
Dun (nDn/DnDn) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A dark stripe along the back; can be accompanied by striping on the face, shoulders, and legs.


Dark blue - Dorsal stripe range. Light blue - optional other dun striping range.
Rixixi Dun by magmatixiRixixi Primal Dun by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Dun by magmatixi
  • Edges should be hard or soft. They should not be fully blurred out.
  • Must be a darker shade of the base color.
  • Dorsal stripe is mandatory, but additional striping on the shoulders/tail/wrists/ankles/forehead is an optional design choice! Feel free to add that or leave it out as you please!
  • There is no minimum range (other than the dorsal stripe being mandatory), but it should appear visibly on the design.


Glider 0137 by magmatixi Vandal 0204 by magmatixi Pumpkin Spice 0205 by magmatixi
 Cherry Cola 0284 by magmatixi Aropiru 0285 by magmatixi
Juilet 0292 by magmatixi Elizabeth Bathory 0317 by magmatixi Heart Throb 0364 by magmatixi


Dapple (nDpl/DplDpl) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

A cluster of pale, soft spots on the body, often shaped like stars.

  • Edges should be soft, and can be textured. They can be simple spots, or can be shaped more like 'stars'.
  • Must be lighter than the base color.
  • Can be fullbody or in clusters covering partial sections of the body.
  • At minimum, the marking should at least cover part of the torso, and can expand out from there.


 Snowfall 0394 by magmatixi Xia 0345 by magmatixi
Ever Dream 0328 by magmatixi Sedna 0365 by magmatixi Miss America 0165 by magmatixi


Clownfish (nClw/ClwClw) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Thick bands, lighter than base coat, that wrap around the body. Can have a dark border around them.

  • Clownfish presents as thick, pale bands that wraps around various parts of the body. Unlike Hood, the bands can be broken, but take care to not break them up so much that they begin to resemble spots!
  • Clownfish must be a lighter shade of the base coat, including white. Optionally, it can have a dark border around the marking. It may have a gradient, but it must be within a similar hue, not heavily two-toned.
  • Edge may be hard, textured, or somewhat soft. It should not be fully blended out.


Typhoon 0207 by magmatixi BURUCAACH / QOI AH / AI TEURRN 0410 by magmatixi Mymmel 0405 by magmatixi
Alvelys 0363 by magmatixi Aezaezekaz 0266 by magmatixi Glenlivet 0313 by magmatixi


Cloak (nClk/ClkClk) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A hard-edged marking, lighter or darker than the base coat, on the back.


Rixixi Cloak by magmatixiRixixi Primal Cloak by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Cloak by magmatixi

  • Cloak may be a lighter or darker shade of the base coat, including black and white. It may have a gradient, but it must be within a similar hue, not heavily two-toned.
  • Edge must be hard or textured, and may have unnatural shapes.
  • Cloak does not have a minimum, but must appear noticeably on the design.
  • There can be breaks and cutouts in the marking.


Old Dog 0124 by magmatixi  Huixtocihuatl 0282 by magmatixi
Yukio 0229 by magmatixi Draugr 0186 Mumble 0399 by magmatixi

Jack O'Lantern (nJol/JolJol) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A limited-range bioluminescent marking that typically presents in an inorganic pattern. Kind of like a genetic, glowing tattoo.
  • Should be a bright color, with at least a subtle glow surrounding it.
  • The marking should be hard-edged, though the glow should be blended out.
  • At maximum, can appear on approximately 20% of the Rixixi, give or take (lenience is given in the case of large mutations on the body!), there is no minimum, but it must appear on the body visibly!
  • Jack O'Lantern is a very variable marking, effectively making a "tattoo" that glows. It should usually be inorganic (not a natural marking), but there's a lot of lenience. As such, the Examples section also contains four shapes that would be legal (though they don't have glow, they're just there as shape examples.) - this is far from an exhaustive list of legal examples, but we wanted to have some visuals available!




Rosettes (nRs/RsRs) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Similar to a leopard, snow leopard, jaguar, clouded leopard, or other similar animal's spots.

