Event - I'm Here For You

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Anarchie


Story: Prologue: The Lost | Interlude: An Interrupted Solstice | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Intermission | Chapter 3
Prompts: The Lost Event Prompt | Leyline-Connected: Chipper and the Harbinger (Multispecies Prompt) | Chapter 1 Prompt | Chapter 2 Prompt | Chapter 3 Prompt

IHFY has concluded! Check out Chapter 3 to find out why you're in the leyline and what you have to do next! There are 12 different prewritten endings depending on how your negative/positive choices stacked up along the way, and each one grants an achievement - I kind of doubt all of them will show up! I'll be making an endings guide soon.

The Karma Season will stay open until Spring! The actual prompts will not close after that, they'll just lose their Karma rewards! If you're looking to get things from the Karma Shop, do Karma-earning activities before then!


NEW in the Karma Shop:

  • Funerary starter slots can now be purchased (along with the usual Primal starter slots)
  • Funerary Illusionate-Glass cores!
  • Domestic Illusionate-Glass cores, while not new to the game, are new to the Karma Shop!
  • The Deathtrap Legendary Companion! Its description contains some bonus lore for the beast!
  • Mymber houses!

NEW in general:

  • Mymber Houses! These are effectively in beta and will in the future be obtainable outside of events. When obtained, these are added to your profile as a character, and you can turn it in to roll specific things determined by its add-ons - for instance, if you have a Garden attached, you can plant things in it, and they'll multiply in a week! If you have a Kitchen, once a week, you can rummage through the cupboards and find something relevant to your biome! If you have a Stable, you can add pets to your Mymber House and have their abilities work via the house instead of via your Rixixi (Kellas Cats and Geode Mimics can work this way for example!)
  • Raids! This isn't quite out yet, but you may see it mentioned in the Deathtrap's ability! This will be a new seasonal activity coming in Spring 2022! Something big is coming, and seasoned hunters and battlers are needed to send it back! Any combat or hunting pieces made while a Raid is active can be turned in to contribute to the raid - rewards at the end are determined by how successful the group-wide effort was, AKA how many points were turned in between all members! Any prerelease Raid info is subject to be tweaked!


Future Plans:

I really need a break before the next major event, haha. I had a lot of bad luck during this one and a lot was taken out of me, so it was hard to juggle things like IHFY as well as things like needed art. I'm going to be taking a break from major events for a while - not Rixixi as a whole, of course! Just making sure I have more time to get art done and so on before going on another major adventure.

The next major event is Nskanetis's, involving Phoenix, but the Asteroid Event may happen before then, as it wouldn't be a major event - it all depends on what I can get done, as both need subspecies-related art aspects prepped! So I'm gonna try to work on finishing Funerary and then work on future subspecies while nothing is going on.

The next major event is probably going to be a lot more text-heavy and less art-heavy than IHFY, as that was a major thing that slowed me down, but I did really like doing the CYOA style, so that might stick around! I can't say for certain just yet.

On something that'll happen sooner, I'm planning on releasing some Behind the Scenes for IHFY, so I'll get on that soon too.

See you soon - and in spring, it will be seeing you.

- Anarchisme



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