<a href="http://chasmho.me/world/items?name=Black Root" class="display-item">Black Root</a>

Black Root

Root vegetable native to the Couloir's black deserts. It is a chewy source of hydration if one can get to the meat of the root. The edible part of the root is contained within thick protective bark; sometimes the bark itself is crafted into armor. The taste is similar to carrot, but lighter, with hint of onion. If not chewed on its own, it is typically peeled and then boiled due to its tough texture pre-boiling, a common ingredient in soups.

Exploring: Common in Couloir
Hunting: Uncommon (Plant-Creature)
Rolls high.
  • Eat for a +20 Defense Boon in the Ixi's next roll.
  • Use in recipes in the Kitchen.
  • Use in recipes in Crafting.