Plans for 2021!

Posted 3 years ago :: Last edited 3 years ago by Anarchie

Hello! I wanna go over some plans that'll hopefully happen in the next year, so that y'all can know what's going on! First, though, I missed some news in the previous post, so real quick:

Rixixi News: The Glowstick Pack now contains a Domestic base - sorry for the delay on that!
B-NOMALY News: There will be S-OLSTICE B-NOMALIES this year - less than last year, December is a bit of a mess!

The rest of this news post will be plans for 2021 and on  - a lot of this is for Rixixi, but some of these are for B-NOMALY as well. Some of these were plans for 2020, but due to Eclipse and IRL issues, they had to be put on hold while things were figured out.

I really don't have solid ETAs at this time, just ideas.

Event Changes - Festivals, Karma Seasons

This is mostly Rixixi except for the one part at the end

I have a bunch of ideas for events and major releases, and I want to get some headway on them. Due to Rixixi's size vs. how much is planned, though, I'm swapping a few things around in how events work:

Seasonal Festivals in 2021 will not have new apparel/accessories. It might not have new items in general, I might just make the older items easier to obtain from the prompts for a year, but if I can think of something fun to include (a companion or something), I might do that as well. This is entirely to make sure focus can be put on other things, and to have less to catch up on when subspecies are made! This is a fairly minor change compared to some other things on this list, but it does exist.

Karma Seasons are now medium-sized events - smaller than Here There Be Dragons, but larger than, say, the April Fool's events. Massive events like Here There Be Dragons (which was scaled to nearly match the main storyline) are unwieldly, and due to Rixixi being a small ARPG, are unlikely to get the kind of attention they'd require - this is why HTBD dragged on for like a year.

I do have a medium-sized Karma Season in the works - this might seem sudden considering I'm only just announcing this change now, but I'd like to test how events might work on Nsk Net + Chasmhome anyways, and I kind of started writing it and I've already got the first chapter (and some extra) done + the rest outlined. I need to get the art for Chapter One done, and I'm not sure how long that'll take. It might be out sometime during the winter?

I'll have to rework the Karma journal into a new page with updated info, too.

Large-sized events/releases are no longer Karma Seasons. Something the size of HTBD or higher is too unwieldly to be a Karma Season, but there will be story-based releases in the future. I'm not actually sure how they'll work - possibly similar to the Phoenix Shrine where a release and story is put out every so often, I just know that some plans I have for the future would work better as huge story-based releases spaced out over a large period of time, but they're too big to be regular events at the current size we're at. More on that in the future, I guess?

Events are more likely to affect multiple species due to the Lorekeeper hosting the Chasm-Connected Universe. Hopefully I can pull this off in time for the S-OLSTICE.

General Plans, Features, Etc

This involves multiple species


  • Semi-Custom Sale??? - ETA: January or February 2021. - Actually please feel free to tell me which one y'all would prefer. I was originally planning to do this in the summer or fall and just... didn't?? so I might repeat this in the summer this year too. This is primarily to cover Chasmhome site costs.
  • Chasmhome Story Modes - New Karma Season likely to be tested before moving other story modes.
  • Chasmhome Adventuring, Hunting, Mining, Kellas Cats, possibly Chasmjumping - No ETA, but likely early 2021. To-do list includes moving pages off dA, testing mostly
  • Chrono Shards with Automatic Dates - No ETA because Anar is the one typing this news and doesn't have access to that - We're working on it! Had some code issues.
  • Mymber Houses? - This might not happen in 2021 but I figured out some ways to do it. To-do list includes Art, setting up a whole mymber house building system, new items, redeems, etc
  • Factions (Joinable/Tier 2) - No ETA at this time, this was planned for 2020 but heavily sidelined due to Eclipse. To-do list includes Apparel, finishing shop stock, figuring out how to work the prompts on chasmhome.
  • Biomechanix - Domestic - The optional base was supposed to be made ages ago but I can't figure out what I want it to look like I'm sorry. ETA: whenever I can think of an appearance that isn't a furby. Please feel free to suggest things that aren't furbies. I have no problem with furbies, it just can't be the optional import lmao
  • Dragon Body Type - ETA: I'm trying to get this out for the winter solstice 2020 actually!! If I can't, it'll be out very early 2021!
  • I have 3 subspecies that I want to release over the next year or two please help me I am a fool


  • MOVING SERAPH'S STYLING STATION OFF dA - ETA SOON!!! I can't even parse the journal myself and I can barely edit it I'm so sorry guys
  • B-NOM masterlist on Chasmhome - This could happen really early 2021 - To-do list: Add Fogholder + Doppelganger to traits, I finished testing this so it's all good
  • Rework the B-NOM info that's on Nsk Net because some of y'all still reference it and it's SO OLD - I don't have an ETA on this but I should do it sometime. It's so old.


  • Add Aexent and Chasm Horsemen to masterlist? - Unconfirmed - I haven't even tested this, but I'm considering it. It should work fine since B-NOMS do.
  • Aex info on Nsk Net - I'm working on this kind of slowly! ETA: soon, the image guides are really hard to read.
  • CHASM and LEYLINE traits guide - I don't have an ETA on this, I just want a guide to visual traits creatures from the chasm and leyline have

I know there's a lot that I'm forgetting and I didn't list, like, individual item plans here, forgive me V: If I very obviously forgot to say something, that's probably why.

Scatterings are currently on standby, however, because I'm not sure how to handle player-owned groups with dA doing the thing it's doing. Feel free to send me feedback and opinions? I'm just kinda unsure.

Okay, that's it for now, because I just can't remember what else to say so I should probably move on for now. Signing off for now but here for you! ;0




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