
Albinism (+Al) (Uncommon)

Species: Rixixi

A complete lack of pigment in the rixixi. Albinistic Ixi appear as nearly pure-white, markings can show faintly as extremely pale shades of the original base coat. Brightly-colored markings like Lunar and Bioluminescence can be somewhat brighter and more saturated, but should remain light in color. Skin and frills should be pale, and eyes are most commonly shades of pale blues, lavenders, reds, and even white.

Albinism can be pure white, with any amount of markings hidden or showing:
Rixixi Albinism Full by magmatixi

Or it can be a tint of the base coat - markings can be hidden via this form of albinism as well. (It is a big help if you let us know in design approval if you've done so!) Albinism must always be extremely pale, no matter what the original base coat is.
Rixixi Albinism Midnight by magmatixi
Midnight base.

Markings that show as lighter or darker than the base coat should be subtle and pale.
Rixixi Albinism Laser by magmatixi
Laser base with Sable.

Markings that can be any color may be bright, but should still be light colors, and should not be neons.
Rixixi Albinism Latte by magmatixi
Latte base with Accents, Lunar, and Daggerstabbed.


  • Showing skin tone peeking through areas of thin fur is legal!
  • Skin should generally be pale, but can still take on marking colors and the like as per normal skin/frill/nails rules.
  • Eyes should be shades of pale purples, blues, pale colors light enough to be considered white or off-white, and assorted reds.

Presentation with Contradicting Mutations:

Albinism and Melanism:

Albinism and Melanism presenting together cancel out Albinism's skin/eye/marking color requirements.

When Albinism and Melanism are both present in a geno, any of the following approaches can be taken:

-One mutation presents visibly, and one is a genetic carrier only. (At least one mutation has to present visibly in this case.)

-Albinism presents darker/subtler than average:
Rixixi Albinism Melanism 1 by magmatixi
Sunbeam base.

-Melanism presents lighter/subtler than average:
Rixixi Albinism Melanism 2 by magmatixi
Sunbeam base.

-Both Albinism and Melanism appear, in cloudy patches:
Rixixi Albinism Melanism 3 by magmatixi
Sunbeam base.

The edges of this must be soft and blended so as to not be confused for Tortoiseshell, Chimera, or other similar markings/mutations.


Almel 0098 by magmatixi
1 result found.