Charged Fogshard Piece - Swap
Category: RXX: Crafting - Gemstone
Art by Anarchisme
Mining: Rare
Barters, most notably a barter by Fang that appears repeatedly!
Rolls low.
Can be used on an undesigned geno to SWAP any one Marking or Mutation to another Marking or Mutation of the SAME RARITY! Markings can only be swapped for other markings, and Mutations can only be swapped for other Mutations! If a swapped marking is dominant, the marking it is swapped to will be dominant. If a swapped marking is heterozygous (non-dominant), it cannot be changed to a dominant marking.
Supercharged Fogshard Piece - Swap
Category: RXX: Crafting - Gemstone
Art by Anarchisme
Mining: Rare
Barters, most notably a barter by Fang that appears repeatedly!
Rolls low.
Can be used on an undesigned geno to SWAP any one Marking or Mutation to a different Marking or Mutation found on the parents, NO MATTER THE RARITY! Unlike the normal Swap Fogshard, a marking can be sacrificed for a mutation, and vice-versa, if using this Supercharged variant! If a swapped marking is dominant, the marking it is swapped to will be dominant. If a swapped marking is heterozygous (non-dominant), it cannot be changed to a dominant marking.
Can be used to swap subspecies if a parent has a different one.