
Neon (+Neo) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi
The Rixixi's pelt is extremely, unnaturally saturated. In some cases, this can even affect markings.

Neon does not have specific swatches, instead, it should take the original base coat and increase the saturation and value until it becomes a hypersaturated neon color.

This can cause some fairly unexpected colors:
Rixixi Neon Forest by magmatixi
Forest, top swatch
Rixixi Neon Midnight by magmatixi
Midnight, top swatch

Markings can appear as normal (with markings lighter or darker than base appearing lighter or darker than the altered swatch):
Rixixi Neon Marks1 by magmatixi
Skyburn with Labyrinth and Pangare

Or as bright, neon shades themselves - if this method is chosen, neon markings should be colors analagous to the altered base on the color wheel.
Rixixi Neon Marks2 by magmatixi
Skyburn with Labyrinth and Pangare - Orange Neon Markings

  • Neon does not have to affect skin tone.
  • Neon has no effect on eye color.

Presentation with Contradicting Mutations:

Neon and Fog:

Neon and Fog presenting together cancel out Fog's skin/marking color requirements.

When Neon and Fog are both present in a geno, any of the following approaches can be taken:

-One mutation presents visibly, and one is a genetic carrier only. (At least one mutation has to present visibly in this case.)

-Neon presents less saturated than average:
Rixixi Fog Neon 2 by magmatixi
Lilac base.

-Fog presents brighter than average:
Rixixi Fog Neon 1 by magmatixi
Lilac base.

-Both Neon and Fog appear, in cloudy patches:
Rixixi Fog Neon 3 by magmatixi
Lilac base.

The edges of this must be soft and blended so as to not be confused for Tortoiseshell, Chimera, or other similar markings/mutations.


Almel 0098 by magmatixi
Almel is an example of Albinism and Melanism, but this is still a good example of the cloudy blending method in shape.

Neon and Erythrism:

Neon and Erythrism presenting together cancel out Neon's requirements to be fullbody and allow it to affect markings along with Erythrism.

When Neon and Erythrism are both present in a geno, any of the following approaches can be taken:

-One mutation presents visibly, and one is a genetic carrier only. (At least one mutation has to present visibly in this case.)

-Neon magenta becomes legal for Erythrism:
Rixixi Neon Erythrism by magmatixi
Arctic with Pangare, Neon Erythrism affecting Pangare
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