be delays due to figuring out code. Please let me know if there's an issue!
  • APIs used to attach chasmhome logins to other sites have been updated. If there's any bugs with that, please let us know, I probably just copied the code wrong.
  • Twitter is no longer a link used on Chasmhome due to possible security and general Twitter issues. Sorry if you were using it, I was told no one used it as a primary so I hope that was correct?
  • Pride is on the Wayback Machine, successfully!
  • Most of the masterlist is on the Wayback machine and this will be retouched after upload sessions if possible.


  • Literally going into the queue within the next few days now that the site status is confirmed stable. Sorry that I didn't before. Site was uh. Somewhere. Wasn't sure how somewhere.
  • Working on writing the story for the event. Might not have the staff for an event right now but I at least want the story written??
  • Figuring out how to reopen design approvals in a manageable way while still uploading genos to the site. Tired of having them closed. Might just make a temp page to drop things off at with a reasonable limit to not cause psychic damage. Feel free to leave feedback on that here.
  • Genuinely might make Rixixi and B-NOMALIES semi-open, allowing them to be open outside of the game setting and requiring a geno/MYO to play the game. This is mostly due to me keeping having medical issues. I mean if I'm going to be unavailable a lot I should still let people play with them. It's under consideration. Again, feel free to leave feedback.


Sorry for the delay and for not sending the news sooner, uh, site transfer, needed to learn how to use things, also needed to figure out how to phrase that. The site works so I am confirmed here. Genuinely really sorry about that and I'll see you soon, yeah?

- Anarchie



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