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Fey's Avatar

Happy to visit Jim again; Ahery states his wishes: 1) Wish for Knowledge: Is there something vital to the diet of ghost ixi that varies from the needs of non ghost kind? 2) Wish for something I do not have: Please teach me how to move things unseen by security. (Smuggling Skill) 3) Wish for anything at all: Everyone shall feel the Phoenix' influence and admire His greatness.

2022-06-15 23:38:24

Anarchie's Avatar
Anarchie Staff Member

The Eye settles back, ready to dispense knowledge. ***GHOSTS CAN EAT IF DESIRED, BUT WHEN NOT EATING, THEY SUBSIST OFF OF ENERGY IN THE AREA. THEY DO NOT ACTUALLY NEED FOOD AND CAN SURVIVE WITHOUT IT, IT SIMPLY SUPPLIES EXTRA NUTRIENTS AND PLEASURABLE TASTE.*** A short answer, but an answer nonetheless. The Eye rolls slightly in their socket, thoughtfully. ***AS FOR YOUR OTHER REQUESTS... PERHAPS I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN.*** You turn to leave, and find yourself back where you were already.

2022-06-17 22:43:39