
Leyline (+Ley) (Non-Passable)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

You seem to be missing something.

Found in the Mymber Pack: Standard | Primal | Domestic

Leyline is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding. It is obtained via the Enchanted Veil item.

  • Leyline is primarily a lineart edit. Markings appear as they usually would beneath the new lines, but facial features do not. Leyline removes all facial features from the Rixixi. Features that appear on the head, but not the face (eg. horns) can optionally show.
  • A Mutation Station can be used to replace the default Leyline with a completely flat face (or otherwise customize the facial shape). Facial features should still not show.
  • Ears are optional and can be removed without the use of a scarification kit.
  • Misplaced Eyes can appear on the face.
  • Mutations that appear partially on the face and partially on the rest of the body should only have their facial piece removed - for example, the cephalic horns of Ray would not appear on a Leyline Rixixi, but the Ray cape would. Mutations that appear partially on the head and partially on the body can have their head part removed without a scarification kit, but this is optional (eg. the head fin of Mackerel)
  • The Rixixi's blood color can optionally be a shade of blue due to Leyline influence.

The following mutations cannot show at all on a Rixixi with Leyline. They can present in the geno and pass in breeding.

  • Beak
  • Fanged
  • Flat Teeth
  • Four Eyes
  • Fringehead
  • Hypno Eyes (without Many/Misplaced eyes)
  • Mandible Fangs
  • Rows
  • Sharps
  • Tongue Teeth
  • Triple Snooter
  • Whorl

Rixixi with Leyline cannot be Cursed, but are not treated as a Ghost (unless they have +Ghost or another item that treats them as such)

Electric (+Ele) (Non-Passable)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Lightning elemental mutation. Can cause bioluminescent lightning-shaped markings across the body, and/or actual lightning arcing off the body.

Electric is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding.
The Electric mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with Raging Radiation and the Lightning element!

Hardin 0312 by magmatixi

  • Does not have color limits other than being bioluminescent.
  • Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc. Can optionally alter the color of markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color, such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on.
  • Electric markings should not cover more than roughly 50% of the Ixi.

As with any elemental mutation, you are allowed to use the associated background with Electric:

BG: Electric by magmatixi

Use of the background is fully optional!

Warped (+Warp) (Non-Passable)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Chasm elemental mutation. Creates rifts around the Rixixi that cause distortions.
Warped is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding.
The Warped mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with Raging Radiation and the Chasm element!
Unlike other elemental mutations, Warped can be obtained via RadQuest Chapter 2 or Rad Rebels Chapter 2. Obtaining Chasm radiation at all requires "permission" that can be found in Chasmjumping, the "permission" can then be used in RadQuest or Rad Rebels.

FRIED MEME 0086 by magmatixi Mesmerize 0239 by magmatixi

Creates rifts that appear around the Rixixi! Various "distorted" effects can appear on, in, or near these rifts, including (but not limited to, so long as the effect is similar to):
  • Color distortions, glows, inversions, hue shifts, visual effects, and so on.
  • Vortices/wormholes/black holes/landscapes implying portals (should not heavily obscure Ixi)
  • Tendrils, Eyes, Teeth/Beaks/etc, other monstrous and eldritch themes - does not require related mutations so long as they stay within/near rifts.
  • Other Chasm themes - space, snares, vibrant colors, illusions. If you turn the import into a surrealist painting inside the rifts, that's legal.


  • Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc. Can optionally alter the color of markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color, such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on, making them chasm-like colors, such as warped gradients of fleshtone, neon pink, or Colorpitch color blends.
  • Effects can cover up to 50% of the Rixixi, as long as they are not heavily obscuring markings.
As with any elemental mutation, you are allowed to use the associated background with Warped:

BG: Warped by magmatixi

Use of the background is fully optional!

