Mechanix Base: Guard
Category: RXX: Import- and Geno-Editing
Created via crafting.
- Can be used to create a Guard Mechanix when combined with a Pelt!
- The Guard Dog chip is included with the Guard Base, but any other chip can be used in its place if a different skill is desired.
Illusionate-Glass Core - Mechanix
Category: RXX: Import- and Geno-Editing
- Allows a Mechanix to have a Rixixi alternate form of any subspecies. Alternate Forms can appear in activities and general art for EXP and rewards. Must be on a Rixixi import. As Mechanix do not have genos, the Rixixi form does not have to follow actual design rules.
- Allows a Rixixi of any subspecies to have a Mechanix alternate form. Alternate Forms can appear in activities and general art for EXP and rewards. Must be on the Mechanix import. As Mechanix do not have genos, the Mechanix form does not have to follow the Rixixi's geno.
Only one Illusionate-Glass Core can be equipped to a single Rixixi at a time, but they can be freely removed (this removes the Illusionate-Glass Core Alternate Form). Illusionate-Glass Core Alternate Forms can be edited without being removed via Import Edits like the main Rixixi design. Due to this, Illusionate-Glass Core forms will be listed on the Rixixi's Import text rather than in an Achievement comment for ease of editing.
Illusionate-Glass Core - Funerary
Category: RXX: Import- and Geno-Editing
Karma Events (Introduced in I'm Here For You)
- Allows a Rixixi of any subspecies other than Funerary to have a Funerary Alternate Form. Alternate Forms can appear in activities and general art for EXP and rewards. Must be on the Primal import and follow the same geno as the original Ixi, but can have visual differences as long as it follows the design rules.
- Allows a Funerary Rixixi to have a Standard Alternate Form. Alternate Forms can appear in activities and general art for EXP and rewards. Must be on the Standard import and follow the same geno as the original Ixi, but can have visual differences as long as it follows the design rules.
Only one Illusionate-Glass Core can be equipped to a single Rixixi at a time, but they can be freely removed (this removes the Illusionate-Glass Core Alternate Form). Illusionate-Glass Core Alternate Forms can be edited without being removed via Import Edits like the main Rixixi design. Due to this, Illusionate-Glass Core forms will be listed on the Rixixi's Import text rather than in an Achievement comment for ease of editing.
Scarification Kit
Category: RXX: Import- and Geno-Editing
Created via crafting.
Exploring: Uncommon in The Couloir
Hunting: Rare (Livestock, Misc. Land Animal)
Rolls low.
- Allows small scars to be added to the Rixixi's import. Should cover no more than roughly 10% of the Ixi. Layer multiple scarification kits at once to make larger scars.
- Use in recipes in Crafting.
Frozen Lights Cape
Category: RXX: Import- and Geno-Editing
Transparent .png image can be found here instead of downloading the entire .psd:
Dwarf Primal
Winter Festival (Introduced December 2017)
- Premade apparel item that can be added to a Rixixi's import.
Category: RXX: Import- and Geno-Editing
Art by Anarchisme
Created via crafting.
Exploring: Uncommon in The Couloir
Hunting: Rare (Ungulate)
Rolls low.
- Allows a large item to be added to the Rixixi's import. Item should cover no more than roughly 30% of the Ixi.
Category: RXX: Import- and Geno-Editing
Art by Anarchisme
Created via crafting.
Hunting: Rare (Plant-Creature, Sea Creature)
Rolls low.
- Allows tattoos, paint, etc to be added to the Rixixi's import. Should cover no more than roughly 10% of the ixi.
- Layer multiple cosmetics at once to increase coverage.
Category: RXX: Import- and Geno-Editing
Art by Anarchisme
Created via crafting.
Exploring: Uncommon in The Couloir
Rolls low.
- Allows a small item to be added to the Rixixi's import. Item should cover no more than roughly 10% of the Ixi.
