<a href="https://chasmho.me/world/items?name=Void Poison" class="display-item">Void Poison</a>

Void Poison

Art by Anarchisme
Also known as the King Killer, the Black Hole Broth, the Stewmaker, or the Cosmic Skin-Reaver, Void Poison is a renowned poison for being incredibly caustic to organic material. It can melt through your flesh, leaving deep scars in small doses, gouging off limbs when slathered on, eating one from the inside out when swallowed, and so on. If organic material is submerged in it, it will be rendered into nothing, hence some of its more creative nicknames. Most inorganic materials, however, are immune to its effects, and it can be transported in many a container, for better or for worse. Despite its bright, flamboyant appearance, it can be reworked into a tasteless, white paste, making it favored for violent, showy assassinations at dinners. Be aware, this is not a helpful item. The kindest it can do is evenly cauterize a wound that was already slated for amputation. This is searing, sucking poison, and it has been designed over the years to not leave a trace.

CONTRABAND - Void Poison is technically contraband by association, but as it is a crafted item and not an item that has to be found, if a user with no Streetwise Rixixi owns the necessary items, they may still craft it!

Created via crafting with Corona.
1x Unrefined Liquid Diamond, 1x B-NOMALY Greymatter Sample, 5x Science Kit


  • Adds the ability to access the Regicide skill tree to the Rixixi.
  • In addition, optionally, the Rixixi may have scars and body modifications added to them as if they had up to 1 Scarification Kit and 1 Mutation Station used on them, OR amputate 1 limb/the tail.