<a href="https://chasmho.me/world/items?name=MymbMumbles Lookalike - 'Jinn'" class="display-item">MymbMumbles Lookalike - 'Jinn'</a>

MymbMumbles Lookalike - 'Jinn'

Art by Anarchisme
Has definitely heard they look like MymbMumbles' Jinn before, yes. Thinks it's funny.

Karma Events (Introduced in Here There Be Dragons)


  • Companion! Can be equipped to a Rixixi and grant that Rixixi its ability. Companions can be equipped, unequipped, and moved between Rixixi at will with no ill effect.

Companion Ability:

Counts as a Mymber in any scenarios that specifically require one, such as needing a tutor for the Mymber Tome. MymbMumbles Lookalikes are Mymbers with an extra skill.

MymbMumbles Lookalike - 'Jinn': If Chasmjumping with a Rixixi with this companion equipped, the player can request Teleportation, Danger, or Eyeseeking*, and the Mymber will attempt to lead the Rixixi to one of the Chasmjumping rolls in the selected category - 25% success rate!
A Mymber can also, if equipped to a radiation sick Rixixi, nullify the effects of one of the Radiation Sicknesses so long as the Mymber stays equipped! (Please specify which radiation sickness will be nullified when applying companion)
MymbMumbles Lookalike (Extra Skill): If pictured in an activity with another Rixixi with a MymbMumbles Lookalike, both Rixixi have their stats doubled. If pictured in a Training Mode image with another Rixixi with a MymbMumbles Lookalike, the EXP count is doubled for those Rixixi. This does work if there are more than two Rixixi in one image with MymbMumbles Lookalikes, but Rixixi in the image without MymbMumbles Lookalikes will not have the doubled stats/EXP effect!
Chasm Companion - Immune to Zoonotic radiation sickness types!

*Teleporation includes Pathway, Parsec, and Liminal.
 Danger includes Altercation, Facedown, and AlternateFatality.
 Eyeseeking includes Euphoria and Event Horizon.