
Pangare (nPng/PngPng) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Lightening of the base coat on the underbelly, blends gradually into the body color.


Rixixi Pangare by magmatixiRixixi Primal Pangare by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Pangare by magmatixi

  • Edges should be fully blended out.
  • Must be a lighter shade of the base color.
  • Pangare has no minimum range, but should be visible unless covered by a color mutation.


Kashe 0001 by magmatixiZhaya 0005 by magmatixiFang 0006 by magmatixiPeridot McLane 0045 by magmatixiBelitovah Lockjaw 0022 by magmatixiStyx 0012 by magmatixi


Stamped (nStp/StpStp) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Causes simple shapes to appear on the body, lighter or darker than the base coat.

  • Stamped causes simple shapes to appear. There are some restrictions on these shapes - both due to previously-existing genes, and to keep the gene properly shaped and simple. These will be listed a bit later in the guide.
  • Stamped should be lighter or darker than the base coat.
  • It can be hard-edged or lightly textured. It should not be soft-edged or heavily textured.
  • It has no minimum, but should be noticeable on the design.
  • The shape can repeat, but it should be the same shape throughout the design. It can be solid or hollowed out, and you can use both of these presentations in the same design.

Shape restrictions:

The following shapes are not allowed:

  • Quadrilaterals - Squares, rectangles, diamonds, and the like. These can be made with the Squared gene.
  • Pentagons, Octagons, Hexagons, or similar shapes. These can be made with the Hexagon gene.
  • Shapes that are solely made up of lines. (This does not mean shapes that are hollowed out - those are fine, and in fact, are an important part of this ruling!) A shape used for Stamped should be thick enough to hollow out.

Additionally, shapes should not be overly complex:

This fleur-de-lis is considered too complex. Each piece parses as a separate, unique shape of its own due to the spacing of the sides and the shape/distance of the bud from the rest of the shape.

This fleur-de-lis can be considered the maximum complexity for stamped. The shape is nice and compact and parses as a unified shape. The bud flows into everything else.



Raptor (nRpt/RptRpt) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Hawk-like barring on the underbelly. Can be accompanied by a lighter-than-base patch behind it.


Rixixi Raptor by magmatixiRixixi Primal Raptor by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Raptor by magmatixiRixixi Funerary Raptor by magmatixiRixixi Dwarf Primal Raptor by magmatixi

  • Raptor should appear similar to the barring on the chest of any sort of hawk. Reference image is appreciated but only required for unusual and lesser-known hawks.
  • The edge should generally be hard, unless the reference hawk is different (please provide reference hawk in design approvals if not hard-edged)
  • Raptor barring should be darker than the base coat.
  • A patch - either lighter-than-base or a light tan - is optionally allowed under the barring. It has no restriction on hardness, and additionally may have feather-like texturing at the edges. This has the same range as the barring.




Vest (nVes/VesVes) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A patch of color located on the upper torso of the Rixixi.


Rixixi Vest by magmatixiRixixi Primal Vest by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Hood by magmatixiRixixi Funerary Vest by magmatixiRixixi Dwarf Primal Vest by magmatixi

  • Vest may be any color, and may display up to two colors within the marking, which may be blended together.
  • Vest does not have a restriction on edge hardness.



Sprinkles (nSpk/SpkSpk) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

  Tick marks in any color - up to three colors - flecked around the Ixi's coat.

  • Sprinkles can be any color, and may be up to three different colors. These can be separate colors on separate tick marks, or gradiented together.
  • It should always present as small tick marks clustered together, whether in portions of the coat or covering the full body. It has no maximum and can cover the full body if desired. It has no minimum, but should be noticeable on the design.
  • It is typically hard or lightly soft-edged.
  • It can also cause barring at the limbs, tail, neck, and face - as seen on some cats, particularly the Singapura.


Quail (nQu/QuQu) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A band around the neck made up of any color. Can spread to the head and shoulders.


Rixixi Hood by magmatixiRixixi Primal Hood by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Hood by magmatixi

  • Quail may be any color, and may display up to two colors within the marking, which may be blended together.
  • Quail does not have a restriction on edge hardness.
  • Quail should, at minimum, create a visible ring around the neck.
  • There can only be breaks in the marking if it's creating multiple rings around the neck. The shoulder and/or head region, if present, must consist of a single unbroken marking.




Unders (nUn/UnUn) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A hard-edged marking, lighter or darker than the base coat, on the underbelly.


Rixixi Unders by magmatixiRixixi Primal Unders by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Unders by magmatixi

  • Unders may be a lighter or darker shade of the base coat, including black and white. It may have a gradient, but it must be within a similar hue, not heavily two-toned.
  • Edge must be hard or textured.
  • Unders should at least appear visibly somewhere on the torso.
  • There can be some breaks in the marking, but they should appear as natural separate pieces. Cutouts are allowed so long as they are natural shapes.
  • While markings typically should not resemble each other too heavily, if Unders is on a base such as Latte, Woods, or Sunbeam, it may resemble Tan (though should still simply be lighter/darker than the base coat).


