Profile BNOM-001: Steele

Owned by Chasmhouse


Pronouns: She/her

Steele is the Labs' top mechanic, spending most of her time on general upkeep as well as some more experimental inventions. Most of the inventions she tends to and fine-tunes are another B-NOMALY's work, however, Steele is responsible for the cautery-based piercing method most B-NOMALIES use to avoid greymatter loss. She lost her leg in a machinery accident, giving instructions on the amputation herself while trapped. Steele gets lost in her work and is tired all the time as a result, leaving her incredibly impatient and short-fused by default. She's protective towards her friends, but it doesn't come without some barbs.

Despite her unwelcoming attitude, Steele often has to deal with other species as part of her job in the Labs. She's picked up several languages - B-NOMALY Common Peep, Human English, Human French, and Nskanetian Universal. She can curse in several other human languages, regardless of her actual fluency in them.

In a romantic relationship with Seraph.

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