<a href="http://chasmho.me/world/items?name=Conch Guard" class="display-item">Conch Guard</a>

Conch Guard

Category: RXX: Usable

Art by Anarchisme
If you put your ear up to it, you can hear the ocean, because it's enchanted with water magic.

Summer Festival (Introduced June 2020)

Equipment Mod (Weapon-Specific):
This item can be combined with another one to add combination skills!
Only two Equipment Mods can be added to a single equipped item at one time, and they can be freely changed out. Weapon-Specific Equipment Mods can only be added to equipped items that apply a skill that causes damage or a status effect in combat. Battle Sword also can be modded despite only granting advantage and not dealing damage.
  • Conch Guard Active: Washed Out - Whenever the item Conch Guard is modding uses an active skill (example: Elemental Forgestaff - Blast Furnace, Snared Mymber - Ensnare), latches onto the opponent for 2-5 turns (repeat damage over time: attack/2+[2d10]). Washes away all boons affecting the opponent (stat boosts, beneficial skills, active item boons. Skill must directly benefit opponent to count, ex. a multiturn attack would not count.) 5 turn cooloff on washing away boons, repeat damage cannot be inflicted while already active.
  • Conch Guard Passive: Whistling Sea - Whenever the item Conch Guard is modding uses a passive skill (example: Battle Sword - Honed Edge, War's Armor - Heavy Armor), roll 1-100. 1-75: lower the opponent's priority by 50. 76-100: Reflect the opponent's attack (Confuse status effect).