Chrysopoeia (+Chryso) (Non-Passable)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Encases or covers part of the Ixi in gold.
Chrysopoeia is classed as Non-Passable, and is only passable in breeding with the Body Glitter skill.
It is obtained via the Gemcrafted Shard - Chrysopoeia item.

  • Must be the color of a type of gold or gold alloy. If using a gold alloy, it's recommended to list what metal you referenced if it might not be immediately clear! (For instance, the Rock Collector's Chrysopoeia referenced Electrum.)
  • Chrysopoeia must be immediately visible on the design, but must not cover more than approximately 30%.


The Rock Collector 0257 by magmatixi

Gemcrafted genes do not pass to offspring without the Body Glitter skill. They cannot be dominant, and cannot be added with geno-editing items other than their own shards. When passable, Gemcrafted genes pass at an Uncommon rate.

Forgeblood (+Forge) (Non-Passable)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Turns the blood color of the Ixi metallic. Certain areas of the Ixi where skin can show through the fur can display with a metallic 'blush'.
Forgeblood is classed as Non-Passable, and is only passable in breeding with the Body Glitter skill.
It is obtained via the Gemcrafted Shard - Forgeblood item.


Rixixi Forgeblood by magmatixiRixixi Primal Forgeblood by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Forgeblood by magmatixi
Range for blush zones.
  • Can be the color of any metal, such as gold, silver, copper, bronze, etc. Uncommon metal colors are allowed, it's recommended to list what metal you referenced if it might not be immediately clear!
  • If markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color are present (such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on), Forgeblood should affect at least one of them. Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc.
  • Can present with a metallic sheen.
Gemcrafted genes do not pass to offspring without the Body Glitter skill. They cannot be dominant, and cannot be added with geno-editing items other than their own shards. When passable, Gemcrafted genes pass at an Uncommon rate.

Anodized Forgeblood (+Andz) (Non-Passable)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Turns the blood color of the Ixi neon. Certain areas of the Ixi where skin can show through the fur can display with a neon 'blush'.

Anodized Forgeblood is classed as Non-Passable, and is only passable in breeding with the Body Glitter skill.
It is obtained via the Gemcrafted Shard - Anodized Forgeblood item.


Rixixi Forgeblood by magmatixiRixixi Primal Forgeblood by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Forgeblood by magmatixi
Range for blush zones.
  • Can be any bright color. It is okay to use multiple colors blended together!
  • If markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color are present (such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on), Anodized Forgeblood should affect at least one of them. Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc.
  • Can present with a metallic sheen.

Gemcrafted genes do not pass to offspring without the Body Glitter skill. They cannot be dominant, and cannot be added with geno-editing items other than their own shards. When passable, Gemcrafted genes pass at an Uncommon rate.

Prismpitch (+Prism) (Non-Passable)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Changes the entire coat including markings into a CYMK (Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Black) color scheme, with the base coat being a greyscale tone and all markings being colorful.
Prismpitch is classed as Non-Passable, and is only passable in breeding with the Body Glitter skill.
It is obtained via the Gemcrafted Shard - Prismpitch item.
Prismpitch +Prism by magmatixi
Prismpitch uses its own sliders.
  • These rules can be overridden by some modifiers, see below.
  • The base coat should use only the bottom slider, while markings should use the top three (C/Y/M) sliders.
  • All slider colors should be present if possible (for example, if fewer than three markings are present, or if a modifier overrides this color rule, ignore this).
  • Small drips can be added to the lineart to imply a mildly inky body texture. These can have a shine, but should not completely overtake the entire body or result in shading over a large portion of the body.


