
Blur (nBlr/BlrBlr) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Blur modifies a hard-edged marking on the Rixixi, causing it to be soft-edged.

  • Blur alters any hard-edged marking on the Rixixi to be soft-edged. Blurred markings can go very slightly out of range due to being blended out of the range.
  • If Blur is the only marking on the Rixixi (or if the only other markings are soft-edged), then Blur will not visibly appear on the design.
  • Recessive Blur can modify the edge of one marking, while Dominant Blur can modify the edge of multiple - as many as the designer desires.


Blur used on Skunk, which also has Lunar effecting it.


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