<a href="https://chasmho.me/world/items?name=Philosophic Mercury Knife" class="display-item">Philosophic Mercury Knife</a>

Philosophic Mercury Knife

Art by Anarchisme
A specialized ritual knife, used to take a bit extra from the victim and use it for oneself.

CONTRABAND - Philosophic Mercury Knife is technically contraband by association, but as it is a crafted item and not an item that has to be found, if a user with no Streetwise Rixixi owns the necessary items, they may still craft it!

Created via crafting with Corona.
1x Philosophic Mercury, 5x Herbs, 1x Stone, 2x Leather

  • If used at the Phoenix Shrine, can be used to take one gene from the Rixixi or Geno being used as a sacrifice. This knife will break on use, and the specified gene will be stored in a Philosopher's Broken Shard.
  • Has a 75% chance of deceasing an uploaded Rixixi.