  • Prismpitch does not have to affect skin tone.
  • Prismpitch has no effect on eye color.
  • Prismpitch should combine with or override color mutations (see below), but physical mutations with their own color (eg Incense, Gills, Fogshard, all blood color mutations, etc) can override Prismpitch.
  • Prismpitch can affect Skypunch, or Skypunch can display over it.
Modifiers and Color Mutations:
Color mutations:
Albinism with Prismpitch: Prismpitch is restricted to the left half of the sliders.
Bicolor with Prismpitch: Bicolor appears over Prismpitch, OR Bicolor appears as any of the palest (leftmost) colors on the sliders.
Erythrism with Prismpitch: Markings all use the Magenta slider. Base coat still uses the greyscale slider.
Fog with Prismpitch: Markings can be desaturated from the slider's colors. This should be noticeable but not severe.
Leucism with Prismpitch: Markings all use the Yellow slider. Base coat still uses the greyscale slider or the left half of the Yellow slider.
Melanism with Prismpitch: Markings can be made darker than the slider's colors. This should be noticeable but not severe.
Neon with Prismpitch: Prismpitch is restricted to the right half of the sliders.
Colorpitch with Prismpitch: Prismpitch can gradient from any two points on the C/Y/M sliders.
If you have multiple color mutations, these can be combined as much as logically possible, for instance:
Prismpitch + Leucism + Erythrism + Neon + Bicolor: A Rixixi with a very pale yellow base coat, neon magenta markings, and off-white (blue) bicolor.
If two modifiers completely override each other, you can choose one and ignore the other.
Some color modifiers act differently in Prismpitch:
  • Dominant Gradient and Horizon both allow a gradient of the grey slider to be used on a marking, and Splash allows the grey slider to gradient into a marking.
  • Glitter can change any marking to any one solid color off the greyscale swatch.
  • Mirror allows one marking (multiple if dominant) to use the opposite side of the base coat slider instead of a CYM slider. If your base coat is medium grey, this does nothing.
  • All other color modifiers work identically to their original use, but require use of the CYMK swatches (any of the swatches).
Gemcrafted genes do not pass to offspring without the Body Glitter skill. They cannot be dominant, and cannot be added with geno-editing items other than their own shards. When passable, Gemcrafted genes pass at an Uncommon rate.

Runemeld (+Rune) (Non-Passable)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Glowing symbols appear on the Rixixi's skin.
Runemeld is classed as Non-Passable, and is only passable in breeding with the Body Glitter skill.
It is obtained via the Gemcrafted Shard - Runemeld item.
  • May be any color, and should give off a glow.
  • Should be inorganic patterns of runes or general geometric shapes.
  • There is no minimum, but it should appear visibly on the design. There is no maximum and it may appear as a fullbody marking if desired.


The Rock Collector 0257 by magmatixi

Gemcrafted genes do not pass to offspring without the Body Glitter skill. They cannot be dominant, and cannot be added with geno-editing items other than their own shards. When passable, Gemcrafted genes pass at an Uncommon rate.

Blaze (nBlz/BlzBlz) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Blaze can be any color and covers half of the body, traveling from the face to the midpoint of the body, or from the tailtip to the midpoint of the body. Can be two-toned.

  • Blaze can be any color, and may display up to two colors within the marking, which may optionally be blended together. Blaze may have patterns within itself, as long as it does not appear to be modified by another marking, such as Painted or Lunar.
  • Blaze has no restriction on edge hardness. It can have cutouts in the marking.
  • Blaze should cover at least 25% of the Rixixi. If originating at the face, it must cover the full face. If originating at the tail, it must cover the full tailtip.
  • Blaze must stop at the middle of the Rixixi, giving it a maximum of 50%.
  • Blaze can resemble Gradient without issue.


Snared (+Snare) (Non-Passable)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

A Sanguine Snare seems rather... attached to you.

Found in the Mymber Pack: Standard | Primal | Domestic

Snared is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding.
The Snared mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with a Blade Snare item!

