
Leucism (+Leuc) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi

Can display in one of two ways: The entire Rixixi takes on a light cream color, with the markings still visible, OR a light cream color modifies as many markings as the designer desires.

Leucism, much like Albinism, can modify the entire base coat to a pale color. Unlike Albinism, however, Leucism is locked to a color range that includes pale cream colors. There is no slider, but here are some examples of acceptable colors:

Alternately, the base coat can appear as normal, and Leucism can affect any number of markings that the designer chooses:
Rixixi Leucism Marks by magmatixi
Rose with Sable, Tabby, and Inkblots - Leucism affecting Tabby and Inkblots, Sable appearing as normal.


  • Unlike Albinism, Leucism does not have an effect on the eye color of an Ixi.
  • When affecting the base coat, Leucism often, but does not have to, affect the skin tone as well.
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