Profile RXX-021: Naturet Mari

Owned by Saphira455

Naturet Mari

Nicknames: Ntm; Mar; Nat
Gender and/or Pronouns: They/She/He

Born blind and raised in the Underground Forest, they care about to forest and so learned what they could about how to take care of it. Eventually they got sensors implanted into their lighter spots to help them not run into the trees or other people. They occasionally do trip though. Generally will get lost with technology if they've not used it before, can't somehow feel the buttons they are pressing, or have not yet heard what they were supposed to be doing. A quick learner. They sometimes play D&D and other variations of table top rpgs. Don't underestimate them, or you'll probably be pranked from one end of the planet to the other until you admit defeat.

Naturet Updated - Tail bags

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