  • Can be any color lighter or darker than the base coat, can be any marking color on the Rixixi, can be any natural skin tone color, or can be any color on the base coat swatch. Optionally, can take on the Rixixi's blood color.
  • Markings in the area can extend to this mutation.
  • Teeth should match the color of the Rixixi's existing teeth.
  • A Mutation Station can change the shape into any sort of parasitic plant, or fantasy/horror versions thereof. Sanguine Snares are often similar in shape to earthlike parasitic plants to an extent, but fleshy and covered in teeth due to their origins in the Chasm. Feel free to lean closer to 'plant' or closer to 'chasm' when designing a custom Snare.

Veiled (+Veil) (Non-Passable)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Void elemental mutation. Can cause dark auras, assorted darkness effects, and space effects to hover around the Rixixi.

Veiled is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding.
The Veiled mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with Raging Radiation and the Void element!

Uuner 0268 by magmatixiBlack Rabbit 0311 by magmatixi

Can cause DARKNESS AND/OR SPACE effects to appear around and on the Rixixi!

  • Veiled should be dark in color, but is not otherwise restricted in color. It can have light accents!
  • Space effects, if on the Rixixi, should not be easily mistakable for Lunar - an easy way to avoid this is to have them 'drift' off the Rixixi's body as well to make it more clearly an elemental effect.
  • Can optionally affect skin, frills, etc. Can optionally alter the color of markings/mutations that involve blood/flesh color, such as Daggerstabbed, Wide Vents, and so on, making them a dark color.
  • Effects can cover up to 50% of the Rixixi, as long as they are not heavily obscuring markings.

As with any elemental mutation, you are allowed to use the associated background with Veiled:

BG: Veiled by magmatixi

Use of the background is fully optional!

Mumbling (+Mymb) (Combination)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

This Rixixi has Mymber genes from somewhere in their lineage...

Found in the Mymber Pack: Standard | Primal | Domestic

  • Mymber limbs can retract. As a result, Mumbling Ixi have strange biology that allow them to partially retract their second and third pairs of limbs. A base for retracted limbs is provided, as well as fully extended limbs based on the Separated Sleipnir base - you can use either, and if you really want, you can design both versions for your Ixi and link one in the bio.
  • Markings in the area can extend to this mutation. The extra limbs, whether retracted or not, can count as additional limbs for markings that affect points.
  • The mouth roots can be any legal flesh or skin color for the Rixixi, or can show the Rixixi's blood color on part or all of the mutation if desired - by default, Rixixi blood is red, but it can be modified by certain markings and mutations.

Mumbling is a combination mutation:
Mumbling has a 20% chance of passing when both Tendrils and Sleipnir (or Mumbling itself) are present in the breeding. Combination Mutations do not automatically pass if both mutations that make it up make it onto a Rixixi.
If a Mutation Station is used, Tendrils or Sleipnir can present visibly on the design without being present in the geno - one Mutation Station is required per mutation.

Blur (nBlr/BlrBlr) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Blur modifies a hard-edged marking on the Rixixi, causing it to be soft-edged.

  • Blur alters any hard-edged marking on the Rixixi to be soft-edged. Blurred markings can go very slightly out of range due to being blended out of the range.
  • If Blur is the only marking on the Rixixi (or if the only other markings are soft-edged), then Blur will not visibly appear on the design.
  • Recessive Blur can modify the edge of one marking, while Dominant Blur can modify the edge of multiple - as many as the designer desires.


Blur used on Skunk, which also has Lunar effecting it.


Quail (nQu/QuQu) (Common)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A band around the neck made up of any color. Can spread to the head and shoulders.


Rixixi Hood by magmatixiRixixi Primal Hood by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Hood by magmatixi

  • Quail may be any color, and may display up to two colors within the marking, which may be blended together.
  • Quail does not have a restriction on edge hardness.
  • Quail should, at minimum, create a visible ring around the neck.
  • There can only be breaks in the marking if it's creating multiple rings around the neck. The shoulder and/or head region, if present, must consist of a single unbroken marking.




Xanadu (nXan/XanXan) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A stripe along the back. Can be any color.