  • Rosettes should mimic the rosette/spot pattern of the above big cats. It can also mimic non-rosette patterns from the same cats, such as the face and tail markings on Sezzeqh 0002. The design must contain spots, no matter what other markings are referenced. If mimicking non-rosettes, please make sure to link a reference. If mimicking the spots of a big cat not listed above, please link a reference.
  • The outer ring of rosettes must be darker than the base coat.
  • Rosettes can be hard-, textured-, or lightly soft-edged, but should not be fully blended out.
  • Rosettes can appear anywhere on the ixi, and commonly appears over a large portion of the body.


 Sezzeqh 0002 by magmatixiJunia MonsterTruck 0008 by magmatixiToneira 0067 by magmatixiIornoxide 0073 by magmatixiCahlan 0053 by magmatixi


Ripple (nRip/RipRip) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Presents as thin, wavering stripes down the Rixixi's sides like ripples on the surface of water. Lines often branch off and interlock along the 'path' down the Rixixi's side. Can be two-toned and any color.


Rixixi Ripple by magmatixiRixixi Primal Ripple by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Ripple by magmatixi

  • Ripple can be any color, and can be two-toned.
  • The marking should display as wavering and thin to give the rippling effect. Branching stripes are optional.
  • Ripple can be hard or soft-edged. It should not be heavily blended out or heavily textured.
  • While it does not have to literally meet the eye and tail, ripple should flow in an eye-to-tail direction.


Bumburra 0206 by magmatixiTyphoon 0207 by magmatixi


Procyonid (nPr/PrPr) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Streaks from eye to chin, rings around the tail, and "socks" on the arms and legs, all darker than base coat.


Rixixi Procyonid by magmatixiRixixi Primal Procyonid by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Procyonid by magmatixi

  • Procyonid has no limits on edge hardness.
  • Should be a darker shade of the base coat, or black.
  • Procyonid should visibly appear on each separate zone - limbs, tail, eyes, ears. Funerary Rixixi do not have the mandatory eye/ear range.
  • The tail must be striped.


Loyal 0004 by magmatixiEnneriix 0052 by magmatixiAlya 0048 by magmatixiHot Cocoa 0063 by magmatixiGalaxy 0042 by magmatixi


Poison Dart (nDart/DartDart) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Abstract blocks of color, much like the markings on a poison dart frog. Can be any color, and can be two-toned.

  • Poison Dart can be any color, and may be two-toned.
  • It is typically hard-edged.
  • It has no maximum and can cover the full body if desired. It has no minimum, but should be noticeable on the design.
  • There may be cutouts in the marking, and the shape of the markings can be abstract or even somewhat geometric. Poison Dart frogs can be referenced - the marking does not have to be directly copied from a frog, as long as it brings them to mind, it should pass, but if you'd like to link a specific frog you referenced then that works as well!


Raiiax 0125 by magmatixi


Penumbra (nPnum/PnumPnum) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A soft-edged band outlining a marking, while causing the actual marking to disappear. The outline can be any color, and may be two-toned. If no other marking exists on the Rixixi, Penumbra can create a soft-edged outline of any marking that can be hard-edged.
  • Penumbra presents as a band of color outlining any marking. The band may be any color, and may be two-toned. Penumbra should be soft- or blended-edged regardless of the original marking's edge hardness.
  • Markings modified by Penumbra are not visible other than their outline. Markings underneath them can be shown visibly, or stop at the outline as if the marking was filled in with the base coat.
  • If Penumbra is the only marking on the Rixixi (or if the only other markings modify the base coat without creating another marking, such as Gradient), then Penumbra can create the outline of any marking that can be hard-edged. It should also remain soft- or blended-edged in this case.
  • Recessive Penumbra can modify and outline one marking, while Dominant Penumbra can modify and outline multiple - as many as the designer desires.


Aezaia 0361 by magmatixi
Penumbra modifying Unders

Laouto 0360 by magmatixi
Penumbra modifying Squared

Panda (nPan/PanPan) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Panda-like markings: darkens the base coat around the eyes, legs, ears, and a band around the chest/shoulders.


