
Airborne (+Air) (Non-Passable)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Air elemental mutation. Creates a pattern of clouds scattered across the Ixi.

Airborne is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding.
The Airborne mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with Raging Radiation and the Air element!

Loyal 0004 by magmatixi

  • Should appear as some form of cloud pattern. Airborne is not color-restricted.
  • Can optionally create clouds hovering around the Rixixi.
  • Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc. Can optionally alter the color of markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color, such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on.
  • Airborne markings and hovering clouds combined should not cover more than roughly 50% of the Ixi.

As with any elemental mutation, you are allowed to use the associated background with Airborne:

BG: Airborne by magmatixi

Use of the background is fully optional!

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