  • Xanadu is a marking similar to the stripe on an orca's back. It can continue down the tail, and can optionally have various swirls, curves, and/or sharp edges at the tips.
  • Xanadu may be any color, and may display up to two colors within the marking, which may be blended together.
  • The edge of Xanadu should be soft.


Sulfur (nSfr/SfrSfr) (Rare)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A soft-edged marking based on fire. Sulfur can either present on up to 50% of the Ixi's body on its own, or restrict to any one marking. Dominant Sulfur can restrict to multiple markings.

  • If appearing on its own, Sulfur should be soft-edged, and cover no more than 50% of the Ixi's body. If modifying a marking, Sulfur takes on the shape and texture rules of that marking, overriding the color and patterns.
  • Sulfur should be the color of fire - any sort of fire, including chemical fires. It should be only one 'type' of fire in color - mixing pink with green generally doesn't work unless you can find a reference image for that. The inside of the marking should be cloudy with similar flame colors no matter if it's modifying a marking or creating its own marking.
  • Recessive Sulfur (nSfr) can create its own marking OR modify one marking. Dominant Sulfur (SfrSfr) can create its own marking AND/OR modify any number of markings.


Waterlight (nWat/WatWat) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
A marking like light shimmering through water. Can be line-like ripples or large blobs of light.


Rixixi Sable by magmatixiRixixi Primal Sable by magmatixiRixixi Domestic Sable by magmatixi

  • Must be lighter than the base coat.
  • Should be soft-edged.
  • Waterlight can present as either large blobs of light (The Lanternlighter shows this presentation) or lines representing ripples in water - sort of like an outline of the former version. Both should be soft-edged and lighter than base.


Erosion (nEr/ErEr) (Uncommon)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Erosion modifies a marking on the Rixixi, causing it to have a mottled texture to the edge

  • Erosion alters any single marking on the Rixixi, causing the texture of the marking to be mottled and speckled. Speckles should be tiny, like the snowflake marking. Eroded markings can go very slightly out of range due to being textured out of the range.
  • If Erosion is the only marking on the Rixixi, then Erosion will not visibly appear on the design. Alternately, it can be used on free marks.
  • Recessive Erosion can modify the edge of one marking, while Dominant Erosion can modify the edge of multiple - as many as the designer desires.


Erosion used on Pangare


Sylvan (nSvn/SvnSvn) (Rare)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi
Sylvan creates a shape like a butterfly or a leaf somewhere on the Rixixi.

  • There should be one single Sylvan marking of any size, and it can be in the shape of a leaf or butterfly's wings.
  • The base of Sylvan can be any two colors, and may optionally be blended together.
  • There should be veins like that of a leaf or butterfly's wing - this can be any color, and can have a halo of color around them.
  • Sylvan can be soft-, hard-, or textured-edged, but should not be fully blended out.
  • Sylvan may optionally have spots of any color. Dominant Sylvan can have eye spots without the Eyespot gene (located on the Sylvan shape only)
  • Sylvan may optionally have a border of any color without requiring the Bloom gene.
  • If the Rixixi also has Insect Wings, the Insect Wings may take on the Sylvan pattern.


Misplaced Maws (+MawPl) (Non-Passable)

Category: Rixixi
Species: Rixixi

Pretty sure teeth don't go there.

Misplaced Maws is Non-Passable, and cannot be obtained via breeding.
The Misplaced Maws mutation can be optionally applied at any time to a Rixixi with the Fridge Werewolf skill!

  • Should match the color of the Rixixi's existing teeth.
  • Gums can be any color lighter or darker than the base coat, can be any marking color on the Rixixi, can be any natural skin tone color, or can be any color on the base coat swatch.
  • Edits can be freely made to move teeth out of the way of other mutations, but heavy custom work does require a Mutation Station.

Misplaced Maws has its own base:
Misplaced Maws Standard
Misplaced Maws Primal
Misplaced Maws Domestic

125 results found.