Rixixi Panda by magmatixiRixixi Primal Panda by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Panda by magmatixi

  • Should be a darker shade of base coat, or black.
  • Edges should be hard or textured.
  • Panda should visibly appear on each separate zone - limbs, chest, eyes, ears. Funerary Rixixi do not have the mandatory eye/ear range.


Zhaya 0005 by magmatixiYah Racha 0010 by magmatixiCrema Mocha 0015 by magmatixiRemald 0055 by magmatixi


Mojave (nMjv/MjvMjv) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Thick, serpentining stripes that one might see on some morphs of ball pythons. Cutouts and/or sudden keyhole-shaped curves with spots inside are allowed and recommended!

  • Mojave is based off the markings found on Mojave and Arroyo ball pythons, mainly, but as long as it's fairly recognizable as the same basic shape, it's fine!
  • Mojave must be darker than the base coat. It can have a gradient, and the gradient can be made up of two fairly different colors, as long as those colors are still darker than the base coat.
  • It is typically hard- or textured-edged. It should not be blended out, but can be somewhat soft-edged.
  • It has no maximum and can cover the full body if desired. It has no minimum, but should be noticeable on the design.


Rachekare 0433 by magmatixi Pixie 0431 by magmatixi


Mirror (nMir/MirMir) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Reverses color requirements on a single marking of the designer's choice - if originally darker than base, the marking can be lighter, or vice versa.

  • Reverses color requirements on a single marking - if marking is originally listed as being "darker than base", Mirror can make it so it would instead be "lighter than base", or vice versa for "lighter than base" markings.
  • For markings that are locked to a single color, such as Daggerstabbed, this can reverse the color requirement to the opposite end of the spectrum - this does not have to be a literal inversion of color in your art program, the opposite end of the color wheel is fine (eg, blue/green for unmodified Daggerstabbed).
  • This can modify color-restricted elemental mutations as well, such as creating blue Magmatic, dark Vital, or desaturated Toxic! These can be modified even if a marking is already modified!
  • Mirror does not affect markings without clearly defined color rules, or markings with "lighter or darker than base coat" color rules, or any other base coat rules with no logical opposite. Unfortunately, as a result, a Rixixi with only markings such as those, or no markings at all, can only carry Mirror and not display it (unless they choose an elemental mutation that allows Mirror modification once they reach the needed level!)
  • Mirror can invert the color of teeth if the designer desires, and this does not use up the one marking use of Recessive Mirror.
  • Recessive Mirror can modify the color of one valid marking, while Dominant Mirror can modify the color of multiple - as many as the designer desires.


Rahkarrik 0036 by magmatixi
Rahkarrik showing Sable mirrored to light colors.

Winterlily 0044 by magmatixi
Winterlily showing Daggerstabbed mirrored to teal, and Vital mirrored to have a dark "glow" along their back.

Iceleaf 0078 by magmatixiZarsha 0069 by magmatixiMinali 0062 by magmatixi
Markings being affected by Mirror in order: Tan, Spectacled, Snowflake

Labyrinth (nLby/LbyLby) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

A dark, hard-edged marking featuring geometric stripes, looking fairly like a 'maze'.

  • Labyrinth must be darker than the base coat. It is typically hard-edged.
  • Labyrinth features 'geometric' stripes forming a maze-like structure - bold lines, squares and hoops interlocking together. The gene is based on the markings of the Barred Sorubim and other similar Pseudoplatystoma catfish, as such, referring to them as examples may be more helpful than text descriptions.
  • It has no maximum and can cover the full body if desired. It has no minimum, but should be noticeable on the design.


Xerrin 0138 by magmatixi


Kaurphyt Lines (nKph/KphKph) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Bright stripes and swirls. Should be bright colors. Can be two colors.
  • Kaurphyt Lines can be any bright color, and may be two different colors. These two colors should be on separate stripes rather than two-toning the same stripes
  • It is typically hard or textured-edged.
  • It has no maximum and can cover the full body if desired. It has no minimum, but should at least appear on the back and/or sides of the Rixixi. If a Wing mutation is present, Kaurphyt Lines should be present somewhere on them.
  • Kaurphyt Lines should present as stripes and swirls, primarily. Some abstract blocks of color can be present, but should be small enough so as to not mistake for Poison Dart (and should be accompanied with traditional Kaurphyt Line stripes and swirls). A couple of spots are also allowed as accents, but should be small in quantity and used as accents to the main marking.


