
Beak (+Bek) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi

Commonly found in rixixi who migrated to Nskanetis and got up to all sorts of trouble with mad science. A hard, translucent beak now protects the ixi's snout from harm, with 6 nostril-like slits to breathe through.

  • Can be any color lighter or darker than the base coat, can be any marking color on the Rixixi, can be any natural skin tone color, or can be any color on the base coat swatch.
  • Markings in the area can extend to this mutation.
  • The opacity of this mutation can be freely altered as long as the mutation is still clearly visible - this applies to the design pack beaks as well as the default Aexent-style beak.

Alternate design packs exist for this mutation:
Beak and Horn Expansion Pack

Fanged (+Fan) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi

Not only does the ixi have enlongated canines, they have eight enlongated canines instead of four.

  • Should match the color of the Rixixi's existing teeth.

Fogshard (+Fshr) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi

Parts of the Ixi are covered in crystallized protrusions and horns, can cause the skin and eyes to glow.

  • Can be any color. Is typically bright, but does not have to be.
  • The mutation itself is bioluminescent, and can optionally cause the skin and eyes to glow.
  • The opacity of this mutation can be freely altered as long as the mutation is still clearly visible.

A guide on custom Fogshard (mainly shapes and glow) exists:
Short Fogshard Tutorial (with bees)

Fringehead (+Fri) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi

When closed, it just looks like an odd fish mouth, but this jaw can stretch open wide to wild proportions.

  • Whether the Open or Closed variant is used is a design choice - it does not depend on genetics or change how the Rixixi can appear in art. In fact, optionally, both an Open and Closed variant can be designed, with one being the import image and one linked in the description.
  • The Open Fringehead Variant is considered skin and therefore can be any color lighter or darker than the base coat, can be any marking color on the Rixixi, can be any natural skin tone color, or can be any color on the base coat swatch. Teeth should match the color of the Rixixi's existing teeth.
  • The Closed Fringehead Variant is considered an extension/modification of the area around it - markings in the area can extend to this mutation.

Alternate design packs exist for this mutation:
Tuxedo Catfish Fringehead Design Pack

Gills (+Gil) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi

An aquatic adaption, this mutation causes the rixixi to have gills along their neck, with frills. Can take on the color of any base coat.

  • Can take on the color of any base coat or any marking found on the Rixixi.
  • The opacity of this mutation can be freely altered as long as the mutation is still clearly visible.

Mackerel (+Mcr) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi

Fish tail, complete with alternate frill!

  • The fins of Mackerel can take on the color of any base coat or any marking found on the Rixixi.
  • Markings in the area can extend to this mutation.

Whorl (+Whr) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi

What a wonderful whorl of teeth you have! Looks bizarre and rather intimidating.

  • Should match the color of the Rixixi's existing teeth.
  • Gums can be any color lighter or darker than the base coat, can be any marking color on the Rixixi, can be any natural skin tone color, or can be any color on the base coat swatch.

Polydactyl +PlyD (Common)

Species: Rixixi


  • Markings in the area can extend to this mutation. Markings that cover limbs can also affect Polydactyl.
  • Additional thumbs can be added. Thumbs may be moved around on the hand to create strange types of hand.
  • The dewclaws on the back feet are optional and can be removed without a scarification kit.
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