
Maltese (+Malt) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi
Presents as a desaturated base coat with grey-blue (and sometimes desaturated ginger) markings.

Maltese desaturates the original base coat - this should mostly be just an alteration to the saturation, like Fog, but the value can be altered to be somewhat lighter or darker than usual as well.
Markings on Maltese can be lighter or darker than base, or use any of the following sliders:
Maltese-specific sliders
Latte and Steel base coats
Markings that can be any color, any base coat, and so on can be saturated gingers and blues.

  • Maltese does not have to have an effect on skin and eye color.
  • Like Fog, the only bases that can appear completely desaturated (with no tint) with Fog are Arctic, Steel, and Midnight.

Presentation with Contradicting Mutations:

Maltese and Erythrism:

When Maltese and Erythrism are both present in a geno, any of the following approaches can be taken:

-One mutation presents visibly, and one is a genetic carrier only. (At least one mutation has to present visibly in this case.)

-The mutations present together as a dilute ginger.

Maltese and Neon:

When Neon and Maltese are both present in a geno, any of the following approaches can be taken:

-One mutation presents visibly, and one is a genetic carrier only. (At least one mutation has to present visibly in this case.)

-Base coat is neon while markings are altered by Maltese
-Base is Maltese while markings are neon
-Base is maltese, markings are neon blues and gingers
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