Profile RXX-151: Iuris || Neutrum || Chao

Owned by iiixkitsunexiii

Iuris || Neutrum || Chao

Nicknames: Allign, Checkmate, Blueblood

Iuris, the Diver head, is a stern and no-nonsense abider of the law and a notorious tattletale. Xe believes that the law is always right, always just, and always Good. Chao, the skyburn head, disagrees. Though just as stern, Chao believes that all the law does is get in the way of doing good in the world. That laws are oppressive forces that hurt people more than they help them. Ey chafes with their Giver-Parent badly enough that Checkmate rarely gets to see The Authorities.
Neutrum is the peacekeeper, seeing both sides and trying to help both sides see the other's point of view. Ve is thankfully the controller of the body, with Iuris and Chao mere vocal passengers.

Collectively, the trio are referred to as "Checkmate" and use they/them pronouns.
Iuris uses Xe/Xir/Xim/Ximself singularly
Chao uses Ey/Em/Eir/Emself sigularly
Neutrum uses Ve/Ver/Vis/Verself singularly

Design Notes: The right side of the center head is identical to blue head.