Profile RXX-134: Poison Prince

Poison Prince

Nicknames: Jøl, 'The Rioghbhardan', Seanchaidhe, Regan Daegan Fay

Jøl was born as Regan Daegan Fay to a tribal high chieftain. As the only child to ever fill the cradle of his parents he should have been his father's heir but deemed unfit to ever be of much use for anything other than maybe at some stage produce a worthy child. Not willing to be maried at the pleasure of his sire -> become a baby factory and not willing to suffer much longer the discontent his people had towards him he escaped from the lands of his birth. Running far far away, running as far as crossing over to another plane of existence.
-> now he roams Nskanetis as a street artist and story teller. Homeless but happy. Going by the name of Jøl or Fay not fully able to shake his old life just yet. His gentle soul haunted in his dreams by the shadows of his past.