<a href="https://chasmho.me/world/items?name=Mutinjection" class="display-item">Mutinjection</a>


Art by Anarchisme
A mutagenic injection created from the greymatter of B-NOMALIES, assorted hard-to-pronounce chemicals, and probably something with medical benefit, maybe. Guys, greymatter is brains. It's irradiated mutant B-NOMALY brains. What are you doing. Why are you doing this? This is like, the definition of mad science.

We at magmatixi would like to remind you not to use any suspicious needles on yourself, your animals, your friends, your dragoncats, this is incredibly unhygienic, nothing about this is safe. Do not try this at home???

CONTRABAND - Mutinjection is technically contraband by association, but as it is a crafted item and not an item that has to be found, if a user with no Streetwise Rixixi owns the necessary items, they may still craft it!

Created via crafting with Corona.
1x B-NOMALY Greymatter Sample, 1x Water, 2x Science Kit


  • Can be used on an uploaded rixixi to add ANY common marking or mutation, with the penalty that the Ixi will obtain ONE Stage 1 Radiation Sickness effect! Genes added with Mutinjection will always be heterozygous (non-dominant)!
  • Alternately, can be used on an uploaded rixixi to add ANY uncommon marking or mutation, with the penalty that the Ixi will obtain ONE Stage 2 Radiation Sickness effect! Genes added with Mutinjection will always be heterozygous (non-dominant)!
  • Multiple Mutinjections can be used on the same Rixixi, but one Ixi can only obtain up to two Radiation Sickness effects through Mutinjections.