Incense (ANARCHIE)
Category: B-NOMALY
Species: B-NOMALY
ANARCHIE: Misc. Traits
Parts of the B-NOMALY heat up and create a colorful, scented smoke. The most common source of the smoke is the tips of the ears, the paws, the tail, the mouth, or the horns if the B-NOMALY has them. If the B-NOMALY has any exposed scar tissue or greymatter, incense will commonly appear there as well.
The smoke typically smells pleasant, but this isn't always the case, and of course this depends on the preferences of the person smelling it. Incense B-NOMALIES also have the ability to breathe fire in short bursts.
The smoke tends to share some properties with the anarchic mists of fog-holders, and may be connected somehow.
Examples: Eleven Pipers Piping, Ice Cold Veins
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