Profile RXX-486: Wildcard.exe

Owned by BloodRedKit


Nicknames: Wild | Cheetah | Flaming Hot Cheeto | Cheeto | Baby or Mini Cheeto (This is a form of harassment, they will bite your if call them this)

Cheeto is a highly aggressive mechanix, though most aren't sure if this is a little act or their true personality. Cheeto's known too; hiss at random times/people, be destructive (specially when it comes to models/toy models of anything), and overall pretending to be a little gremlin. Overall, they like to be creepy. Cheeto's also known to slam doors when they're given a time out. Kylo tends to think this is for attention, but they usually calm down when asked to close doors politely.
They are known to lock themselves in the bathroom when told to go to their room. No one knows why. They have an actual room. Don't question it.
(If y'all haven't noticed, Cheeto's essentially a grumpy toddler).