
Regal (nRgl/RglRgl) (Rare)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Presents as a bioluminescent "Halo" or "Crown"-like ring around the head or chest that trails down the body into assorted bioluminescent markings. Dominant Regal can create a bioluminescent border and trail on other markings - any amount of markings.


This range is for where the Halo/Crown can be - the trail can extend anywhere on the body, and Dom Regal markings can be affected regardless of where they are on the body.
Rixixi Regal by magmatixiRixixi Primal Regal by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Regal by magmatixi

  • Regal should be hard-edged, but should also have a soft-edged glow around the marking that should not stray too far outside the linework of the Ixi. Skin, fins, and the like may also glow.
  • Regal can be any color except for black or near-black - deeper, bright colors and desaturated colors are okay, and bright colors are the most common.
  • Recessive Regal creates a single ring around the upper body, usually looking like a crown shape or a halo, with a trail of some sort coming off of it - a cape shape, bioluminescent dots, lines outlining the general shape of the Ixi, constellations, etc.
  • Dominant Regal can create a bioluminescent border around other markings as well, with trails coming off of them and going down the body.
  • Regal trails should go down the body towards the tail for the most part, but deviations from this for part of the marking are fine.



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