Kaurphyt Ravens, the namesake of the gene.

Accents (nAc/AcAc) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Creates accents on the face, undersides, and/or tail of the Rixixi, in any color, including bright ones. Can be two-toned.


Rixixi Primal Accents by magmatixi

  • Accents can be any color, and may display up to two colors within the marking, which may be blended together.
  • It has no restriction on edge hardness.
  • Accents has no minimum, but should be clearly visible on the Rixixi.
  • Accents should not heavily resemble most markings (though being distinctly its own marking with its own rules is typically enough to get it to pass - e.g. a striped, procyonid-like tail can pass if paired with other Accents), however, Accents can resemble Unders, Tan, or Pangare with no issue.


Rahkarrik 0036Iornoxide 0073 by magmatixiJayne Pidge the Peeper 0066 by magmatixi


Iridescence (nIri/IriIri) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

A colorful sheen over the Ixi.

  • Iridescence can appear layered over the base coat and markings, and appears as an overlay of color over part of the body.
  • A way to achieve this look is to add an overlay layer blended out over part of the body. This should be fully blended out, and there should be an area where the actual base color shows through.
  • There can be a slight "shine" to Iridescence, but it should be subtle and not cover markings.


Raiiax 0125 by magmatixi


Eyespot (nEye/EyeEye) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Creates spots with rings of color inside. Can be hollow.

  • Eyespot can be any color, and can be multicolored - they can have gradients, multicolored rings (multiple if desired), even both.
  • The marking can have a cutout if desired, displaying as hollow rings instead of solid spots.
  • It should be hard-edged.
  • Eyespot has no minimum, and must only appear visibly on the design. It has no maximum, and can appear anywhere on the Rixixi.


Xerrin 0138 by magmatixi


Droplets (nDro/DroDro) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Modifies the edge of any one marking of the Rixixi to "drip" downwards, and can drip out of the marking's range if the marking has one. If no other marking exists on the Rixixi, Droplets can create a pseudo-Sable or Cloak marking on the back of the Rixixi with a Droplets edge. Dominant Droplets can modify multiple markings.
  • Droplets alters the edge "texture" of a marking. The droplets should match the modified marking's edge hardness and shape - that is, a hard-edged marking would have hard-edged droplets, and a soft-edged marking would have soft-edged droplets.
  • Two+ toned markings can have droplets on the edge of each marking color - see Dreamurr in the examples for a visual.
  • Droplets should match the original color of the modified marking, unless Droplets itself is modified by a color modifier.
  • If Droplets is the only marking on the Rixixi, then Droplets can create either a Sable or Cloak-style back marking, with Droplets affecting the edge - effectively "droplets going down the back".
  • Recessive Droplets can modify the edge of one marking, while Dominant Droplets can modify the edge of multiple - as many as the designer desires.


Aezaezekaz 0266 by magmatixi
Affecting Squared.

Affecting Hexagon.

Affecting Eyespots - Two-toned.

Daggerstabbed (nDs/DsDs) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Blood-colored mark on the chest, can gently streak down the underbelly; based on bleeding-heart doves.


Rixixi Daggerstabbed by magmatixiRixixi Primal Daggerstabbed by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Daggerstabbed by magmatixi

  • Must be a shade of red - bright red, blood red, pale red, or red-brown recommended. Can contain a more saturated color in the center and blend out to a desaturated color.
  • Daggerstabbed's color can be overridden by the Rixixi's blood color if applicable.
  • Edges should be fully blended out.
  • The marking should be similar to the chest marking of a bleeding-heart dove.
  • At minimum, Daggerstabbed should appear on the chest. The trail down the belly is optional.


Kashe 0001 by magmatixiCssCzzCxx 0070 by magmatixi Peridot McLane 0045 by magmatixiHugo 0032 by magmatixi


125 results found.