All Prompts


Check HERE for full info on Exploring, but in summary:

Art Requirements

Exploring images should meet the following requirements:
  • Full body (60% or more of the Ixi showing)
  • Color OR Greyscale, should clearly show the Ixi's markings either way.
  • Background - doesn't have to be extremely complex, but items and features of the background should be defined and clear. See Art Requirements Info for more details!

Exploring literature should meet the following requirements:

  • 600+ words at least!
  • All Ixi being rolled should play a major role in the story - Rixixi showing up in passing cannot be rolled.
  • There should be some description of the location they are in, but it does not have to be the main focus of the story. Describing it in passing a bit is fine.

For both types:

  • Up to four Rixixi can be rolled per image - other ixi can appear for Training Mode EXP, but cannot be rolled to return items!
  • Make sure the chosen world is portrayed correctly! Requirements for how each world should be portrayed are listed on the Canon Worlds page! The requirements are fairly open-ended, it's more important to make sure to avoid things that can't be found in that world than to match something specific than can.
  • Please only post 2 Exploring entries per day maximum - this refers to art pieces rather than Rixixi. In the case of activity sheets, individual panels/parts count as individual art pieces!

Submitting Exploring Pieces: Form

Exploring piece: [Link to the piece here, or put it in the submission URL!]
Rixixi: [Link to the Ixi's import]
World Exploring: [Sxriix, Nskanetis, Earth, The Chasm, The Leyline, or The Couloir]
Bonuses: [Items, Skills, Companions, NPCs, etc]
OPTIONAL: Companion and NPC Bonuses: [List any items, skills, etc being applied to companions or NPCs accompanying your Ixi. Most items will state if they can be applied to anything other than the main Rixixi.]

One Ixi per submission, please! If multiple Ixi are pictured in the same piece, please separate them out to multiple submissions!


No rewards.


Check HERE for full info on Hunting, but in summary:

Art Requirements

Image Requirements:


Hunting images should meet the following requirements:


  • Full body (60% or more of the Ixi showing)
  • Color OR Greyscale, should clearly show the Ixi's markings either way.


  • Background - doesn't have to be extremely complex, but items and features of the background should be defined and clear. See Art Requirements Info for more details!
  • If prey is being covered up more than average, just make sure that it's clear what kind of animal it is, as that's the main thing that needs to be checked!

Hunting literature should meet the following requirements:


  • 600+ words at least!
  • All Ixi being rolled should play a major role in the story, as should the creature being hunted - Rixixi showing up in passing cannot be rolled.
  • There should be some description of the location they are in, but it does not have to be the main focus of the story. Describing it in passing a bit is fine.

For both types:


  • Up to four Rixixi can be rolled per image - other ixi can appear for Training Mode EXP, but cannot be rolled to return items!
  • Please only post 2 Hunting entries per day maximum - this refers to art pieces rather than Rixixi. In the case of activity sheets, individual panels/parts count as individual art pieces!

Submitting Hunting Pieces: Form

Hunting Piece: [Link to the piece here, or put it in the submission URL!]
Hunter: [link the participating Rixixi here]
Prey type: [refer to the Prey Animal Classes tab for details - can be any creature so long as it meets the guidelines above; if a fantasy creature, pick the closest thing on the list!]
Bonuses: [Items, Skills, Companions, NPCs, etc]


OPTIONAL: Companion and NPC Bonuses: [List any items, skills, etc being applied to companions or NPCs accompanying your Ixi. Most items will state if they can be applied to anything other than the main Rixixi.]


No rewards.


Check HERE for full info on combat, but in summary:

Art Requirements

Combat rolls are fights between two or more Rixixi! This can be two or more of your own Ixi, your Ixi and another member's, or your (and possibly another member's) Ixi and a NPC (see Combat-Ready NPCs). Whether the Ixi are depicted sparring or fighting for sport as described above, or fighting in a serious, aggressive fight, they must be portrayed fighting or at least sizing each other up with intent to strike.

Combat images should meet the following requirements:

  • Full body (60% or more of the Ixi showing)
  • Color OR Greyscale, should clearly show the Ixi's markings either way.
  • Background - doesn't have to be extremely complex, but items and features of the background should be defined and clear. See Activities - Art Requirements FAQ for more details!

Combat literature should meet the following requirements:

  • 600+ words at least!
  • All Ixi being rolled should play a major role in the story - Rixixi showing up in passing cannot be rolled. NPCs have more lenience and can count for the NPC-Accompanied bonus (see How to Earn Experience Points) as a background character (such as someone watching, encouraging a combatant, or cheering the Ixi on) rather than a combatant themself.