Loyal 0004 by magmatixiFang 0006 by magmatixi Precious 0009 by magmatixiAlya 0048 by magmatixiCezil 0018 by magmatixiAeon 0037 by magmatixi


Ticking (nTk/TkTk) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

  Tick marks, darker than base, flecked around the Ixi's coat.

  • Ticking should be darker than the base coat, and can have some variance in color.
  • It should always present as small tick marks clustered together, whether in portions of the coat or covering the full body. It has no maximum and can cover the full body if desired. It has no minimum, but should be noticeable on the design.
  • It is typically hard or lightly soft-edged.
  • It can also cause barring at the limbs, tail, neck, and face - as seen on some cats, particularly the Singapura.


Old Dog 0124 by magmatixi


Tan (nTn/TnTn) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A variant of unders that turns the underbelly a shade of tan or brown regardless of the base coat.


Rixixi Unders by magmatixiRixixi Primal Unders by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Unders by magmatixi

  • Other than the color, Tan follows the same rules as Unders:
  • Edge must be hard or textured.
  • Unders should at least appear visibly somewhere on the torso.
  • There can be some breaks in the marking, but they should appear as natural separate pieces. Cutouts are allowed as long as they are natural shapes.
  • It may have a gradient, but it must be within a similar hue, not heavily two-toned.
  • While markings typically should not resemble each other too heavily, Tan can, in some cases, look identical to Unders on a Sunbeam, Woods, or Latte base.


Kashe 0001 by magmatixiZhaya 0005 by magmatixiYah Racha 0010 by magmatixiStellar 0027 by magmatixiIceleaf 0078 by magmatixiJura 0061 by magmatixi


Sun (nSun/SunSun) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A hard-edged marking on the chest, in an abstract or semi-abstract shape. Lighter than base or a tan or gold color. Can modify a few markings.


Rixixi Sun by magmatixiRixixi Primal Sun by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Sun by magmatixi

  • Must be lighter than base coat, tan, or gold.
  • Edges should be hard or textured-edged.
  • It should be a mostly abstract or fully abstract shape - if it's a recognizeable shape (heart, actual sun, star, etc), it should appear as if it's a marking rather than a tattoo.

Modifying other markings:

Sun is not a full modifier, but can combine with certain markings.
Sun + Panda, Pangare, Tan, or Unders
Sun can combine with any of these markings by either cutting Sun's shape out of the chest marking or (if the marking is present elsewhere on the body as well) replacing the chest marking with the shape.
Sun + Daggerstabbed:
Sun can combine with Daggerstabbed to make Daggerstabbed a hard-edged marking.
Sun + Spectacled:
Sun can combine with Spectacled to do one or both of the following effects:
  • Make Spectacled gold
  • Combine the two markings (Spectacled with a larger chest marking)


Mumble 0399 by magmatixiIA CACH AZ-OKH/IA AEHT/HARK IX'X IMRIRI 0400 by magmatixi


Squared (nSq/SqSq) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Causes square and rectangular markings anywhere on the body. Can be hollow, should be lighter or darker than the base coat.
  • Squared must be lighter or darker than the base coat, and can be black or white.
  • It should include squares and/or rectangles, which can be solid or hollow. It can curve naturally with the body, but the geometric shape should still be easy to make out.
  • It can be hard-edged or lightly textured. It should not be soft-edged or heavily textured.
  • It has no minimum, but should be noticeable on the design.



Snowflake (nSn/SnSn) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Tiny light speckles scattered around the ixi.

  • Snowflake should be lighter than base coat.
  • It should always present as tiny specks of light color scattered across the Ixi.
  • It is typically hard or lightly soft-edged.
  • It has no maximum and can cover the full body if desired. It has no minimum, but should be noticeable on the design.

Snowflake should remain around this size range:


Sezzeqh 0002 by magmatixiTorte 0003 by magmatixiGator 0013 by magmatixiNightshade 0046 by magmatixiPelagia 0065 by magmatixi


Skunk (nSku/SkuSku) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A stripe along the side or back, lighter than the base coat.


Rixixi Skunk by magmatixiRixixi Primal Skunk by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Skunk by magmatixi

  • Skunk must be a lighter shade of the base coat, including white. It may have a gradient, but it must be within a similar hue, not heavily two-toned.
  • Edge may be hard, textured, or somewhat soft. It should not be fully blended out.
  • It should form stripes on the side (in which case it should "cut out" in the middle of the back) or on the back (in which case it should not be a thick enough stripe to cover the entire side). It can display on the back and side (with a gap in between them) as well.


