Profile RXX-144: Extraterrestrial
Timid | Anti-Social | Mixed Feelings | Not sure how to react to that
Extraterrestrial or more often called as Exxy for much easier name as not many are unable to always spell their name correctly, is a soft spoken anti-social floof with a glowing cape. Exxy is often seen by herself if not at all as they prefer to live in rural areas. More often in snow lands and tundra areas where they can study animals and other creatures. When coming contact with social actions and social skills Exxy rather nopes out than wants to stay a single second longer with a talkative company. They mostly don't know how to react onto certain things such as jokes, sarcasm or not even sure if Exxy knows how to laugh without it sounding like forced. They tend to keep things to themselves than talk about their problems, which sometimes can end up into slight temper tantrums along the way if attempted to help them. The only thing that usually helps Exxy with getting over things is just getting and talking to a small bunny. No seriously that is what all it takes.