Skill Tree: Chasm Radiation: Intermediate
Category: RXX: Skills
Requires completion of Story Mode: RadQuest Chapter 2 OR Rad Rebels Chapter 2 after obtaining Permission in Chasmjumping (same Permission as Chapter 1's, no need to double dip here)
- Snare Lash - A powerful attack utilizing and mutating the surrounding environment. [3d20+(opponent's attack)] Doesn't require moving.
- Infinite Maze - 75% chance to dodge the enemy's next 2-5 moves, increased critical chance by 3 during duration of the move due to stealth. Cannot be used when already active. 50% chance to fail if used in succession.
- Rift Transfusion - Damages enemy and absorbs some of their health. [(2d20+[your highest stat])/[their lowest stat]), heal amount = damage/2] Considered both you and the opponent moving, if either of you are restricted in motion, damages both of you for (d10+[random stat(of the player who initiated transfusion)/2]).