Mutation Station
Category: RXX: Import- and Geno-Editing
- Allows edits to the Rixixi's body, such as adding or decreasing weight, modifying the size and shape of mutations such as horns or gills, stylizing the facial shape, and so on. Mutation Station cannot be used to add passable or elemental mutations that the Rixixi does not have, or turn an existing mutation into another one. Should cover no more than roughly 30% of the Ixi. Layer multiple Mutation Stations at once to make larger edits.
Philosopher's Broken Shard
Category: RXX: Import- and Geno-Editing
Art by Anarchisme
Only obtained when using a Philosophic Mercury Knife in a ritual.
- Can be used on an undesigned geno OR uploaded Rixixi to add a specific marking or mutation!
- Specific gene has been stolen from another Rixixi via ritual. It retains its original dominant/non-dominant status.
Gene obtained via this shard is listed in Notes!
BG: Cach Deeps (Infinite Use)
Category: RXX: Backgrounds
Art by Anarchisme
Prerequisites for Use:
Can be found through Karma Events! Obtaining this item will grant the user an infinite-use copy in their inventory that can be used on as many Rixixi as the member likes so long as they keep the background copy in their inventory!
BG: Black Market (Single Use)
Category: RXX: Backgrounds
Art by Anarchisme
Prerequisites for Use:
Karma Milestones - 25 Negative Karma
Reaching 25 Negative Karma during a relevant event will allow the user to obtain a single-use copy of this background! The background does not have to be used on the Rixixi that obtained it. This can be obtained multiple times per event if the user has multiple that Ixi hit the milestone.
BG: VIP Lounge (Single Use)
Category: RXX: Backgrounds
Art by Anarchisme
Prerequisites for Use:
Karma Milestones - 25 Positive Karma
Reaching 25 Positive Karma during a relevant event will allow the user to obtain a single-use copy of this background! The background does not have to be used on the Rixixi that obtained it. This can be obtained multiple times per event if the user has multiple Ixi that hit the milestone.
BG: Fall in Quarantine (Infinite Use)
Category: RXX: Backgrounds
Art by Anarchisme
Prerequisites for Use:
Participating in any Fall Festival activity will grant the user submitting the activity an infinite-use copy in their inventory that can be used on as many Rixixi as the member likes so long as they keep the background copy in their inventory!
BG: Cach Torix (Infinite Use)
Category: RXX: Backgrounds
Art by Anarchisme
Prerequisites for Use:
Participating in any Summer Festival activity will grant the user submitting the activity an infinite-use copy in their inventory that can be used on as many Rixixi as the member likes so long as they keep the background copy in their inventory!
BG: Necropolis
Category: RXX: Backgrounds
Prerequisites for Use:
This is the Mymberless Version! The Mymber Version is HERE and is 100% legal to use if you have the item!
BG: Liminal Space
Category: RXX: Backgrounds
Prerequisites for Use:
Can be found through Karma Events! Obtaining this item will grant the user an infinite-use copy in their inventory that can be used on as many Rixixi as the member likes so long as they keep the background copy in their inventory!
BG: Chasm Rift (Infinite Use)
Category: RXX: Backgrounds
Art by Anarchisme
Prerequisites for Use:
Can be found through certain strange events! Obtaining this item will grant the user an infinite-use copy in their inventory that can be used on as many Rixixi as the member likes so long as they keep the background copy in their inventory!
BG: Endless Field (Infinite Use)
Category: RXX: Backgrounds
Art by Anarchisme
Prerequisites for Use:
Can be found through Karma Events! Obtaining this item will grant the user an infinite-use copy in their inventory that can be used on as many Rixixi as the member likes so long as they keep the background copy in their inventory!
BG: Southern Hot Springs (Infinite Use)
Category: RXX: Backgrounds
Prerequisites for Use:
Participating in any Winter Festival activity will grant the user submitting the activity an infinite-use copy in their inventory that can be used on as many Rixixi as the member likes so long as they keep the background copy in their inventory!