<a href="https://chasmho.me/world/items?name=Sanguine Snare" class="display-item">Sanguine Snare</a>

Sanguine Snare

Is... is this a live sample? Keep it fed, for your own safety, or uproot and craft with it if that's what you intend!

A carnivorous plant, heavily mutated and capable of growing massive due to its origin in the Chasm, the Sanguine Snare latches onto its prey, holding it tightly, and slowly drains blood from it  over time. In rare cases - almost exclusively in the Chasm - this can cause the prey to mutate due to staying in one highly irradiated place for too long, typically causing the prey to mutate into a symbiote with the Snare.

The Sanguine Snare only barely managed to avoid being classified as contraband due to skilled botanists writing up literature on how keeping the plant satisfied keeps it docile, and how to safely take care of it. Take care to follow instructions provided if you intend to keep a live sample so that it doesn't become agitated and lash out at you due to a lack of food.

Exploring: Uncommon in The Chasm and The Couloir.
Hunting: Uncommon (Chasm, Plant-Creature)

Rolls low.


  • Used in Crafting recipes.
  • Can be used in Kitchen recipes - has a high chance of causing temporary stat debuffs but also causing special effects that allow the food item to counteract radiation sickness.