For both types:

  • Up to four Rixixi can be rolled per image - other ixi can appear for Training Mode EXP, but will not be a major part of the battle, and will not return extra items!
  • Please only post 2 Combat entries per day maximum - this refers to art pieces rather than Rixixi. In the case of activity sheets, individual panels/parts count as individual art pieces!

Submitting Combat Pieces: Form

The Battle Mode should be the same between all forms for the same battle - if you're doing combat with another player, make sure to discuss it first! We won't reject a form that says "same battle mode as [the other player]" , even if you both submit the same message - we'll just ask what you meant.Additionally, if you're doing combat with another player, try to send it in at the same time - we can't roll a multiplayer combat if we don't have multiple prompts to comment on!

Combat Piece: (Link to your art piece here or in the Submission URL!)
(Link to your Rixixi/Mechanix)
Opponent: (List your opponent here!)
Equipment: (see "Equipment Restrictions & Levelups" in the how-to. List which of your Rixixi/Mechanix's equipment they're taking into this battle! If Omnipotent level, mark down "Omnipotent", you don't have to list everything.)
(Any items you're adding, any bonuses the Ixi has!)
Battle Mode:
(Fill out the form from the how-to here or just enter "Standard Mode" if you want that)


No rewards.


Check HERE for full info on Exploring, but in summary:

Art Requirements

Mining images should meet the following requirements:
  • Full body (60% or more of the Ixi showing)
  • Color OR Greyscale, should clearly show the Ixi's markings either way.
  • Background - doesn't have to be extremely complex, but items and features of the background should be defined and clear. See Art Requirements Info for more details!

Mining literature should meet the following requirements:

  • 600+ words at least!
  • All Ixi being rolled should play a major role in the story - Rixixi showing up in passing cannot be rolled.
  • There should be some description of the location they are in, but it does not have to be the main focus of the story. Describing it in passing a bit is fine.

For both types:

  • Up to four Rixixi can be rolled per image - other ixi can appear for Training Mode EXP, but cannot be rolled to return items!
  • The Ixi do have to be mining or looking for loot! The actual act of mining doesn't have to be a major part - searching for goods, digging, and so on can be portrayed, but some form of searching for loot does have to be in the image or story for a notable part! It's fine to have a long introduction where the Ixi meet up and talk about going to the mine if you're writing - just make sure they get there and start searching by the end!
  • Please only post 2 Mining entries per day maximum - this refers to art pieces rather than Rixixi. In the case of activity sheets, individual panels/parts count as individual art pieces!

Submitting Exploring Pieces: Form

Mining Piece: [Link to the piece here, or put it in the submission URL!]
Rixixi: [link the participating Rixixi here]
Bonuses: [Items, Skills, Companions, NPCs, etc]


OPTIONAL: Companion and NPC Bonuses: [List any items, skills, etc being applied to companions or NPCs accompanying your Ixi. Most items will state if they can be applied to anything other than the main Rixixi.]


No rewards.

If your Rixixi has a Kellas Cat, drop them off here to explore! (Once a week per cat; Maximum of 3 cats per week)


Companion Ability:

Kellas Cat: This companion adds a bonus +50 to Attack to its companion Rixixi in Hunting and Combat (OVERRIDES Radiation Sickness if present!), and may go out on adventures on its own - check in with your cat to see if it's brought anything interesting home. (Use this secondary ability in the Kellas Cat prompt to activate, and link the Rixixi with this companion. This ability can be activated once a week per Kellas Cat, and up to 3 times a week per user.)

Send out your cats here! They'll come back with a random roll - it's similar to Chasmjumping, so they may or may not find currency. If they find another Kellas Cat, their attached Rixixi will get the Why Are There Two Of You? achievement!


No rewards.

Please state how many points you're submitting for!


For more on raids, go here!

All methods of gaining points:

  • Depicting the creature in any loot-dropping activity: +1 point
  • Any hunting: +1 point
  • Any combat: +1 point
  • Legendary hunting against the creature (does not stack with regular hunting, does stack with depicting the creature): +3 points
  • Bonus: Being in a faction: +1 bonus point to any entry


No rewards.


Read up on Chasmjumping here!


To Jump, respond to this prompt with this form:

Rixixi Chasmjumping: [link to import]
Last time Jumped: [link to the prompt with your last Chasmjump here - this is to check the cooldown! if you've never jumped before or can't find it, just say so!]
Any bonus items/skills/etc: [list any here if applicable, or leave blank]
Horror On/Off Switch: [ON if you're okay with horror in the response; OFF if you don't want horror in the response]


No rewards.
7 results found.