
Doppelganger (Anarchic Modifiers)

Category: B-NOMALY
Species: B-NOMALY


ANARCHIE: Anarchic Modifier

Doppelganger modifies a trait on the B-NOMALY. The modified trait can take on an entirely different appearance from the rest of the B-NOMALY, and if it can have other traits touching it, those traits can be different the rest of the B-NOMALY. Whether or not a trait can have more traits touching it is fairly up in the air - with B-NOMALIES, wings can have eyes on them, after all.

Doppelganger is easiest to use on traits that cause split heads/body parts - if there's a cutaway point on the body, it's easier to know where to change your traits.

Doppelganger Bisected - both sides of the body have different traits and appearances, split at the bisection point.

Doppelganger Dullahan - Floating body parts have different traits and appearances

Doppelganger Amphisbaena - both sides of the body have different traits and appearances, split at the spinal split. Tail traits solely come from the left side.

When Doppelganger modifies Fogholder, it allows the B-NOMALY to have two entirely different forms.




Doppelganger can alter traits that are not as clear on how they would affect the B-NOMALY - this may be challenging! The Doppelganger-modified trait may not change any traits if it does not come into contact with anything that would have additional traits on it, but it should be noticeably different in appearance than the rest of the B-NOMALY.

Doppelganger Angora - the Angora "side" would have Misplaced Eyes and Many Eyes, where the rest of the B-NOMALY does not.

Doppelganger Sunbeams - does not have additional traits, but does alter appearance. Alters appearance of neck and eye where sunbeams ring it.

  • Doppelganger can be carried and not present, especially if it wouldn't be easy to find a presentation for it on the B-NOMALY in question.
  • If you have a MYO with a maximum number of Anarchic traits, and you use Doppelganger on that MYO, your maximum number of traits listed is both "sides" of Doppelganger combined togther - minus one for Doppelganger itself.
    • For example, A 15-trait MYO with Doppelganger would have 14 Anarchic traits to spare for both sides combined, and this can be split as evenly as 7 on one and 7 on the other, as unevenly as 14 on one side and 0 on the other, or anything in between.

Examples: See above.

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