Xerrin 0138 by magmatixi 


Scaled (nScl/SclScl) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Creates scale-shaped markings of any color anywhere on the body. Can be two-toned.

  • Scaled can be any color, including bright ones, and may be two-toned.
  • It should be shaped like a pattern of scales, and can vary in size and shape - a single scale can be large or wide, but if so, should be visibly representing something like scutes or ventral scales. Scales can also be very small, so long as they are still visible.
  • It should be hard or textured-edged.
  • It has no maximum or minimum, but if covering the entire body, it should be below other markings, translucent, have enough space between the scales to show the other markings clearly, or otherwise not fully obscure other markings on the Ixi.
  • Scaled is allowed to have a shine to it.


Bird 0080 by magmatixi


Sable (nSb/SbSb) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Soft-edged darkening along the top of the rixixi's head, along the back, and along the top of the tail.


Rixixi Sable by magmatixiRixixi Primal Sable by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Sable by magmatixi

  • Must be darker than the base coat.
  • Edges should be fully blended out.
  • At minimum, Sable should be visible on the back.


Sezzeqh 0002 by magmatixiLoyal 0004 by magmatixiPrimrose 0024 by magmatixiJayne Pidge the Peeper 0066 by magmatixiHimp 0034 by magmatixi


Points (nPt/PtPt) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Darkening or lightening of the face, ears, and extremities, much like a siamese cat.


Rixixi Points by magmatixiRixixi Primal Points by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Points by magmatixi

  • Points must be darker or lighter than the base coat.
  • It has no restriction on edge hardness.
  • Points should cover two specific points at minimum - the points include the head, the tail, the front legs, and the back legs.
  • The points should touch the very end of whatever zone they're in. They should at least reach up to the ankles if covering the legs.


Torte 0003 by magmatixiRaccoon 0031 by magmatixiIsikhala 0039 by magmatixiLula 0041 by magmatixi


Accents (nAc/AcAc) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Creates accents on the face, undersides, and/or tail of the Rixixi, in any color, including bright ones. Can be two-toned.


Rixixi Primal Accents by magmatixi

  • Accents can be any color, and may display up to two colors within the marking, which may be blended together.
  • It has no restriction on edge hardness.
  • Accents has no minimum, but should be clearly visible on the Rixixi.
  • Accents should not heavily resemble most markings (though being distinctly its own marking with its own rules is typically enough to get it to pass - e.g. a striped, procyonid-like tail can pass if paired with other Accents), however, Accents can resemble Unders, Tan, or Pangare with no issue.


Rahkarrik 0036Iornoxide 0073 by magmatixiJayne Pidge the Peeper 0066 by magmatixi


Okapi (nOkp/OkpOkp) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Striped points on the legs and face, lighter than base.


Rixixi Okapi by magmatixiRixixi Primal Okapi by magmatixi

  • Okapi should be hard-edged.
  • It must be lighter than base, and can be white.
  • Okapi must at least visibly appear on one pair of limbs. It does not have to appear on the face.
  • All points should be striped, including the face. There can be solid patches, especially near the ankles and wrists. The face marking can be a solid patch with stripes cut into it.


Calavera 0267 by magmatixi

Merle (nMer/MerMer) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Large, desaturated patches on the Rixixi's body, often containing dappled patches of the original base coat within.

  • Can be translucent to show the markings underneath! Markings dislaying on top of Merle can be desaturated or display normally.
  • Edges can be textured, soft, or blended. If blended, the entire marking should not be blended out and should still have a section that registers as a solid patch.
  • Must be more desaturated and/or lighter than the base coat.
  • Can be fullbody or covering partial sections of the body. Should contain holes in the marking or spots of the base coat.
  • Should appear, at minimum, on 30% of the design. Can appear in multiple patches.

Unlike in Earth dogs, there are no known health problems for Rixixi caused by homozygous Merle.
You can go against this if you like for your own personal characters' lore, this note is just here to let folks know that it won't result in negative effects and rad sicknesses when bred for.


Ruun 0316 by magmatixi


Inkblot (nIn/InIn) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Causes spots darker than base coat, can be asymmetrical and of multiple sizes.

  • Inkblot must be darker than the base coat.
  • The spots should be of multiple sizes throughout, and may be irregular and asymmetrical.
  • It is typically hard or soft-edged.
  • It has no maximum and can cover the full body if desired. It has no minimum, but should be noticeable on the design.

Rixixi Inkblot by magmatixi
The above image displays the minimum and maximum size for Inkblot spots. Please note that Inkblot should not solely be made up of spots at the maximum or minimum, but these sizes may be scattered about as accents.


Torte 0003 by magmatixiZhaya 0005 by magmatixiIllumi 0049 by magmatixiJuniper 0046Gator 0013 by magmatixi


31 results found.